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Operators Module

Open this module to get access to the operators +++ and ++ to combines the contents of two Sequences or ICollection<'T> into a new ResizeArray

Functions and values

Function or value Description

a ++ b

Full Usage: a ++ b

Returns: ResizeArray<'T>
Modifiers: inline
Type parameters: 'T

Operator ++ to shallow copy the contents of two ICollection<'T> into a new ResizeArray. The capacity of the new ResizeArray is the sum of the count of the two ICollection<'T>. This version is more optimized than the operator +++ for sequences. because it can preallocate the needed space correctly.

a : ICollection<'T>
b : ICollection<'T>
Returns: ResizeArray<'T>

a +++ b

Full Usage: a +++ b

    a : 'T seq
    b : 'T seq

Returns: ResizeArray<'T>
Modifiers: inline
Type parameters: 'T

Operator +++ to shallow copy the contents of two Sequences (IEnumerable<'T>) into a new ResizeArray On ICollection<'T> you can alo use the operator ++ which is more optimized .

a : 'T seq
b : 'T seq
Returns: ResizeArray<'T>

Type something to start searching.