RhinoScriptSyntax Type
A static class with static methods providing functions identical to RhinoScript in Python or VBscript
Static members
Static member |
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.Add(geo, ?layer, ?objectName, ?userTextKeysAndValues, ?layerColor, ?stringSafetyCheck, ?collapseParents)
the Geometry
?layer : string
(string) Optional, Layer Name, parent layer separated by '::'
?objectName : string
(string) Optional, default value: "" . The object name
?userTextKeysAndValues : string * string
(string*string seq) Optional, default value: [] . list of key value pairs for user text
?layerColor : Color
(Drawing.Color) Optional, default value: FsEx.Color.randomForRhino() Color for layer. The layer color will NOT be changed even if the layer exists already
?stringSafetyCheck : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: true . Check object name and usertext do not include line returns, tabs, and leading or trailing whitespace.
?collapseParents : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false . Collapse parent layers in Layer UI
Returns: Guid
(Guid) The Guid of the added Object.
Adds any geometry object (struct or class) to the Rhino document. Works not only on any subclass of GeometryBase but also on Point3d, Line, Arc and similar structs
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.Add(geo, layerIndex, ?objectName, ?userTextKeysAndValues, ?stringSafetyCheck, ?collapseParents)
the Geometry
layerIndex : int
(int) LayerIndex
?objectName : string
(string) Default Value: "" , object name
?userTextKeysAndValues : string * string
(string*string seq) Default Value: [] , list of key value pairs for user text
?stringSafetyCheck : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: true . Check object name and usertext do not include line returns, tabs, and leading or trailing whitespace.
?collapseParents : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false . Collapse parent layers in Layer UI
Returns: Guid
(Guid) The Guid of the added Object.
Adds any geometry object (struct or class) to the Rhino document. works not only on any subclass of GeometryBase but also on Point3d, Line, Arc and similar structs
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.AddAlias(alias, macro)
(string) Name of new command alias. Cannot match command names or existing
macro : string
(string) The macro to run when the alias is executed
Returns: bool
(bool) True or False indicating success or failure.
Add new command alias to Rhino Command aliases can be added manually by using Rhino's Options command and modifying the contents of the Aliases tab.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.AddAlignedDimension(startPoint, endPoint, pointOnDimensionLine, ?style)
(Point3d) First point of dimension
endPoint : Point3d
(Point3d) Second point of dimension
pointOnDimensionLine : Point3d
(Point3d) Location point of dimension line
?style : string
(string) Optional, default value: "" Name of dimension style
Returns: Guid
(Guid) identifier of new dimension.
Adds an aligned dimension object to the document. An aligned dimension is a linear dimension lined up with two points.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.AddArc(plane, radius, angleDegrees)
(Plane) Plane on which the arc will lie. The origin of the Plane will be
the center point of the arc. x-axis of the Plane defines the 0 angle
radius : float
(float) Radius of the arc
angleDegrees : float
(float) Interval of arc in degrees
Returns: Guid
(Guid) objectId of the new Curve object.
Adds an arc Curve to the document.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.AddArcPtTanPt(start, direction, ende)
(Point3d) The starting point of the arc
direction : Vector3d
(Vector3d) The arc direction at start
ende : Point3d
(Point3d) The ending point of the arc
Returns: Guid
(Guid) objectId of the new Curve object.
Adds an arc Curve, created from a start point, a start direction, and an end point, to the document.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.AddBlendCurve(curves, parameters, reverses, continuities)
Guid * Guid
(Guid * Guid) List of two Curves
parameters : float * float
(float * float) List of two Curve parameters defining the blend end points
reverses : bool * bool
(bool * bool) List of two boolean values specifying to use the natural or opposite direction of the Curve
continuities : int * int
(int * int) List of two numbers specifying continuity at end points
0 = position
1 = tangency
2 = curvature
Returns: Guid
(Guid) identifier of new Curve.
Makes a Curve blend between two Curves.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.AddBlock(objectIds, basePoint, ?name, ?deleteInput)
Guid seq
(Guid seq) Objects that will be included in the block
basePoint : Point3d
(Point3d) 3D base point for the block definition
?name : string
(string) Optional, default value: InstanceDefinitions.GetUnusedInstanceDefinitionName()
Name of the block definition. If omitted a name will be automatically generated
?deleteInput : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false
If True, the objectIds will be deleted
Returns: string
(string) name of new block definition.
Adds a new block definition to the document.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.AddClippingPlane(plane, uMagnitude, vMagnitude, ?views)
(Plane) The Plane
uMagnitude : float
(float) U magnitude of the Plane
vMagnitude : float
(float) V magnitude of the Plane
?views : string
(string seq) Optional, Titles the view(s) to clip. If omitted, the active
view is used
Returns: Guid
(Guid) object identifier.
Create a clipping Plane for visibly clipping away geometry in a specific view. Clipping Planes are infinite.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.AddCone(baseCenter, tip, radius, ?cap)
(Point3d) The point in the center of the base.
tip : Point3d
(Point3d) The tip of cone.
radius : float
(float) The radius at the basis of the cone.
?cap : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: true . Add capping surface at basis of the cone?
Returns: Guid
(Guid) identifier of the new object.
Adds a cone shaped Polysurface to the document. The cone will have it's base center at the first point and the tip at the second point
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.AddCone(basis, height, radius, ?cap)
(Plane) The plane at the tip of the cone. From this tip the cone wil expand along the Z axis.
height : float
(float) The height of cone.
radius : float
(float) The radius at the basis of the cone.
?cap : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: true . Add capping surface at basis of the cone?
Returns: Guid
(Guid) identifier of the new object.
Adds a cone shaped Polysurface to the document. The cone will have it's tip at the origin of the given plane. And grow along its Z axis. So it will be an upside down cone on world XY plane
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.AddCutPlane(objectIds, startPoint, endPoint, ?normal)
Guid seq
(Guid seq) Identifiers of objects that the cutting Plane will
pass through
startPoint : Point3d
(Point3d) Start point of line that defines the cutting Plane
endPoint : Point3d
(Point3d) End point of line that defines the cutting Plane
?normal : Vector3d
(Vector3d) Optional, default value: world Z axis
Vector that will be contained in the returned planar Surface.
If omitted, the world Z axis is used (NOT the normal to, or Z axis of, the active view's construction plane as in rhinopython).
Returns: Guid
(Guid) identifier of new object.
Adds a planar Surface through objects at a designated location. For more information, see the Rhino help file for the CutPlane command.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.AddCylinder(basis, height, radius, ?cap)
(Plane) The 3D basis point of the cylinder or the basis Plane of the cylinder
height : float
(float) If basis is a point, then height is a 3D height point of the
cylinder. The height point defines the height and direction of the
cylinder. If basis is a Plane, then height is the numeric height value
of the cylinder
radius : float
(float) Radius of the cylinder
?cap : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: true
Cap the cylinder
Returns: Guid
(Guid) identifier of new object.
Adds a cylinder-shaped Polysurface to the document.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.AddDetail(layoutName, corner1, corner2, ?title, ?projection)
(string) Name of an existing layout
corner1 : Point2d
(Point2d) Corner1 of the detail in the layout's unit system
corner2 : Point2d
(Point2d) Corner2 of the detail in the layout's unit system
?title : string
(string) Optional, Title of the new detail
?projection : int
(int) Optional, default value: 1
Type of initial view projection for the detail
1 = parallel top view
2 = parallel bottom view
3 = parallel left view
4 = parallel right view
5 = parallel front view
6 = parallel back view
7 = perspective view
Returns: Guid
(Guid) identifier of the newly created detail.
Add new detail view to an existing layout view.
Full Usage:
(string) Name of the new dimension style
Adds a new dimension style to the document. The new dimension style will be initialized with the current default dimension style properties.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.AddEllipse(plane, radiusX, radiusY)
(Plane) The Plane on which the ellipse will lie. The origin of
the Plane will be the center of the ellipse
radiusX : float
(float) radius in the X axis direction
radiusY : float
(float) radius in the Y axis direction
Returns: Guid
(Guid) objectId of the new Curve object.
Adds an elliptical Curve to the document.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.AddFilletCurve(curveA, curveB, ?radius, ?basePointA, ?basePointB)
(Guid) Identifier of the first Curve object
curveB : Guid
(Guid) Identifier of the second Curve object
?radius : float
(float) Optional, default value: 1.0
Fillet radius
?basePointA : Point3d
(Point3d) Optional, Base point of the first Curve. If omitted,
starting point of the Curve is used
?basePointB : Point3d
(Point3d) Optional, Base point of the second Curve. If omitted,
starting point of the Curve is used
Returns: Guid
(Guid) objectId of the new Curve object.
Adds a fillet Curve between two Curve objects.
Full Usage:
(string) Optional, Name of the new group. If omitted, Rhino automatically
generates the group name
Returns: string
(string) name of the new group.
Adds a new empty group to the document.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.AddHatch(curveId, ?hatchPattern, ?scale, ?rotation, ?tolerance)
(Guid) Identifier of the closed planar Curve that defines the boundary of the Hatch object
?hatchPattern : string
(string) Optional, Name of the Hatch pattern to be used by the Hatch object. If omitted, the current Hatch pattern will be used
?scale : float
(float) Optional, default value: 1.0 Hatch pattern scale factor
?rotation : float
(float) Optional, default value: 0.0 Hatch pattern rotation angle in degrees
?tolerance : float
(float) Optional, default value: State.Doc.ModelAbsoluteTolerance Tolerance for Hatch fills
Returns: Guid
(Guid) identifier of the newly created Hatch.
Creates a new Hatch object from a closed planar Curve object.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.AddHatch(curve, ?hatchPattern, ?scale, ?rotation, ?tolerance)
(Curve) Curve Geometry of the closed planar Curve that defines the boundary of the Hatch object
?hatchPattern : string
(string) Optional, Name of the Hatch pattern to be used by the Hatch object. If omitted, the current Hatch pattern will be used
?scale : float
(float) Optional, default value: 1.0 Hatch pattern scale factor
?rotation : float
(float) Optional, default value: 0.0 Hatch pattern rotation angle in degrees
?tolerance : float
(float) Optional, default value: State.Doc.ModelAbsoluteTolerance Tolerance for Hatch fills
Returns: Guid
(Guid) identifier of the newly created Hatch.
Creates one Hatch objects from one closed planar Curve.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.AddHatchPatterns(filename, ?replace)
(string) Name of the Hatch pattern file
?replace : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false
If Hatch pattern names already in the document match Hatch
pattern names in the pattern definition file, then the existing Hatch
patterns will be redefined
Returns: Rarr<string>
(string Rarr) Names of the newly added Hatch patterns.
Adds Hatch patterns to the document by importing Hatch pattern definitions from a pattern file.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.AddHatches(curveIds, ?hatchPattern, ?scale, ?rotation, ?tolerance)
Guid seq
(Guid seq) Identifiers of the closed planar Curves that defines the boundary of the Hatch objects
?hatchPattern : string
(string) Optional, Name of the Hatch pattern to be used by the Hatch object. If omitted, the current Hatch pattern will be used
?scale : float
(float) Optional, default value: 1.0 Hatch pattern scale factor
?rotation : float
(float) Optional, default value: 0.0 Hatch pattern rotation angle in degrees
?tolerance : float
(float) Optional, default value: State.Doc.ModelAbsoluteTolerance Tolerance for Hatch fills
Returns: Rarr<Guid>
(Guid Rarr) identifiers of the newly created Hatch.
Creates one or more new Hatch objects from a list of closed planar Curves.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.AddHatches(curves, ?hatchPattern, ?scale, ?rotation, ?tolerance)
Curve seq
(Curve seq) Geometry of the closed planar Curves that defines the boundary of the Hatch objects
?hatchPattern : string
(string) Optional, Name of the Hatch pattern to be used by the Hatch object. If omitted, the current Hatch pattern will be used
?scale : float
(float) Optional, default value: 1.0 Hatch pattern scale factor
?rotation : float
(float) Optional, default value: 0.0 Hatch pattern rotation angle in degrees
?tolerance : float
(float) Optional, default value: State.Doc.ModelAbsoluteTolerance Tolerance for Hatch fills
Returns: Rarr<Guid>
(Guid Rarr) identifiers of the newly created Hatch.
Creates one or more new Hatch objects from a list of closed planar Curves.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.AddInterpCrvOnSrf(surfaceId, points)
(Guid) Identifier of the Surface to create the Curve on
points : Point3d seq
(Point3d seq) List of 3D points that lie on the specified Surface.
The list must contain at least 2 points
Returns: Guid
(Guid) objectId of the new Curve object.
Adds an interpolated Curve object that lies on a specified Surface. Note, this function will not create periodic Curves, but it will create closed Curves.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.AddInterpCrvOnSrfUV(surfaceId, points)
(Guid) Identifier of the Surface to create the Curve on
points : Point2d seq
(Point2d seq) A list of 2D Surface parameters. The list must contain
at least 2 sets of parameters
Returns: Guid
(Guid) objectId of the new Curve object.
Adds an interpolated Curve object based on Surface parameters, that lies on a specified Surface. Note, this function will not create periodic Curves, but it will create closed Curves.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.AddInterpCurve(points, ?degree, ?knotStyle, ?startTangent, ?endTangent)
Point3d seq
(Point3d seq) A list containing 3D points to interpolate. For periodic Curves,
if the final point is a duplicate of the initial point, it is
ignored. The number of control points must be bigger than 'degree' number
?degree : int
(int) Optional, default value: 3
Periodic Curves must have a degree bigger than 1. For knot-style = 1 or 2,
the degree must be 3. For knot-style = 4 or 5, the degree must be odd
?knotStyle : int
(int) Optional, default value: 0
0 Uniform knots. Parameter spacing between consecutive knots is 1.0.
1 Chord length spacing. Requires degree = 3 with arrCV1 and arrCVn1 specified.
2 Sqrt (chord length). Requires degree = 3 with arrCV1 and arrCVn1 specified.
3 Periodic with uniform spacing.
4 Periodic with chord length spacing. Requires an odd degree value.
5 Periodic with sqrt (chord length) spacing. Requires an odd degree value
?startTangent : Vector3d
(Vector3d) Optional, A vector that specifies a tangency condition at the
beginning of the Curve. If the Curve is periodic, this argument must be omitted
?endTangent : Vector3d
(Vector3d) Optional, 3d vector that specifies a tangency condition at the
end of the Curve. If the Curve is periodic, this argument must be omitted
Returns: Guid
(Guid) objectId of the new Curve object.
Adds an interpolated Curve object to the document. Options exist to make a periodic Curve or to specify the tangent at the endpoints. The resulting Curve is a non-rational NURBS Curve of the specified degree.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.AddLayer(?name, ?color, ?visible, ?locked, ?parent, ?allowAllUnicode, ?collapseParents)
(string) Optional, The name of the new layer. If omitted, Rhino automatically generates the layer name.
?color : Color
(Drawing.Color) Optional, A Red-Green-Blue color value. If omitted a random (non yellow) color wil be chosen.
?visible : int
(int) Optional, default value: 2
Layer visibility:
0 = explicitly Off (even if parent is already Off)
1 = On and turn parents on too
2 = inherited from parent, or On by default
?locked : int
(int) Optional, default value: 2
Layer locking state:
0 = Unlocked this and parents
1 = explicitly Locked (even if parent is already Locked)
2 = inherited from parent, or Unlocked default
?parent : string
(string) Optional, Name of existing or non existing parent layer.
?allowAllUnicode : bool
(bool) Optional, Allow ambiguous Unicode characters too
?collapseParents : bool
(bool) Optional, Collapse parent layers in Layer UI
Returns: int
(int) The index in the layer table. Do Doc.Layers.[i].FullPath to get the full name of the new layer.
E.g. The function rs.Add can then take this layer index.
Add a new layer to the document. If it does not exist yet. By default Ambiguous Unicode characters are not allowed in layer name. This can be changed via optional parameter. If layers or parent layers exist already color, visibility and locking parameters are ignored.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.AddLayout(?title, ?width, ?height)
(string) Optional, Title of new layout
?width : float
(float) Optional, width of paper for the new layout
?height : float
(float) Optional, height of paper for the new layout
Returns: Guid * string
(Guid*string) Id and Name of new layout.
Adds a new page layout view.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.AddLeader(points, text, ?plane)
Point3d seq
(Point3d seq) List of (at least 2) 3D points
text : string
(string) Leader's text
?plane : Plane
(Geometry.Plane) Optional, default value: defined by points arg
If points will be projected to this Plane
Returns: Guid
(Guid) identifier of the new leader.
Adds a leader to the document. Leader objects are planar. The 3D points passed will define the Plane if no Plane given. If there are only two Points the World XY plane is used.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.AddLine(startX, startY, startZ, endX, endY, endZ)
(float) Startpoint of the line: X position
startY : float
(float) Startpoint of the line: Y position
startZ : float
(float) Startpoint of the line: Z position
endX : float
(float) Endpoint of the line: X position
endY : float
(float) Endpoint of the line: Y position
endZ : float
(float) Endpoint of the line:Z position
Returns: Guid
(Guid) objectId of the new Curve object.
Adds a line Curve to the current model.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.AddLine2D(startX, startY, endX, endY)
(float) Startpoint of the line: X position
startY : float
(float) Startpoint of the line: Y position
endX : float
(float) Endpoint of the line: X position
endY : float
(float) Endpoint of the line: Y position
Returns: Guid
(Guid) objectId of the new Curve object.
Adds a 2D Line Curve to the current model at z level 0.0
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.AddLinearDimension(startPoint, endPoint, pointOnDimensionLine, ?plane)
(Point3d) The origin, or first point of the dimension
endPoint : Point3d
(Point3d) The offset, or second point of the dimension
pointOnDimensionLine : Point3d
(Point3d) A point that lies on the dimension line
?plane : Plane
(Plane) Optional, The Plane on which the dimension will lie. The default is World XY Plane
Returns: Guid
(Guid) identifier of the new object.
Adds a linear dimension to the document.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.AddLinearLight(startPoint, endPoint, ?lightWidth)
(Point3d) Starting point of the light
endPoint : Point3d
(Point3d) Ending point and direction of the light
?lightWidth : float
(float) Optional, Width of the light
Returns: Guid
(Guid) identifier of the new object.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.AddLoftSrf(objectIds, ?start, ?ende, ?loftType, ?rebuild, ?refit, ?closed)
Guid seq
(Guid seq) Ordered list of the Curves to loft through
?start : Point3d
(Point3d) Optional, Starting point of the loft
?ende : Point3d
(Point3d) Optional, Ending point of the loft
?loftType : int
(int) Optional, default value: 0
Type of loft. Possible options are:
0 = Normal. Uses chord-length parameterization in the loft direction
1 = Loose. The Surface is allowed to move away from the original Curves
to make a smoother Surface. The Surface control points are created
at the same locations as the control points of the loft input Curves.
2 = Straight. The sections between the Curves are straight. This is
also known as a ruled Surface.
3 = Tight. The Surface sticks closely to the original Curves. Uses square
root of chord-length parameterization in the loft direction
?rebuild : int
(int) Optional, default value: 0
If not 0 then Rebuilds the shape Curves before lofting with this control point count
?refit : float
(float) Optional, if given the loft is refitted, the value is the tolerance used to rebuild
?closed : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false
Close the loft back to the first Curve
Returns: Rarr<Guid>
(Guid Rarr) Array containing the identifiers of the new Surface objects.
Adds a Surface created by lofting Curves to the document. - no Curve sorting performed. pass in Curves in the order you want them sorted - directions of open Curves not adjusted. Use CurveDirectionsMatch and ReverseCurve to adjust the directions of open Curves - seams of closed Curves are not adjusted. Use CurveSeam to adjust the seam of closed Curves.
Full Usage:
(string) Name of an existing layer.
Returns: int
(int) Material index of the layer.
Add material to a layer and returns the new material's index. If the layer already has a material, then the layer's current material index is returned.
Full Usage:
(Guid) Identifier of an object.
Returns: int
(int) material index of the object.
Adds material to an object and returns the new material's index. If the object already has a material, the object's current material index is returned.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.AddMesh(vertices, faceVertices, ?vertexNormals, ?textureCoordinates, ?vertexColors)
Point3d seq
(Point3d seq) List of 3D points defining the vertices of the Mesh
faceVertices : (int * int * int * int) seq
(int*int*int*int seq) Tuple of 4 integers that define the
vertex indices for each face of the Mesh. If the third a fourth vertex
indices of a face are identical, a triangular face will be created
?vertexNormals : Vector3f
(Vector3f seq) Optional, List of 3D vectors defining the vertex normals of
the Mesh. Note, for every vertex, there must be a corresponding vertex normal
?textureCoordinates : Point2f
(Point2f seq) Optional, List of 2D texture coordinates. For every
vertex, there must be a corresponding texture coordinate
?vertexColors : Color
(Drawing.Color seq) Optional, A list of color values. For every vertex,
there must be a corresponding vertex color.
Returns: Guid
(Guid) Identifier of the new object.
Add a Mesh object to the document.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.AddMesh(vertices, faceVertices, ?vertexNormals, ?textureCoordinates, ?vertexColors)
Point3d seq
(Point3d seq) List of 3D points defining the vertices of the Mesh
faceVertices : 'a seq
(int IList seq) List containing lists of 3 or 4 numbers that define the
vertex indices for each face of the Mesh. If the third a fourth vertex
indices of a face are identical, a triangular face will be created
?vertexNormals : Vector3f
(Vector3f seq) Optional, List of 3D vectors defining the vertex normals of
the Mesh. Note, for every vertex, there must be a corresponding vertex normal
?textureCoordinates : Point2f
(Point2f seq) Optional, List of 2D texture coordinates. For every
vertex, there must be a corresponding texture coordinate
?vertexColors : Color
(Drawing.Color seq) Optional, A list of color values. For every vertex,
there must be a corresponding vertex color.
Returns: Guid
(Guid) Identifier of the new object.
Add a Mesh object to the document.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.AddMeshQuad(pointA, pointB, pointC, pointD)
(Point3d) First corner point
pointB : Point3d
(Point3d) Second corner point
pointC : Point3d
(Point3d) Third corner point
pointD : Point3d
(Point3d) Fourth corner point
Returns: Guid
(Guid) The identifier of the new Mesh.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.AddNamedCPlane(cPlaneName, plane)
(string) The name of the new named construction Plane
plane : Plane
(Plane) The construction Plane
Adds new named construction Plane to the document.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.AddNamedView(name, ?view)
(string) The name of the new named view
?view : string
(string) Optional, The title of the view to save. If omitted, the current
active view is saved
Adds a new named view to the document.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.AddNetworkSrf(curves, ?continuity, ?edgeTolerance, ?interiorTolerance, ?angleTolerance)
Guid seq
(Guid seq) Curves from which to create the Surface
?continuity : int
(int) Optional, default value: 1
How the edges match the input geometry
0 = loose
1 = position
2 = tangency
3 = curvature
?edgeTolerance : float
(float) Optional, Edge tolerance
?interiorTolerance : float
(float) Optional, Interior tolerance
?angleTolerance : float
(float) Optional, Angle tolerance , in radians?
Returns: Guid
(Guid) identifier of new object.
Creates a Surface from a network of crossing Curves.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.AddNurbsCurve(points, knots, degree, ?weights)
Point3d seq
(Point3d seq) A list containing 3D control points
knots : float seq
(float seq) Knot values for the Curve. The number of elements in knots must
equal the number of elements in points plus degree minus 1
degree : int
(int) Degree of the Curve. must be greater than of equal to 1
?weights : float
(float seq) Optional, Weight values for the Curve. Number of elements should
equal the number of elements in points. Values must be greater than 0
Returns: Guid
(Guid) The identifier of the new object.
Adds a NURBS Curve object to the document.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.AddNurbsSurface(pointCount, points, knotsU, knotsV, degree, ?weights)
int * int
(int * int) Number of control points in the u and v direction
points : IList<Point3d>
(Point3d IList) List of 3D points
knotsU : float seq
(float IList) List of Knot values for the Surface in the u direction.
Must contain pointCount[0]+degree[0]-1 elements
knotsV : float seq
(float IList) List of Knot values for the Surface in the v direction.
Must contain pointCount[1]+degree[1]-1 elements
degree : int * int
(int * int) Degree of the Surface in the u and v directions
?weights : float
(float IList) Optional, List of Weight values for the Surface. The number of elements in
weights must equal the number of elements in points. Values must be greater than zero
Returns: Guid
(Guid) identifier of new object.
Adds a NURBS Surface object to the document.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.AddObjectToGroup(objectId, groupName)
(Guid) String or Guid representing the object identifier
groupName : string
(string) The name of an existing group
Adds a single object to an existing group.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.AddObjectsToGroup(objectIds, groupName)
Guid seq
(Guid seq) List of Strings or Guids representing the object identifiers
groupName : string
(string) The name of an existing group
Adds one or more objects to an existing group.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.AddPatch(objectIds, uvSpans, ?tolerance, ?trim, ?pointSpacing, ?flexibility, ?surfacePull, ?fixEdges)
Guid seq
(Guid seq) A list of object identifiers that indicate the objects to use for the patch fitting.
Acceptable object types include Curves, points, point clouds, and Meshes
uvSpans : int * int
(int * int) The U and V direction span counts for the automatically generated Surface . however it is best if you create a starting Surface that is similar in shape
to the Surface you are trying to create an use the other overload of this method
?tolerance : float
(float) Optional, default value: State.Doc.ModelAbsoluteTolerance
The tolerance used by input analysis functions.
?trim : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: true
Try to find an outside Curve and trims the Surface to it. The default value is True
?pointSpacing : float
(float) Optional, default value: 0.1
The basic distance between points sampled from input Curves. The default value is 0.1
?flexibility : float
(float) Optional, default value: 1.0
Determines the behavior of the Surface in areas where its not otherwise controlled by the input.
Lower numbers make the Surface behave more like a stiff material, higher, more like a flexible material.
That is, each span is made to more closely match the spans adjacent to it if there is no input geometry
mapping to that area of the Surface when the flexibility value is low. The scale is logarithmic.
For example, numbers around 0.001 or 0.1 make the patch pretty stiff and numbers around 10 or 100
make the Surface flexible. The default value is 1.0
?surfacePull : float
(float) Optional, default value: 1.0
Similar to stiffness, but applies to the starting Surface. The bigger the pull, the closer
the resulting Surface shape will be to the starting Surface. The default value is 1.0
?fixEdges : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false
Clamps the edges of the starting Surface in place. This option is useful if you are using a
Curve or points for deforming an existing Surface, and you do not want the edges of the starting Surface
to move. The default if False
Returns: Guid
(Guid) Identifier of the new Surface object.
Fits a Surface through Curve, point, point cloud, and Mesh objects.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.AddPatch(objectIds, startSurfaceId, ?tolerance, ?trim, ?pointSpacing, ?flexibility, ?surfacePull, ?fixEdges)
Guid seq
(Guid seq) A list of object identifiers that indicate the objects to use for the patch fitting.
Acceptable object types include Curves, points, point clouds, and Meshes
startSurfaceId : Guid
(Guid) The identifier of the starting Surface. It is best if you create a starting Surface that is similar in shape
to the Surface you are trying to create
?tolerance : float
(float) Optional, default value: State.Doc.ModelAbsoluteTolerance
The tolerance used by input analysis functions.
?trim : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: true
Try to find an outside Curve and trims the Surface to it. The default value is True
?pointSpacing : float
(float) Optional, default value: 0.1
The basic distance between points sampled from input Curves. The default value is 0.1
?flexibility : float
(float) Optional, default value: 1.0
Determines the behavior of the Surface in areas where its not otherwise controlled by the input.
Lower numbers make the Surface behave more like a stiff material, higher, more like a flexible material.
That is, each span is made to more closely match the spans adjacent to it if there is no input geometry
mapping to that area of the Surface when the flexibility value is low. The scale is logarithmic.
For example, numbers around 0.001 or 0.1 make the patch pretty stiff and numbers around 10 or 100
make the Surface flexible. The default value is 1.0
?surfacePull : float
(float) Optional, default value: 1.0
Similar to stiffness, but applies to the starting Surface. The bigger the pull, the closer
the resulting Surface shape will be to the starting Surface. The default value is 1.0
?fixEdges : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false
Clamps the edges of the starting Surface in place. This option is useful if you are using a
Curve or points for deforming an existing Surface, and you do not want the edges of the starting Surface
to move. The default if False
Returns: Guid
(Guid) Identifier of the new Surface object.
Fits a Surface through Curve, point, point cloud, and Mesh objects.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.AddPictureFrame(plane, filename, ?width, ?height, ?selfIllumination, ?embed, ?useAlpha, ?makeMesh)
(Plane) The Plane in which the PictureFrame will be created. The bottom-left corner of picture will be at Plane's origin. The width will be in the Plane's X axis direction, and the height will be in the Plane's Y axis direction
filename : string
(string) The path to a bitmap or image file
?width : float
(float) Optional, If both dblWidth and dblHeight are 0.0 or skipped, then the width and height of the PictureFrame will be the width and height of the image. If dblWidth = 0 and dblHeight is > 0, or if dblWidth > 0 and dblHeight = 0, then the non-zero value is assumed to be an aspect ratio of the image's width or height, which ever one is = 0. If both dblWidth and dblHeight are > 0, then these are assumed to be the width and height of in the current unit system
?height : float
(float) Optional, If both dblWidth and dblHeight are 0.0 or skied, then the width and height of the PictureFrame will be the width and height of the image. If dblWidth = 0 and dblHeight is > 0, or if dblWidth > 0 and dblHeight = 0, then the non-zero value is assumed to be an aspect ratio of the image's width or height, which ever one is = 0. If both dblWidth and dblHeight are > 0, then these are assumed to be the width and height of in the current unit system
?selfIllumination : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: true
If True, then the image mapped to the picture frame Plane always displays at full intensity and is not affected by light or shadow
?embed : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false
If True, then the function adds the image to Rhino's internal bitmap table, thus making the document self-contained
?useAlpha : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false
If False, the picture frame is created without any transparency texture. If True, a transparency texture is created with a "mask texture" set to alpha, and an instance of the diffuse texture in the source texture slot
?makeMesh : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false
If True, the function will make a PictureFrame object from a Mesh rather than a Plane Surface
Returns: Guid
(Guid) object identifier.
Creates a picture frame and adds it to the document.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.AddPipe(curveId, parameters, radii, ?blendType, ?cap, ?fit)
(Guid) Identifier of rail Curve
parameters : float seq
(float seq) normalized Curve parameters
radii : float seq
(float seq) radius values at normalized Curve parameters
?blendType : int
(int) Optional, default value: 0
0(local) or 1(global)
?cap : int
(int) Optional, default value: 0
0(none), 1(flat), 2(round)
?fit : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false
Attempt to fit a single Surface
Returns: Rarr<Guid>
(Guid Rarr) identifiers of new objects created.
Creates a single walled Surface with a circular profile around a Curve.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.AddPoint(x, y, z)
(float) X location of point to add
y : float
(float) Y location of point to add
z : float
(float) Z location of point to add
Returns: Guid
(Guid) identifier for the object that was added to the doc.
Adds point object to the document.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.AddPointCloud(points, ?colors)
(Point3d array) List of values where every multiple of three represents a point
?colors : Color
(Drawing.Color IList) Optional, List of colors to apply to each point
Returns: Guid
(Guid) identifier of point cloud.
Full Usage:
Point3d seq
(Point3d seq) List of 3D points. The list must contain at least two points. If the
list contains less than four points, then the first point and
last point must be different
Returns: Guid
(Guid) objectId of the new Curve object.
Adds a closed Polyline Curve , if the endpoint is already closer than State.Doc.ModelAbsoluteTolerance to the start it wil be set to start point else an additional point will be added with the same position as start.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.AddRailRevSrf(profile, rail, axis, ?scaleHeight)
(Guid) Identifier of the profile Curve
rail : Guid
(Guid) Identifier of the rail Curve
axis : Line
(Line) A Line identifying the start point and end point of the rail revolve axis
?scaleHeight : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false
If True, Surface will be locally scaled. Defaults to False
Returns: Guid
(Guid) identifier of the new object.
Adds a Surface created through profile Curves that define the Surface shape and two Curves that defines a Surface edge.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.AddRectangle(plane, width, height)
(Plane) Plane on which the rectangle will lie
width : float
(float) Width of rectangle as measured along the Plane's
x and y axes
height : float
(float) Height of rectangle as measured along the Plane's
x and y axes
Returns: Guid
(Guid) objectId of new rectangle.
Add a rectangular Curve to the document.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.AddRectangularLight(origin, widthPoint, heightPoint)
(Point3d) 3d origin point of the light
widthPoint : Point3d
(Point3d) 3d width and direction point of the light
heightPoint : Point3d
(Point3d) 3d height and direction point of the light
Returns: Guid
(Guid) identifier of the new object.
Adds a new rectangular light object to the document.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.AddRevSrf(curveId, axis, ?startAngle, ?endAngle)
(Guid) Identifier of profile Curve
axis : Line
(Line) Line for the rail revolve axis
?startAngle : float
(float) Optional, default value: 0.0
Start angles of revolve
?endAngle : float
(float) Optional, default value: 360.0
End angles of revolve
Returns: Guid
(Guid) identifier of new object.
Create a Surface by revolving a Curve around an axis.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.AddSearchPath(folder, ?index)
(string) A valid folder, or path, to add
?index : int
(int) Optional, Zero-based position in the search path list to insert.
If omitted, path will be appended to the end of the search path list.
Returns: int
(int) The index where the item was inserted.
-1 on failure.
Add new path to Rhino's search path list. Search paths can be added by using Rhino's Options command and modifying the contents of the files tab.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.AddSpiral(point0, point1, pitch, turns, radius0, ?radius1)
(Point3d) Helix axis start point or center of spiral
point1 : Point3d
(Point3d) Helix axis end point or point normal on spiral Plane
pitch : float
(float) Distance between turns. If 0, then a spiral. If > 0 then the
distance between helix "threads"
turns : float
(float) Number of turns
radius0 : float
(float) Starting radius of spiral
?radius1 : float
(float) Optional, Ending radius of spiral. If omitted, the starting radius is used for the complete spiral
Returns: Guid
(Guid) objectId of new Curve.
Adds a spiral or helical Curve to the document.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.AddSrfContourCrvs(objectId, startPoint, endPoint, interval)
(Guid) Object identifier to contour
startPoint : Point3d
(Point3d) The start point of a center line
endPoint : Point3d
(Point3d) the end point of a center line
interval : float
(float) Distance between contour Curves
Returns: Rarr<Guid>
(Guid Rarr) ids of new contour Curves .
Adds a spaced series of planar Curves resulting from the intersection of defined cutting Planes through a Surface or Polysurface. For more information, see Rhino help for details on the Contour command. |
Adds a spaced series of planar Curves resulting from the intersection of defined cutting Planes through a Surface or Polysurface. For more information, see Rhino help for details on the Contour command. |
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.AddSrfControlPtGrid(count, points, ?degreeU, ?degreeV)
int * int
(int * int) Tuple of two numbers defining number of points in the u, v directions
points : Point3d seq
(Point3d seq) List of 3D points
?degreeU : int
(int) Optional, default value: 3 degree of the Surface in the U directions
?degreeV : int
(int) Optional, default value: 3 degree of the Surface in the V directions
Returns: Guid
(Guid) The identifier of the new object.
Creates a Surface from a grid of points.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.AddSrfPt(pointA, pointB, pointC, pointD)
(Point3d) First corner point
pointB : Point3d
(Point3d) Second corner point
pointC : Point3d
(Point3d) Third corner point
pointD : Point3d
(Point3d) Fourth corner point
Returns: Guid
(Guid) The identifier of the new object.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.AddSrfPtGrid(count, points, ?degreeU, ?degreeV, ?closedU, ?closedV)
int * int
(int * int) Tuple of two numbers defining number of points in the u, v directions
points : Point3d seq
(Point3d seq) List of 3D points
?degreeU : int
(int) Optional, default value: 3 degree of the Surface in the U directions
?degreeV : int
(int) Optional, default value: 3 degree of the Surface in the V directions
?closedU : bool
(bool * bool) Optional, default value: false boolean defining if the Surface is closed in the U directions
?closedV : bool
(bool * bool) Optional, default value: false boolean defining if the Surface is closed in the V directions
Returns: Guid
(Guid) The identifier of the new object.
Creates a Surface from a grid of points.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.AddSubCrv(curveId, param0, param1)
(Guid) Identifier of a closed planar Curve object
param0 : float
(float) First parameters on the source Curve
param1 : float
(float) Second parameters on the source Curve
Returns: Guid
(Guid) objectId of the new Curve object.
Add a Curve object based on a portion, or interval of an existing Curve object. Similar in operation to Rhino's SubCrv command.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.AddSweep1(rail, shapes, ?closed)
(Guid) Identifier of the rail Curve
shapes : Guid seq
(Guid seq) One or more cross section shape Curves
?closed : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false
If True, then create a closed Surface
Returns: Rarr<Guid>
(Guid Rarr) List of new Surface objects.
Adds a Surface created through profile Curves that define the Surface shape and one Curve that defines a Surface edge. |
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.AddSweep2(rails, shapes, ?closed)
Guid * Guid
(Guid * Guid) Identifiers of the two rail Curve
shapes : Guid seq
(Guid seq) One or more cross section shape Curves
?closed : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false
If True, then create a closed Surface
Returns: Rarr<Guid>
(Guid Rarr) List of new Surface objects.
Adds a Surface created through profile Curves that define the Surface shape and two Curves that defines a Surface edge. |
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.AddText(text, pt, ?height, ?font, ?fontStyle, ?horizontalAlignment, ?verticalAlignment)
(string) The text to display
pt : Point3d
(Point3d) a point where to add text. It will be parallel to XY Plane.
?height : float
(float) Optional, default value: 1.0
The text height
?font : string
(string) Optional, The text font
?fontStyle : int
(int) Optional, default value: 0
Any of the following flags
0 = normal
1 = bold
2 = italic
3 = bold and italic
?horizontalAlignment : byte
(DocObjects.TextHorizontalAlignment) or Byte.
Optional, default value: TextHorizontalAlignment.Center = 1uy
0uy = Left
1uy = Center
2uy = Right
?verticalAlignment : byte
(DocObjects.TextVerticalAlignment) or Byte.
Optional, default value: TextVerticalAlignment.Middle = 3uy
0uy = Top: Attach to top of an "I" on the first line.
1uy = MiddleOfTop: Attach to middle of an "I" on the first line.
2uy = BottomOfTop: Attach to baseline of first line.
3uy = Middle: Attach to middle of text vertical advance.
4uy = MiddleOfBottom: Attach to middle of an "I" on the last line.
5uy = Bottom: Attach to the baseline of the last line.
6uy = BottomOfBoundingBox: Attach to the bottom of the bounding box of the visible glyphs.
Returns: Guid
(Guid) identifier for the object that was added to the doc.
Adds a text string to the document.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.AddText(text, plane, ?height, ?font, ?fontStyle, ?horizontalAlignment, ?verticalAlignment)
(string) The text to display
plane : Plane
(Plane) The Plane on which the text will lie.
The origin of the Plane will be the origin point of the text
?height : float
(float) Optional, default value: 1.0
The text height
?font : string
(string) Optional, The text font
?fontStyle : int
(int) Optional, default value: 0
Any of the following flags
0 = normal
1 = bold
2 = italic
3 = bold and italic
?horizontalAlignment : byte
(DocObjects.TextHorizontalAlignment) or Byte.
Optional, default value: TextHorizontalAlignment.Center = 1uy
0uy = Left
1uy = Center
2uy = Right
?verticalAlignment : byte
(DocObjects.TextVerticalAlignment) or Byte.
Optional, default value: TextVerticalAlignment.Middle = 3uy
0uy = Top: Attach to top of an "I" on the first line.
1uy = MiddleOfTop: Attach to middle of an "I" on the first line.
2uy = BottomOfTop: Attach to baseline of first line.
3uy = Middle: Attach to middle of text vertical advance.
4uy = MiddleOfBottom: Attach to middle of an "I" on the last line.
5uy = Bottom: Attach to the baseline of the last line.
6uy = BottomOfBoundingBox: Attach to the bottom of the bounding box of the visible glyphs.
Returns: Guid
(Guid) identifier for the object that was added to the doc.
Adds a text string to the document.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.AddTextDot(text, x, y, z)
(string) String in dot
x : float
(float) X position
y : float
(float) Y position
z : float
(float) Z position
Returns: Guid
(Guid) The identifier of the new object.
Add a text dot to the document.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.AddTweenCurves(fromCurveId, toCurveId, ?numberOfCurves, ?method, ?sampleNumber)
(Guid) Identifier of the first Curve object
toCurveId : Guid
(Guid) Identifier of the second Curve object
?numberOfCurves : int
(int) Optional, default value: 1
The number of Curves to create. The default is 1
?method : int
(int) Optional, default value: 0
The method for refining the output Curves, where:
0: (Default) Uses the control points of the Curves for matching. So the first control point of first Curve is matched to first control point of the second Curve.
1: Refits the output Curves like using the FitCurve method. Both the input Curve and the output Curve will have the same structure. The resulting Curves are usually more complex than input unless input Curves are compatible.
2: Input Curves are divided to the specified number of points on the Curve, corresponding points define new points that output Curves go through. If you are making one tween Curve, the method essentially does the following: divides the two Curves into an equal number of points, finds the midpoint between the corresponding points on the Curves, and interpolates the tween Curve through those points
?sampleNumber : int
(int) Optional, default value: 10
The number of samples points to use if method is 2. The default is 10
Returns: Rarr<Guid>
(Guid Rarr) The identifiers of the new tween objects.
Creates Curves between two open or closed input Curves.
Full Usage:
Returns: int
(int) The number of command aliases in Rhino.
Returns number of command aliases in Rhino.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.AliasMacro(alias, macro)
(string) The name of an existing command alias
macro : string
(string) The new macro to run when the alias is executed.
Modifies the macro of a command alias.
Full Usage:
(string) The name of an existing command alias
Returns: string
(string) The existing macro.
Returns the macro of a command alias.
Full Usage:
Returns: string array
(string array) a array of command alias names.
Returns a array of command alias names.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.AllObjects(?select, ?includeLights, ?includeGrips, ?includeReferences)
(bool) Optional, default value: false Select the objects
?includeLights : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false Include light objects
?includeGrips : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false Include grips objects
?includeReferences : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false Include reference objects such as work session objects
Returns: Rarr<Guid>
(Guid Rarr) Identifiers for all the objects in the document.
Returns identifiers of all objects in the document.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.Angle(point1, point2, ?plane)
(Point3d) Point1 of input points
point2 : Point3d
(Point3d) Point2 of input points
?plane : Plane
(Plane) Optional, default value: Plane.WorldX
If a Plane is provided, angle calculation is with respect to this Plane
Returns: float * float * float * float * float
(float * float * float * float * float) containing the following elements:
element 0 = the X, Y angle in degrees
element 1 = the elevation
element 2 = delta in the X direction
element 3 = delta in the Y direction
element 4 = delta in the Z direction.
Measures the angle between two points.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.AppearanceColor(item, color)
(int) Item number to either query or modify
0 = View background
1 = Major grid line
2 = Minor grid line
3 = X-Axis line
4 = Y-Axis line
5 = Selected Objects
6 = Locked Objects
7 = New layers
8 = Feedback
9 = Tracking
10 = Crosshair
11 = Text
12 = Text Background
13 = Text hover
color : Color
(Drawing.Color ) The new color value as System.Drawing.Color
Modifies an application interface item's color.
Full Usage:
(int) Item number to either query or modify
0 = View background
1 = Major grid line
2 = Minor grid line
3 = X-Axis line
4 = Y-Axis line
5 = Selected Objects
6 = Locked Objects
7 = New layers
8 = Feedback
9 = Tracking
10 = Crosshair
11 = Text
12 = Text Background
13 = Text hover
Returns: Color
(Drawing.Color) The current item color.
0 = View background
1 = Major grid line
2 = Minor grid line
3 = X-Axis line
4 = Y-Axis line
5 = Selected Objects
6 = Locked Objects
7 = New layers
8 = Feedback
9 = Tracking
10 = Crosshair
11 = Text
12 = Text Background
13 = Text hover.
Returns an application interface item's color.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.ArcAngle(curveId, ?segmentIndex)
(Guid) Identifier of a Curve object
?segmentIndex : int
(int) Optional,
Identifies the Curve segment if CurveId identifies a poly-curve
Returns: float
(float) The angle in degrees.
Returns the angle of an arc Curve object.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.ArcRadius(curveId, ?segmentIndex)
(Guid) Identifier of a Curve object
?segmentIndex : int
(int) Optional, The Curve segment index if `curveId` identifies a poly-curve
Returns: float
(float) The radius of the arc.
Returns the radius of an arc Curve object.
Full Usage:
(Guid) The object's identifier
Returns: float
(float) area.
Compute the area of a closed Curve, Hatch, Surface, Polysurface, or Mesh.
Full Usage:
(GeometryBase) The geometry to use
Returns: float
(float) area.
Compute the area of a closed Curve, Hatch, Surface, Polysurface, or Mesh.
Full Usage:
(string) Name of the new autosave file
Changes the file name used by Rhino's automatic file saving.
Full Usage:
Returns: string
(string) The name of the current autosave file.
Returns the file name used by Rhino's automatic file saving.
Full Usage:
(float) The number of minutes between saves
Changes how often the document will be saved when Rhino's automatic file saving mechanism is enabled.
Full Usage:
Returns: float
(float) The current interval in minutes.
Returns how often the document will be saved when Rhino's automatic file saving mechanism is enabled.
Full Usage:
(string) The name of an existing block definition
Returns: int
(int) The number of block definitions that contain a specified block definition.
Returns number of block definitions that contain a specified block definition.
Full Usage:
(string) The name of an existing block definition
Returns: Rarr<string>
(string Rarr) A list of block definition names.
Returns names of the block definitions that contain a specified block definition.
Full Usage:
Returns: int
(int) The number of block definitions in the document.
Returns the number of block definitions in the document.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.BlockDescription(blockName, description)
(string) The name of an existing block definition
description : string
(string) The new description
Sets the description of a block definition.
Full Usage:
(string) The name of an existing block definition
Returns: string
(string) The current description.
Returns the description of a block definition.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.BlockInstanceCount(blockName, ?whereToLook)
(string) The name of an existing block definition
?whereToLook : int
(int) Optional, default value: 0
0 = get top level references in active document.
1 = get top level and nested references in active document.
If a block is nested more than once within another block it will be counted only once.
2 = check for references from other instance definitions, counts every instance of nested block
Returns: int
(int) The number of instances of the block in the document.
Counts number of instances of the block in the document. Nested instances are not included in the count. Attention this may include deleted blocks.
Full Usage:
(Guid) The identifier of an existing block insertion object
Returns: string
(string) The block name of a block instance.
Returns the block name of a block instance.
Returns the location of a block instance relative to the world coordinate system origin (0, 0, 0). The position is returned as a 4x4 transformation matrix.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.BlockInstances(blockName, ?whereToLook)
(string) The name of an existing block definition
?whereToLook : int
(int) Optional, default value: 0
0 = get top level references in active document.
1 = get top level and nested references in active document.
2 = check for references from other instance definitions
Returns: Rarr<Guid>
(Guid Rarr) Ids identifying the instances of a block in the model.
Returns the identifiers of the inserted instances of a block.
Full Usage:
Returns: Rarr<string>
(string Rarr) The names of all block definitions in the document.
Returns the names of all block definitions in the document.
Full Usage:
(string) Name of an existing block definition
Returns: int
(int) The number of objects that make up a block definition.
Returns number of objects that make up a block definition.
Full Usage:
(string) Name of an existing block definition
Returns: string
(string) path to the linked block.
Returns path to the source of a linked or embedded block definition. A linked or embedded block definition is a block definition that was inserted from an external file.
Full Usage:
(string) Name of an existing block
Returns: int
(int) The status of a linked block
Value Description
-3 Not a linked block definition.
-2 The linked block definition's file could not be opened or could not be read.
-1 The linked block definition's file could not be found.
0 The linked block definition is up-to-date.
1 The linked block definition's file is newer than definition.
2 The linked block definition's file is older than definition.
3 The linked block definition's file is different than definition.
Returns the status of a linked block.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.BooleanDifference(input0, input1, ?deleteInput)
Guid seq
(Guid seq) List of Surfaces to subtract from
input1 : Guid seq
(Guid seq) List of Surfaces to be subtracted
?deleteInput : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: true
Delete all input objects
Returns: Rarr<Guid>
(Guid Rarr) List of identifiers of newly created objects .
Performs a boolean difference operation on two sets of input Surfaces and Polysurfaces. For more details, see the BooleanDifference command in the Rhino help file. |
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.BooleanIntersection(input0, input1, ?deleteInput)
Guid seq
(Guid seq) List of Surfaces
input1 : Guid seq
(Guid seq) List of Surfaces
?deleteInput : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: true
Delete all input objects
Returns: Rarr<Guid>
(Guid Rarr) List of identifiers of newly created objects .
Performs a boolean intersection operation on two sets of input Surfaces and Polysurfaces. For more details, see the BooleanIntersection command in the Rhino help file. |
Performs a boolean union operation on a set of input Surfaces and Polysurfaces. For more details, see the BooleanUnion command in the Rhino help file.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.BoundingBox(object, plane, ?inWorldCoords)
(Guid) The identifier of the object
plane : Plane
(Plane) Plane to which the bounding box should be aligned
?inWorldCoords : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: true
Returns the box as world coordinates or custom Plane coordinates.
Returns: Box
(Geometry.Box) The Box ,oriented to the Plane or in Plane coordinates.
It cannot be a Geometry.BoundingBox since it is not in World XY
To get the eight 3D points that define the bounding box call box.GetCorners()
Points returned in counter-clockwise order starting with the bottom rectangle of the box.
Returns a custom Plane axis-aligned bounding box of one object.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.BoundingBox(objects, plane, ?inWorldCoords)
Guid seq
(Guid seq) The identifiers of the objects
plane : Plane
(Plane) Plane to which the bounding box should be aligned
?inWorldCoords : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: true
Returns the box as world coordinates or custom Plane coordinates.
Returns: Box
(Geometry.Box) The Box ,oriented to the Plane or in Plane coordinates.
It cannot be a Geometry.BoundingBox since it is not in World XY
To get the eight 3D points that define the bounding box call box.GetCorners()
Points returned in counter-clockwise order starting with the bottom rectangle of the box.
Returns a custom Plane axis-aligned bounding box of several objects.
Full Usage:
(Guid) The identifier of the object
Returns: BoundingBox
(Geometry.BoundingBox) The BoundingBox (oriented to the World XY Plane).
To get the eight 3D points that define the bounding box call box.GetCorners()
Points returned in counter-clockwise order starting with the bottom rectangle of the box.
Returns a world axis-aligned bounding box of one object.
Full Usage:
'a seq
(GeometryBase seq) The geometries
Returns: BoundingBox
(Geometry.BoundingBox) The BoundingBox (oriented to the World XY Plane).
To get the eight 3D points that define the bounding box call box.GetCorners()
Points returned in counter-clockwise order starting with the bottom rectangle of the box.
Returns a world axis-aligned bounding box of several geometry objects.
Full Usage:
Guid seq
(Guid seq) The identifiers of the objects
Returns: BoundingBox
(Geometry.BoundingBox) The BoundingBox (oriented to the World XY Plane).
To get the eight 3D points that define the bounding box call box.GetCorners()
Points returned in counter-clockwise order starting with the bottom rectangle of the box.
Returns a world axis-aligned bounding box of several objects.
Full Usage:
(Guid) The identifier of the object
Returns: BoundingBox
(Geometry.BoundingBox) The BoundingBox (oriented to the World XY Plane).
To get the eight 3D points that define the bounding box call box.GetCorners()
Points returned in counter-clockwise order starting with the bottom rectangle of the box.
Returns a world axis-aligned bounding box of one object. Estimated bounding boxes can be computed much (much) faster than accurate (or "tight") bounding boxes. Estimated bounding boxes are always similar to or larger than accurate bounding boxes.
Full Usage:
Guid seq
(Guid seq) The identifiers of the objects
Returns: BoundingBox
(Geometry.BoundingBox) The BoundingBox (oriented to the World XY Plane).
To get the eight 3D points that define the bounding box call box.GetCorners()
Points returned in counter-clockwise order starting with the bottom rectangle of the box.
Returns a world axis-aligned bounding box of several objects. Estimated bounding boxes can be computed much (much) faster than accurate (or "tight") bounding boxes. Estimated bounding boxes are always similar to or larger than accurate bounding boxes.
Full Usage:
'a seq
(GeometryBase seq) The Geometries of the objects
Returns: BoundingBox
(Geometry.BoundingBox) The BoundingBox (oriented to the World XY Plane).
To get the eight 3D points that define the bounding box call box.GetCorners()
Points returned in counter-clockwise order starting with the bottom rectangle of the box.
Returns a world axis-aligned bounding box of several objects. Estimated bounding boxes can be computed much (much) faster than accurate (or "tight") bounding boxes. Estimated bounding boxes are always similar to or larger than accurate bounding boxes.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.BoundingBoxInflate(bbox, amountX, amountY, amountZ)
(BoundingBox) Geometry.BoundingBox
amountX : float
(float) amount on X Axis in model units to expand
amountY : float
(float) amount on X Axis in model units to expand
amountZ : float
(float) amount on X Axis in model units to expand
Returns: BoundingBox
(Geometry.BoundingBox) The new Box.
Returns a new inflated box with custom x, y and z amounts in their directions. Inflating with negative amounts may result in decreasing and invalid boxes. This function raises an Exception if the resulting box is decreasing. InValid boxes can not be inflated.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.BoundingBoxInflate(bbox, amount)
(BoundingBox) Geometry.BoundingBox
amount : float
(float) amount in model units to expand
Returns: BoundingBox
(Geometry.BoundingBox) The new Box.
Returns a new inflated the box with equal amounts in all directions. Inflating with negative amounts may result in decreasing and invalid boxes. This function raises an Exception if the resulting box is decreasing. Invalid boxes can not be inflated.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.BrepClosestPoint(objectId, point)
(Guid) The object's identifier
point : Point3d
(Point3d) The test, or sampling point
Returns: Point3d * float * float * ComponentIndexType * int * Vector3d
(Point3d * float * float * ComponentIndexType * int * Vector3d) of closest point information . The list will
contain the following information:
Element Type Description
0 Point3d The 3-D point at the parameter value of the closest point.
1 (U of U, V) Parameter values of closest point.
Note, V is 0 if the component index type is brepEdge or brepVertex.
2 (V of U, V) Parameter values of closest point.
Note, V is 0 if the component index type is brepEdge or brepVertex.
3 (type, index) The type the brep component that contains the closest point. Possible types are
BrepVertex 1 Targets a brep vertex index.
BrepEdge 2 Targets a brep edge index.
BrepFace 3 Targets a brep face index.
BrepTrim 4 Targets a brep trim index.
BrepLoop 5 Targets a brep loop index.
4 int The index of the brep component
5 Vector3d The normal to the brepFace, or the tangent to the brepEdge.
Returns the point on a Surface or Polysurface that is closest to a test point. This function works on both untrimmed and trimmed Surfaces.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.BrowseForFolder(?folder, ?message)
(string) Optional, A default folder
?message : string
(string) Optional, A prompt or message
Returns: string
(string) selected folder or None if selection was canceled.
A RhinoUserInteractionException is raised if input is cancelled via Esc Key.
Display browse-for-folder dialog allowing the user to select a folder.
Full Usage:
Returns: DateTime
(DateTime) The build date of Rhino. Will be converted to a string by most functions.
Returns the build date of Rhino.
Full Usage:
(Guid) The identifier of the Surface or Polysurface to cap
Returns: bool
(bool) True or False indicating success or failure.
Caps planar holes in a Surface or Polysurface.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.ChangeCurveDegree(curveId, degree)
(Guid) The object's identifier
degree : int
(int) The new degree
Returns: bool
(bool) True of False indicating success or failure.
Changes the degree of a Curve object. For more information see the Rhino help file for the ChangeDegree command.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.ChangeLayerName(currentLayerName, newLayerName, ?allowUnicode)
(string) The name an existing layer to rename
newLayerName : string
(string) The new name
?allowUnicode : bool
(bool) Optional, Allow ambiguous Unicode characters too
Changes the Name of a layer if than name is yet non existing. Fails if layer exists already. Currently only ASCII characters are allowed.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.ChangeSurfaceDegree(objectId, degree)
(Guid) The object's identifier
degree : int * int
(int * int) Two integers, specifying the degrees for the U V directions
Returns: bool
(bool) True of False indicating success or failure.
Changes the degree of a Surface object. For more information see the Rhino help file for the ChangeDegree command.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.CheckListBox(items, ?message, ?title)
(string * bool) seq
((string*bool) seq) A list of tuples containing a string and a boolean check state
?message : string
(string) Optional, A prompt or message
?title : string
(string) Optional, A dialog box title
Returns: Rarr<string * bool>
((string*bool) Rarr) Option of tuples containing the input string in items along with their new boolean check value.
A RhinoUserInteractionException is raised if input is cancelled via Esc Key.
Displays a list of items in a checkable-style list dialog box.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.CircleCenterPlane(curveId, ?segmentIndex)
(Guid) Identifier of a Curve object
?segmentIndex : int
(int) Optional, The Curve segment index if `curveId` identifies a poly-curve
Returns: Plane
(Plane) The 3D Plane at the center point of the circle.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.CircleCircumference(curveId, ?segmentIndex)
(Guid) Identifier of a Curve object
?segmentIndex : int
(int) Optional, The Curve segment index if `curveId` identifies a poly-curve
Returns: float
(float) The circumference of the circle.
Returns the circumference of a circle Curve object.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.CircleRadius(curveId, ?segmentIndex)
(Guid) Identifier of a Curve object
?segmentIndex : int
(int) Optional, The Curve segment index if `curveId` identifies a poly-curve
Returns: float
(float) The radius of the circle.
Returns the radius of a circle Curve object.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.Clamp(minVal, maxVal, value)
(float) The lower bound
maxVal : float
(float) The upper bound
value : float
(float) The value to clamp
Returns: float
(float) The clamped value.
Clamps a value between a lower and an upper bound.
Full Usage:
Clears contents of Rhino's command history window. You can view the command history window by using the CommandHistory command in Rhino. |
Full Usage:
(string) Text to set
Sets a text string to the Windows clipboard.
Full Usage:
Returns: string
(string) The current text in the clipboard
or an empty string if the content of the clipboard is not a text
Gets the text string in the Windows clipboard.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.CloseCurve(curveId, ?tolerance)
(Guid) Identifier of a Curve object
?tolerance : float
(float) Optional, default value: State.Doc.ModelAbsoluteTolerance
Maximum allowable distance between start and end point
Returns: Guid
(Guid) objectId of the new Curve object.
Closes an open Curve object by making adjustments to the end points so they meet at a point.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.CloseToolbarCollection(name, ?prompt)
(string) Name of a currently open tool-bar collection
?prompt : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false
If True, user will be prompted to save the collection file
if it has been modified prior to closing
Returns: bool
(bool) True or False indicating success or failure.
Closes a currently open tool-bar collection.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.ClosedCurveOrientation(curveId, ?direction)
(Guid) Identifier of a Curve object
?direction : Vector3d
(Vector3d) Optional, default value: Vector3d.ZAxis
3d vector that identifies up, or Z axs, direction of
the Plane to test against
Returns: int
(int) 1 if the Curve's orientation is clockwise
-1 if the Curve's orientation is counter-clockwise
0 if unable to compute the Curve's orientation.
Determine the orientation (counter-clockwise or clockwise) of a closed, planar Curve.
Full Usage:
input to convert, Point3d, Vector3d, Point3f, Vector3f, str, Guid, or seq
Returns: Point2d
a Rhino.Geometry.Point2d, Raises a RhinoScriptingException if coerce failed.
Convert input into a Rhino.Geometry.Point2d if possible.
Full Usage:
Input to convert, Point3d, Vector3d, Point3f, Vector3f, str, Guid, or seq
Returns: Point3d
a Rhino.Geometry.Point3d, Raises a RhinoScriptingException if coerce failed.
Converts input into a Rhino.Geometry.Point3d if possible.
Full Usage:
input to convert, Point3d, Vector3d, Point3f, Vector3f, str, Guid, or seq
Returns: Vector3d
a Rhino.Geometry.Vector3d, Raises a RhinoScriptingException if coerce failed.
Convert input into a Rhino.Geometry.Vector3d if possible.
Full Usage:
(Guid) objectId of annotation object
Returns: AnnotationObjectBase
(DocObjects.AnnotationObjectBase. Raises a RhinoScriptingException if coerce failed.
Attempt to get Rhino Annotation Base Object.
Full Usage:
Guid, RhinoObject or Curve
Returns: Arc
Geometry.Arc, Raises a RhinoScriptingException if coerce failed.
Attempt to get Rhino Arc Geometry using the current Documents Absolute Tolerance. does not return circles as arcs.
Full Usage:
(Guid) Id of block instance
Returns: InstanceObject
(DocObjects.InstanceObject) block instance object.
Returns the Rhino Block instance object for a given Id.
Full Usage:
Guid, RhinoObject or Curve
Returns: Circle
Geometry.Circle, Raises a RhinoScriptingException if coerce failed.
Attempt to get Rhino Circle Geometry using the current Documents Absolute Tolerance.
Full Usage:
string, tuple with or 3 or 4 items
Returns: Color
System.Drawing.Color in ARGB form (not as named color) this will provide better comparison to other colors.
For example the named color Red is not equal to fromRGB(255, 0, 0). Raises a RhinoScriptingException if coerce failed.
Attempt to get a System.Drawing.Color also works on natural language color strings see Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.CoerceCurve(objectId, ?segmentIndex)
objectId (Guid or string) to be RhinoScriptSyntax.Coerced into a Curve
?segmentIndex : int
(int) Optional, index of segment to retrieve. To ignore segmentIndex give -1 as argument
Returns: Curve
(Rhino.Geometry.Curve. Raises a RhinoScriptingException if coerce failed.
Attempt to get Curve geometry from the document with a given objectId.
Full Usage:
(Guid) objectId of Detail object
Returns: DetailView
a Geometry.DetailView. Raises a RhinoScriptingException if coerce failed.
Attempt to get Detail view rectangle Geometry.
Full Usage:
(Guid) objectId of Detail object
Returns: DetailViewObject
a DocObjects.DetailViewObject. Raises a RhinoScriptingException if coerce failed.
Attempt to get Detail view rectangle Object.
Full Usage:
Guid, RhinoObject or Curve
Returns: Ellipse
Geometry.Ellipse, Raises a RhinoScriptingException if coerce failed.
Attempt to get Rhino Ellipse Geometry using the current Documents Absolute Tolerance.
Full Usage:
(Guid) geometry Identifier
Returns: GeometryBase
(Rhino.Geometry.GeometryBase. Raises a RhinoScriptingException if coerce failed.
Attempt to get GeometryBase class from given input.
Full Usage:
object , Guid or string
Returns: Guid
Guid. Raises a RhinoScriptingException if coerce failed.
Attempt to get a Guids from input.
Full Usage:
(Guid) objectId of Hatch object
Returns: HatchObject
(DocObjects.HatchObject. Raises a RhinoScriptingException if coerce failed.
Attempt to get Rhino Hatch Object.
Full Usage:
(string) The layer's name.
Returns: Layer
Attempt to get Rhino LayerObject from the document for a given full name.
Full Usage:
(Guid) objectId of Leader object
Returns: LeaderObject
(DocObjects.LeaderObject. Raises a RhinoScriptingException if coerce failed.
Attempt to get Rhino Leader Annotation Object.
Full Usage:
Line, two points or Guid
Returns: Line
Geometry.Line, Raises a RhinoScriptingException if coerce failed.
Attempt to get Rhino Line Geometry using the current Documents Absolute Tolerance.
Full Usage:
(Guid) objectId of LinearDimension object
Returns: LinearDimensionObject
(DocObjects.LinearDimensionObject. Raises a RhinoScriptingException if coerce failed.
Attempt to get Rhino LinearDimension Annotation Object.
Full Usage:
the object's Identifier
Returns: NurbsSurface
(Rhino.Geometry.Surface. Raises a RhinoScriptingException if coerce failed.
Attempt to get Surface geometry from the document with a given objectId.
Full Usage:
(string) Name of the Layout
Returns: RhinoPageView
a State.Doc.View object. Raises a RhinoScriptingException if coerce failed.
Attempt to get Rhino Page (or Layout) View Object from the name of the Layout.
Full Usage:
Plane, point, list, tuple
Returns: Plane
(Rhino.Geometry.Plane. Raises a RhinoScriptingException if coerce failed.
Convert input into a Rhino.Geometry.Plane if possible.
Full Usage:
(Guid) objectId of PointCloud object
Returns: PointCloud
a Geometry.PointCloud. Raises a RhinoScriptingException if coerce failed.
Attempt to get Rhino PointCloud Geometry.
Full Usage:
(Guid) objectId of Point object
Returns: PointObject
a DocObjects.PointObject, Raises a RhinoScriptingException if coerce failed.
Attempt to get Rhino Point Object.
Full Usage:
Guid, RhinoObject or Curve
Returns: Polyline
a Geometry.Polyline Option.
Attempt to get Rhino Polyline Geometry.
Full Usage:
(Guid) Object Identifier
Returns: RhinoObject
a RhinoObject, Raises a RhinoScriptingException if coerce failed.
Attempt to get RhinoObject from the document with a given objectId.
Full Usage:
(Guid) objectId of TextEntity object
Returns: TextEntity
a Geometry.TextEntity. Raises a RhinoScriptingException if coerce failed.
Attempt to get TextEntity Geometry (for the text Object use rs.CoerceTextObject) .
Full Usage:
(Guid) objectId of TextObject
Returns: TextObject
(DocObjects.TextObject. Raises a RhinoScriptingException if coerce failed.
Attempt to get Rhino TextObject Annotation Object.
Full Usage:
(string or Guid) Name or Guid the view, empty string will return the Active view
Returns: RhinoView
a State.Doc.View object. Raises a RhinoScriptingException if coerce failed.
Attempt to get Rhino View Object from the name of the view, can be a standard or page view.
Full Usage:
object to convert
Returns: Transform
(Rhino.Geometry.Transform. Raises a RhinoScriptingException if coerce failed.
Convert input into a Rhino.Geometry.Transform Transformation Matrix if possible.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.CollapseLayer(layerName, ?childrenToo)
(string) full or short layer name
?childrenToo : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false
'true' to collapse any child layers too.
'false' to not change the parents layers collapse state.(default)
Collapse a layer in UI if it has children. This is the opposite of rs.ExpandLayer(..)
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.ColorAdjustLuma(rgb, luma, ?isScaleRelative)
(Drawing.Color) Initial rgb value
luma : float
(float) The luminance in units of 0.1 percent of the total range. A
value of luma = 50 corresponds to 5 percent of the maximum luminance
?isScaleRelative : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false
If True, luma specifies how much to increment or decrement the
current luminance. If False, luma specified the absolute luminance
Returns: Color
(Drawing.Color) modified rgb value.
Changes the luminance of a red-green-blue value. Hue and saturation are not affected.
Full Usage:
(Drawing.Color) The RGB color value
Returns: int
(int) The blue component.
Retrieves intensity value for the blue component of an RGB color.
Full Usage:
(Drawing.Color) The RGB color value
Returns: int
(int) The green component.
Retrieves intensity value for the green component of an RGB color.
Full Usage:
(Drawing.Color) The RGB color value
Returns: int
(int) The red color value.
Retrieves intensity value for the red component of an RGB color.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.ComboListBox(items, ?message, ?title)
string seq
(string seq) A list of string
?message : string
(string) Optional, A prompt of message
?title : string
(string) Optional, A dialog box title
Returns: string
(string) Option of The selected item.
A RhinoUserInteractionException is raised if input is cancelled via Esc Key.
Displays a list of items in a combo-style list box dialog.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.Command(commandString, ?echo)
(string) A Rhino command including any arguments
?echo : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: true
The default command echo mode true will display the commands on the commandline.
If the command echo mode is set to false the command prompts will not be printed to the Rhino command line.
Returns: bool
(bool) True or False indicating success or failure.
Runs a Rhino command macro / script. All Rhino commands can be used in command scripts. The command can be a built-in Rhino command or one provided by a 3rd party plug-in. Write command scripts just as you would type the command sequence at the Commandline. A space or a new line acts like pressing 'Enter' at the Commandline. For more information, see "Scripting" in Rhino help. Note, this function is designed to run one command and one command only. Do not combine multiple Rhino commands into a single call to this method. WRONG: rs.Command("_Line _SelLast _Invert") CORRECT: rs.Command("_Line") rs.Command("_SelLast") rs.Command("_Invert") Also, the exclamation point and space character ( ! ) combination used by button macros and batch-driven scripts to cancel the previous command is not valid. WRONG: rs.Command("! _Line _Pause _Pause") CORRECT: rs.Command("_Line _Pause _Pause") In a normal command, when the user enters a command beginning with a '!' , the command exits. There is no documented way to get this behavior from within a script command. After the command script has run, you can obtain the identifiers of most recently created or changed object by calling RhinoScriptSyntax.LastCreatedObjects(). Warnings: This kind of command can be very dangerous. Please be sure you understand the following: If you are not very familiar with how references work, you should only call Rhino.RhinoApp.RunScript() from within a RhinoScriptCommand derived command. If you are very familiar with references, then please observe the following rules: If you get a reference or pointer to any part of the Rhino run-time database, this reference or pointer will not be valid after you call Rhino.RhinoApp.RunScript(). If you get a reference or a pointer, then call Rhino.RhinoApp.RunScript(), and then use the reference, Rhino will probably crash. All pointers and references used by the command should be scoped such that they are only valid for the time between calls to Rhino.RhinoApp.RunScript(). This is because Rhino.RhinoApp.RunScript() can change the dynamic arrays in the run-time database. The result is that all pointers and references become invalid. Be sure to scope your variables between Rhino.RhinoApp.RunScript() calls. Never allow references and pointers from one section to be used in another section.
Full Usage:
Returns: string
(string) The contents of Rhino's command history window.
Returns the contents of Rhino's command history window.
Full Usage:
Returns: bool
(bool) true if the script is being executed in a grasshopper component(currently always false).
Return true if the script is being executed in a grasshopper component(currently always false).
Full Usage:
Returns: bool
(bool) true if the script is being executed in the context of Rhino(currently always true).
Return true if the script is being executed in the context of Rhino(currently always true).
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.ConvertCurveToPolyline(curveId, ?angleTolerance, ?tolerance, ?deleteInput, ?minEdgeLength, ?maxEdgeLength)
(Guid) Identifier of a Curve object
?angleTolerance : float
(float) Optional, default value: 5.0
The maximum angle between Curve tangents at line endpoints.
?tolerance : float
(float) Optional, default value: 0.01
The distance tolerance at segment midpoints.
?deleteInput : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false
Delete the Curve object specified by CurveId. If omitted, CurveId will not be deleted
?minEdgeLength : float
(float) Optional, Minimum segment length
?maxEdgeLength : float
(float) Optional, Maximum segment length
Returns: Guid
(Guid) The new Curve.
Convert Curve to a Polyline Curve.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.CopyMaterial(sourceIndex, destinationIndex)
(int) Source index of materials to copy.
destinationIndex : int
(int) Destination index materials to copy.
Returns: bool
(bool) True or False indicating success or failure.
Copies definition of a source material to a destination material.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.CopyObjects(objectIds, ?translation)
Guid seq
(Guid seq) List of objects to copy
?translation : Vector3d
(Vector3d) Optional, Vector3d representing translation vector to apply to copied set
Returns: Rarr<Guid>
(Guid Rarr) identifiers for the copies.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.CreateColor(red, green, blue)
(byte) Red Value
green : byte
(byte) Green value
blue : byte
(byte) Blue value
Returns: Color
(System.Drawing.Color) a Color.
Creates a RGB color from red, green and blue values as Bytes.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.CreateColor(red, green, blue)
(int) Red Value between 0 and 255
green : int
(int) Green value between 0 and 255
blue : int
(int) Blue value between 0 and 255
Returns: Color
(System.Drawing.Color) a Color.
Creates a RGB color from red, green and blue values as Integers. Raise an exception if values are out of range
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.CreateInterval(start, ende)
(float) Start of interval
ende : float
(float) End of interval
Returns: Interval
(Rhino.Geometry.Interval) This can be seen as an object made of two items:
[0] start of interval
[1] end of interval.
Converts input into a Rhino.Geometry.Interval. This interval can be increasing or decreasing
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.CreateNurbsCurve(points, knots, degree, ?weights)
Point3d seq
(Point3d seq) A list containing 3D control points
knots : float seq
(float seq) Knot values for the Curve. The number of elements in knots must
equal the number of elements in points plus degree minus 1
degree : int
(int) Degree of the Curve. must be greater than of equal to 1
?weights : float
(float seq) Optional, Weight values for the Curve. Number of elements should
equal the number of elements in points. Values must be greater than 0
Returns: NurbsCurve
(NurbsCurve) a NurbsCurve geometry.
Creates a NURBS Curve geometry, but does not add or draw it to the document.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.CreatePlane(origin, ?xAxis, ?yAxis)
(Point3d) The Plane Center or Origin
?xAxis : Vector3d
(Vector3d) Optional, default value: Vector3d.XAxis
Direction of X-Axis
?yAxis : Vector3d
(Vector3d) Optional, default value: Vector3d.YAxis
Direction of Y-Axis
Returns: Plane
(Plane) A Rhino.Geometry.Plane.
Converts input into a Rhino.Geometry.Plane object if possible.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.CreatePoint(x, y, z)
('T) any value that can be converted or parsed to X coordinate
y : 'T
('T) any value that can be converted or parsed to Y coordinate
z : 'T
('T) any value that can be converted or parsed to Z coordinate
Returns: Point3d
(Point3d) a Rhino.Geometry.Point3d.
Converts x, y and z into a Rhino.Geometry.Point3d if possible.
Full Usage:
('T) any value that can be converted or parsed to a point
Returns: Point3d
(Point3d) a Rhino.Geometry.Point3d.
Converts 'point' into a Rhino.Geometry.Point3d if possible.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.CreatePreviewImage(fileName, ?view, ?width, ?height, ?flags, ?wireframe)
(string) Name of the bitmap file to create
?view : string
(string) Optional, Title of the view. If omitted, the active view is used
?width : int
(int) Optional, default value: 0
integer that specifies width of the bitmap in pixel. if only width given height will be scaled to keep screen ratio
?height : int
(int) Optional, default value: 0
integer that specifies height of the bitmap in pixel. if only height given width will be scaled to keep screen ratio
?flags : int
(int) Optional, default value: 0
Bitmap creation flags. Can be the combination of:
1 = honor object highlighting
2 = draw construction Plane
4 = use ghosted shading
?wireframe : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false
If True then a wire-frame preview image. If False,
a rendered image will be created
Returns: bool
(bool) True or False indicating success or failure.
Create a bitmap preview image of the current model.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.CreateVector(x, y, z)
('T) any value that can be converted or parsed to X coordinate
y : 'T
('T) any value that can be converted or parsed to Y coordinate
z : 'T
('T) any value that can be converted or parsed to Z coordinate
Returns: Vector3d
(Vector3d) a Rhino.Geometry.Vector3d.
Converts x, y and z into a Rhino.Geometry.Vector3d if possible.
Full Usage:
('T) any value that can be converted or parsed to a Vector
Returns: Vector3d
(Vector3d) a Rhino.Geometry.Vector3d.
Converts 'Vector' into a Rhino.Geometry.Vector3d if possible.
Full Usage:
float seq seq
(float seq seq) The transform. This can be seen as a 4x4 matrix, given as nested lists
Returns: Transform
(Transform) A Rhino.Geometry.Transform. result[0, 3] gives access to the first row, last column.
Converts input into a Rhino.Geometry.Transform object if possible.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.CullDuplicateNumbers(numbers, ?tolerance)
float seq
(float seq) List of Doubles
?tolerance : float
(float) Optional, default value: RhinoMath.ZeroTolerance
The minimum distance between numbers. Numbers that fall within this tolerance will be discarded
Returns: Rarr<float>
(float Rarr) numbers with duplicates removed.
Removes duplicates from an array of numbers.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.CullDuplicatePoints(points, ?tolerance)
Point3d seq
(Point3d seq) A list of 3D points
?tolerance : float
(float) Optional, default value: RhinoMath.ZeroTolerance Minimum distance between points.
Points within this tolerance will be discarded.
Returns: Point3d array
(Point3d array) Array of 3D points with duplicates removed.
Removes duplicates from a list of 3D points.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.CurrentDetail(layout, detail)
(string) Title of an existing page layout view
detail : string
(string) Title of the detail view to set
Changes the current detail view in a page layout view.
Full Usage:
(string) Title of an existing page layout view
Returns: string
(string) The name of the current detail view, or an empty String if the Page view is the current view.
Returns the current detail view in a page layout view.
Full Usage:
(string) Name of an existing dimension style to make current
Changes the current default dimension style. Raise a RhinoScriptingException if the style does not exist.
Full Usage:
Returns: string
(string) Name of the current dimension style.
Returns the current default dimension style.
Full Usage:
(string) Name of an existing Hatch pattern to make current
Sets the current Hatch pattern file.
Full Usage:
Returns: string
(string) The current Hatch pattern.
Returns the current Hatch pattern file.
Full Usage:
(string) The name of an existing layer to make current
Changes the current layer.
Full Usage:
Returns: string
(string) The full name of the current layer.
Returns the current layer.
Full Usage:
(string) Title of the view to set current
Sets the currently active view.
Full Usage:
Returns: string
(string) The title of the current view.
Returns the currently active view.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.CurveArcLengthPoint(curveId, length, ?fromStart)
(Guid) Identifier of a Curve object
length : float
(float) The arc length from the start of the Curve to evaluate
?fromStart : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: true
If not specified or True, then the arc length point is
calculated from the start of the Curve. If False, the arc length
point is calculated from the end of the Curve
Returns: Point3d
(Point3d) on Curve.
Returns the point on the Curve that is a specified arc length from the start of the Curve.
Full Usage:
(Guid) The identifier of a closed, planar Curve object
Returns: float
(float) The area.
Returns area of closed planar Curves. The results are based on the current drawing units.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.CurveArrows(curveIds, arrowStyle)
Guid seq
(Guid seq) Identifier of multiple Curve
arrowStyle : int
(int) The style of annotation arrow to be displayed.
0 = no arrows
1 = display arrow at start of Curve
2 = display arrow at end of Curve
3 = display arrow at both start and end of Curve
Enables or disables multiple Curve objects's annotation arrows.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.CurveArrows(curveId, arrowStyle)
(Guid) Identifier of a Curve
arrowStyle : int
(int) The style of annotation arrow to be displayed.
0 = no arrows
1 = display arrow at start of Curve
2 = display arrow at end of Curve
3 = display arrow at both start and end of Curve
Enables or disables a Curve object's annotation arrows.
Full Usage:
(Guid) Identifier of a Curve
Returns: int
(int) The current annotation arrow style
0 = no arrows
1 = display arrow at start of Curve
2 = display arrow at end of Curve
3 = display arrow at both start and end of Curve.
Get status of a Curve object's annotation arrows.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.CurveBooleanDifference(curveA, curveB, ?tolerance)
(Guid) Identifier of the first Curve object
curveB : Guid
(Guid) Identifier of the second Curve object
?tolerance : float
(float) Optional, default value: State.Doc.ModelAbsoluteTolerance
A positive tolerance value, or None for the doc default
Returns: Rarr<Guid>
(Guid Rarr) The identifiers of the new objects.
Calculates the difference between two closed, planar Curves and adds the results to the document. Note, Curves must be coplanar. |
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.CurveBooleanIntersection(curveA, curveB, ?tolerance)
(Guid) Identifier of the first Curve object
curveB : Guid
(Guid) Identifier of the second Curve object
?tolerance : float
(float) Optional, default value: State.Doc.ModelAbsoluteTolerance
A positive tolerance value, or None for the doc default
Returns: Rarr<Guid>
(Guid Rarr) The identifiers of the new objects.
Calculates the intersection of two closed, planar Curves and adds the results to the document. Note, Curves must be coplanar. |
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.CurveBooleanUnion(curveIds, ?tolerance)
Guid seq
(Guid seq) List of two or more close planar Curves identifiers
?tolerance : float
(float) Optional, default value: State.Doc.ModelAbsoluteTolerance
A positive tolerance value, or None for the doc default
Returns: Rarr<Guid>
(Guid Rarr) The identifiers of the new objects.
Calculate the union of two or more closed, planar Curves and add the results to the document. Note, Curves must be coplanar.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.CurveBrepIntersect(curveId, brepId, ?tolerance)
(Guid) Identifier of a Curve object
brepId : Guid
(Guid) Identifier of a brep object
?tolerance : float
(float) Optional, default value: State.Doc.ModelAbsoluteTolerance
Distance tolerance at segment midpoints.
Returns: Rarr<Point3d> * Rarr<Curve>
(Point3d Rarr * Curve Rarr) List of points and List of Curves.
Intersects a Curve object with a brep object. Note, unlike the CurveSurfaceIntersection function, this function works on trimmed Surfaces. |
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.CurveClosestObject(curveId, objectIds)
(Guid) Identifier of the Curve object to test
objectIds : Guid seq
(Guid seq) List of identifiers of point cloud, Curve, Surface, or
Polysurface to test against
Returns: Guid * Point3d * Point3d
(Guid * Point3d * Point3d) containing the results of the closest point calculation.
The elements are as follows:
[0] The identifier of the closest object.
[1] The 3-D point that is closest to the closest object.
[2] The 3-D point that is closest to the test Curve.
Returns the 3D point locations on two objects where they are closest to each other. Note, this function provides similar functionality to that of Rhino's ClosestPt command. |
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.CurveClosestParameter(curveId, point, ?segmentIndex)
(Guid) Identifier of a Curve object
point : Point3d
(Point3d) Sampling point
?segmentIndex : int
(int) Optional,
Curve segment index if `curveId` identifies a Polycurve
Returns: float
(float) The parameter of the closest point on the Curve.
Returns parameter of the point on a Curve that is closest to a test point.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.CurveClosestPoint(curveId, point, ?segmentIndex)
(Guid) Identifier of a Curve object
point : Point3d
(Point3d) Sampling point
?segmentIndex : int
(int) Optional,
Curve segment index if `curveId` identifies a Polycurve
Returns: Point3d
(Point3d) The closest point on the Curve.
Returns the point on a Curve that is closest to a test point.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.CurveContourPoints(curveId, startPoint, endPoint, interval)
(Guid) Identifier of a Curve object
startPoint : Point3d
(Point3d) 3D starting point of a center line
endPoint : Point3d
(Point3d) 3D ending point of a center line
interval : float
(float) The distance between contour Curves
Returns: Point3d array
(Point3d array) A list of 3D points, one for each contour.
Returns the 3D point locations calculated by contouring a Curve object.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.CurveCurvature(curveId, parameter)
(Guid) Identifier of the Curve
parameter : float
(float) Parameter to evaluate
Returns: Point3d * Vector3d * Point3d * float * Vector3d
(Point3d * Vector3d * Point3d * float * Vector3d) of curvature information
[0] = point at specified parameter
[1] = tangent vector
[2] = center of radius of curvature
[3] = radius of curvature
[4] = curvature vector.
Returns the curvature of a Curve at a parameter. See the Rhino help for details on Curve curvature.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.CurveCurveIntersection(curveA, ?curveB, ?tolerance)
(Guid) Identifier of the first Curve object
?curveB : Guid
(Guid) Optional, Identifier of the second Curve object. If omitted, then a
self-intersection test will be performed on CurveA
?tolerance : float
(float) Optional, default value: State.Doc.ModelAbsoluteTolerance
Absolute tolerance in drawing units. If omitted,
the document's current absolute tolerance is used
Returns: Rarr<int * Point3d * Point3d * Point3d * Point3d * float * float * float * float>
( a Rarr of int*Point3d*Point3d*Point3d*Point3d*float*float*float*float)
List of tuples: containing intersection information .
The list will contain one or more of the following elements:
Element Type Description
[n][0] Number The intersection event type, either Point (1) or Overlap (2).
[n][1] Point3d If the event type is Point (1), then the intersection point
on the first Curve. If the event type is Overlap (2), then
intersection start point on the first Curve.
[n][2] Point3d If the event type is Point (1), then the intersection point
on the first Curve. If the event type is Overlap (2), then
intersection end point on the first Curve.
[n][3] Point3d If the event type is Point (1), then the intersection point
on the second Curve. If the event type is Overlap (2), then
intersection start point on the second Curve.
[n][4] Point3d If the event type is Point (1), then the intersection point
on the second Curve. If the event type is Overlap (2), then
intersection end point on the second Curve.
[n][5] Number If the event type is Point (1), then the first Curve parameter.
If the event type is Overlap (2), then the start value of the
first Curve parameter range.
[n][6] Number If the event type is Point (1), then the first Curve parameter.
If the event type is Overlap (2), then the end value of the
first Curve parameter range.
[n][7] Number If the event type is Point (1), then the second Curve parameter.
If the event type is Overlap (2), then the start value of the
second Curve parameter range.
[n][8] Number If the event type is Point (1), then the second Curve parameter.
If the event type is Overlap (2), then the end value of the
second Curve parameter range.
Calculates intersection of two Curve objects.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.CurveDegree(curveId, ?segmentIndex)
(Guid) Identifier of a Curve object
?segmentIndex : int
(int) Optional, The Curve segment index if `curveId` identifies a polycurve
Returns: int
(int) The degree of the Curve.
Returns the degree of a Curve object.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.CurveDeviation(curveA, curveB)
Parameters: Returns: float * float * float * float * float * float
(float * float * float * float * float * float) of deviation information
[0] = CurveA parameter at maximum overlap distance point
[1] = CurveB parameter at maximum overlap distance point
[2] = maximum overlap distance
[3] = CurveA parameter at minimum overlap distance point
[4] = CurveB parameter at minimum overlap distance point
[5] = minimum distance between Curves.
Returns the minimum and maximum deviation between two Curve objects.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.CurveDim(curveId, ?segmentIndex)
(Guid) Identifier of a Curve object
?segmentIndex : int
(int) Optional,
The Curve segment if CurveId identifies a polycurve
Returns: int
(int) The dimension of the Curve .
Returns the dimension of a Curve object.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.CurveDirection(curveId, ?allowNonLinear, ?segmentIndex)
(Guid) Identifier of the Curve object
?allowNonLinear : bool
(bool) Optional, allow non linear Curves, Default Value False
?segmentIndex : int
(int) Optional, The Curve segment index if `curveId` identifies a polycurve
Returns: Vector3d
(Vector3d) The direction of the Curve.
Returns the average unitized direction of a Curve object between start and end point, Optionally allows non linear Curves too.
Tests if two Curve objects are generally in the same direction or if they would be more in the same direction if one of them were flipped. When testing Curve directions, both Curves must be either open or closed - you cannot test one open Curve and one closed Curve.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.CurveDiscontinuity(curveId, style)
(Guid) Identifier of Curve object
style : int
(int) The type of continuity to test for. The types of
continuity are as follows:
Value Description
1 C0 - Continuous function
2 C1 - Continuous first derivative
3 C2 - Continuous first and second derivative
4 G1 - Continuous unit tangent
5 G2 - Continuous unit tangent and curvature
Returns: Rarr<Point3d>
(Point3d Rarr) 3D points where the Curve is discontinuous.
Search for a derivative, tangent, or curvature discontinuity in a Curve object.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.CurveEditParameters(curveId, ?segmentIndex)
(Guid) Identifier of the Curve object
?segmentIndex : int
(int) Optional, The Curve segment index is `curveId` identifies a polycurve
Returns: float[]
(Collections.Point3dList) A list of Curve parameters
Returns the Edit-, or Greville-Parameters of a Curve object. For each Curve control point, there is a corresponding edit point parameter.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.CurveEditPoints(curveId, ?segmentIndex)
(Guid) Identifier of the Curve object
?segmentIndex : int
(int) Optional, The Curve segment index is `curveId` identifies a polycurve
Returns: Point3dList
(Collections.Point3dList) Curve edit points.
Returns the Edit-, or Greville-Points of a Curve object. For each Curve control point, there is a corresponding edit point. see rs.CurveEditParameters for parameters, not points
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.CurveEndTangent(curveId, ?segmentIndex)
(Guid) Identifier of the Curve object
?segmentIndex : int
(int) Optional, The Curve segment index if `curveId` identifies a polycurve
Returns: Vector3d
(Vector3d) The tangent, same as Curve.TangentAtEnd property .
Returns the tangent at end point of a Curve object pointing away from the Curve .
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.CurveFilletPoints(curveA, curveB, radius, ?basePointA, ?basePointB)
(Guid) Identifier of the first Curve object
curveB : Guid
(Guid) Identifier of the second Curve object
radius : float
(float) The fillet radius
?basePointA : Point3d
(Point3d) Optional, The base point on the first Curve.
If omitted, the starting point of the Curve is used
?basePointB : Point3d
(Point3d) Optional, The base point on the second Curve. If omitted,
the starting point of the Curve is used
Returns: Point3d * Point3d * Plane
(Point3d * Point3d * Plane)
. The list elements are as follows:
[0] A point on the first Curve at which to cut (point).
[1] A point on the second Curve at which to cut (point).
[2] The fillet Plane.
Find points at which to cut a pair of Curves so that a fillet of a specified radius fits. A fillet point is a pair of points (point0, point1) such that there is a circle of radius tangent to Curve Curve0 at point0 and tangent to Curve Curve1 at point1. Of all possible fillet points, this function returns the one which is the closest to the base point basePointA, basePointB. Distance from the base point is measured by the sum of arc lengths along the two Curves.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.CurveFrame(curveId, parameter, ?segmentIndex)
(Guid) Identifier of the Curve object
parameter : float
(float) Parameter to evaluate
?segmentIndex : int
(int) Optional, The Curve segment index if `curveId` identifies a polycurve
Returns: Plane
(Plane) The Plane at the specified parameter.
Returns the Plane at a parameter of a Curve. The Plane is based on the tangent and curvature vectors at a parameter.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.CurveKnotCount(curveId, ?segmentIndex)
(Guid) Identifier of the Curve object
?segmentIndex : int
(int) Optional, The Curve segment if `curveId` identifies a polycurve
Returns: int
(int) The number of knots.
Returns the knot count of a Curve object.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.CurveLength(curveId, ?segmentIndex, ?subDomain)
(Guid) Identifier of the Curve object
?segmentIndex : int
(int) Optional, The Curve segment index if `curveId` identifies a polycurve
?subDomain : Interval
(Interval) Optional, List of two numbers identifying the sub-domain of the
Curve on which the calculation will be performed. The two parameters
(sub-domain) must be non-decreasing. If omitted, the length of the
entire Curve is returned
Returns: float
(float) The length of the Curve.
Returns the length of a Curve object.
Returns the 3D point locations on the Curve and finite line where they are closest to each other. Note, this function provides similar functionality to that of Rhino's ClosestPt command. |
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.CurveMeshIntersection(curveId, meshId)
(Guid) Identifier of a Curve object
meshId : Guid
(Guid) Identifier or a Mesh object
Returns: Point3d array * int array
(Point3d array * int array) two arrays as tuple:
[0] = point of intersection
[1] = Mesh face index where intersection lies.
Calculates the intersection of a Curve object and a Mesh object.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.CurveNormalizedParameter(curveId, parameter)
(Guid) Identifier of the Curve object
parameter : float
(float) The Curve parameter to convert
Returns: float
(float) normalized Curve parameter.
Converts a Curve parameter to a normalized Curve parameter; one that ranges between 0-1.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.CurveParameter(curveId, parameter)
(Guid) Identifier of the Curve object
parameter : float
(float) The normalized Curve parameter to convert
Returns: float
(float) Curve parameter.
Converts a normalized Curve parameter to a Curve parameter; one within the Curve's domain.
Returns the Plane in which a planar Curve lies. Note, this function works only on planar Curves.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.CurvePointCount(curveId, ?segmentIndex)
(Guid) Identifier of the Curve object
?segmentIndex : int
(int) Optional, The Curve segment if `curveId` identifies a polycurve
Returns: int
(int) Number of control points.
Returns the control points count of a Curve object.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.CurvePoints(curveId, ?segmentIndex)
(Guid) The object's identifier
?segmentIndex : int
(int) Optional, The Curve segment if `curveId` identifies a polycurve
Returns: Rarr<Point3d>
(Point3d Rarr) The control points, or control vertices, of a Curve object.
Returns the control points, or control vertices, of a Curve object. If the Curve is a rational NURBS Curve, the euclidean control vertices are returned.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.CurveRadius(curveId, testPoint, ?segmentIndex)
(Guid) Identifier of the Curve object
testPoint : Point3d
(Point3d) Sampling point
?segmentIndex : int
(int) Optional, The Curve segment if CurveId identifies a polycurve
Returns: float
(float) The radius of curvature at the point on the Curve.
Returns the radius of curvature at a point on a Curve.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.CurveSeam(curveId, parameter)
(Guid) Identifier of the Curve object
parameter : float
(float) The parameter of the new start/end point.
Note, if successful, the resulting Curve's
domain will start at `parameter`
Returns: bool
(bool) True or False indicating success or failure.
Adjusts the seam, or start/end, point of a closed Curve.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.CurveStartTangent(curveId, ?segmentIndex)
(Guid) Identifier of the Curve object
?segmentIndex : int
(int) Optional, The Curve segment index if `curveId` identifies a polycurve
Returns: Vector3d
(Vector3d) The tangent, same as Curve.TangentAtStart property .
Returns the tangent at start point of a Curve object pointing in direction of the Curve .
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.CurveSurfaceIntersection(curveId, surfaceId, ?tolerance, ?angleTolerance)
(Guid) The identifier of the first Curve object
surfaceId : Guid
(Guid) The identifier of the second Curve object. If omitted,
the a self-intersection test will be performed on Curve
?tolerance : float
(float) Optional, default value: State.Doc.ModelAbsoluteTolerance
The absolute tolerance in drawing units.
?angleTolerance : float
(float) Optional, default value: State.Doc.ModelAngleToleranceRadians
Angle tolerance in degrees. The angle
tolerance is used to determine when the Curve is tangent to the
Returns: Rarr<int * Point3d * Point3d * Point3d * Point3d * float * float * float * float * float * float>
(Rarr of int*Point3d*Point3d*Point3d*Point3d*float*float*float*float) of intersection information .
The list will contain one or more of the following elements:
Element Type Description
[n][0] Number The intersection event type, either Point(1) or Overlap(2).
[n][1] Point3d If the event type is Point(1), then the intersection point
on the first Curve. If the event type is Overlap(2), then
intersection start point on the first Curve.
[n][2] Point3d If the event type is Point(1), then the intersection point
on the first Curve. If the event type is Overlap(2), then
intersection end point on the first Curve.
[n][3] Point3d If the event type is Point(1), then the intersection point
on the second Curve. If the event type is Overlap(2), then
intersection start point on the Surface.
[n][4] Point3d If the event type is Point(1), then the intersection point
on the second Curve. If the event type is Overlap(2), then
intersection end point on the Surface.
[n][5] Number If the event type is Point(1), then the first Curve parameter.
If the event type is Overlap(2), then the start value of the
first Curve parameter range.
[n][6] Number If the event type is Point(1), then the first Curve parameter.
If the event type is Overlap(2), then the end value of the
Curve parameter range.
[n][7] Number If the event type is Point(1), then the U Surface parameter.
If the event type is Overlap(2), then the U Surface parameter
for Curve at (n, 5).
[n][8] Number If the event type is Point(1), then the V Surface parameter.
If the event type is Overlap(2), then the V Surface parameter
for Curve at (n, 5).
[n][9] Number If the event type is Point(1), then the U Surface parameter.
If the event type is Overlap(2), then the U Surface parameter
for Curve at (n, 6).
[n][10] Number If the event type is Point(1), then the V Surface parameter.
If the event type is Overlap(2), then the V Surface parameter
for Curve at (n, 6).
Calculates intersection of a Curve object with a Surface object. Note, this function works on the untrimmed portion of the Surface.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.CurveTangent(curveId, parameter, ?segmentIndex)
(Guid) Identifier of the Curve object
parameter : float
(float) Parameter to evaluate
?segmentIndex : int
(int) Optional, The Curve segment index if `curveId` identifies a polycurve
Returns: Vector3d
(Vector3d) A 3D vector.
Returns a 3D vector that is the tangent to a Curve at a parameter.
Full Usage:
(string) The name of the renderer to set as default renderer
Returns: bool
(bool) True or False indicating success or failure.
Changes the default render plug-in.
Full Usage:
Returns: string
(string) Name of default renderer.
Returns the default render plug-in.
Full Usage:
(string) The name of an existing alias
Returns: bool
(bool) True or False indicating success or failure.
Delete an existing alias from Rhino.
Full Usage:
(string) Name of an existing block definition
Returns: bool
(bool) True or False indicating success or failure.
Deletes a block definition and all of it's inserted instances.
Full Usage:
(string) The name of an unreferenced dimension style
Removes an existing dimension style from the document. The dimension style to be removed cannot be referenced by any dimension objects.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.DeleteDocumentData(?section, ?entry)
(string) Optional, Section name. If omitted, all sections and their corresponding entries are removed
?entry : string
(string) Optional, Entry name. If omitted, all entries for section are removed
Removes user data strings from the current document.
Full Usage:
(string) Key name to delete
Removes user text stored in the document.
Full Usage:
(string) The name of an existing group
Removes an existing group from the document. Reference groups cannot be removed. Deleting a group does not delete the member objects.
Full Usage:
(string) The name of an existing empty layer
Returns: bool
(bool) True or False indicating success or failure.
Removes an existing layer from the document. The layer to be removed cannot be the current layer. Unlike the PurgeLayer method, the layer must be empty, or contain no objects, before it can be removed. Any layers that are children of the specified layer will also be removed if they are also empty.
Full Usage:
(string) Name of the construction Plane to remove
Returns: bool
(bool) True or False indicating success or failure.
Removes a named construction Plane from the document.
Full Usage:
(string) Name of the named view to remove
Returns: bool
(bool) True or False indicating success or failure.
Removes a named view from the document.
Full Usage:
(Guid) Identifier of object to delete
Deletes a single object from the document.
Full Usage:
Guid seq
(Guid seq) Identifiers of objects to delete
Deletes one or more objects from the document, Fails if not all objects can be deleted.
Full Usage:
(string) A folder to remove
Returns: bool
(bool) True or False indicating success or failure.
Removes existing path from Rhino's search path list. Search path items can be removed manually by using Rhino's options command and modifying the contents of the files tab.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.DeleteUserText(objectIds, key, ?attachToGeometry)
Guid seq
(Guid seq) The object identifiers
key : string
(string) The key name to delete
?attachToGeometry : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false Location on the object to delete the user text from
Removes user text stored on multiple objects.If the key exists.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.DeleteUserText(objectId, key, ?attachToGeometry)
(Guid) The object's identifier
key : string
(string) The key name to delete
?attachToGeometry : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false Location on the object to delete the user text from
Removes user text stored on an object. If the key exists.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.DetailLock(detailId, lock)
(Guid) Identifier of a detail object
lock : bool
(bool) The new lock state
Modifies the projection locked state of a detail.
Full Usage:
(Guid) Identifier of a detail rectangle object
Returns: bool
(bool) The current detail projection locked state.
Returns the projection locked state of a detail view-port rectangle.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.DetailScale(detailId, modelLength, pageLength)
(Guid) Identifier of a detail object
modelLength : float
(float) A length in the current model units
pageLength : float
(float) A length in the current page units
Modifies the scale of a detail object.
Full Usage:
(Guid) Identifier of a detail object
Returns: float
(float) current page to model scale ratio if model Length and page Length are both None.
Returns the scale of a detail object.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.DimStyleAnglePrecision(dimStyle, precision)
(string) The name of an existing dimension style
precision : int
(int) The new angle precision value.
Changes the angle display precision of a dimension style.
Full Usage:
(string) The name of an existing dimension style
Returns: int
(int) The current angle precision.
Returns the angle display precision of a dimension style.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.DimStyleArrowSize(dimStyle, size)
(string) The name of an existing dimension style
size : float
(float) The new arrow size
Changes the arrow size of a dimension style.
Full Usage:
(string) The name of an existing dimension style
Returns: float
(float) The current arrow size.
Returns the arrow size of a dimension style.
Full Usage:
Returns: string array
(string array) array of all available font names.
Gets all Available Font Face Names.
Full Usage:
Returns: int
(int) The number of dimension styles in the document.
Returns the number of dimension styles in the document.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.DimStyleExtension(dimStyle, extension)
(string) The name of an existing dimension style
extension : float
(float) The new extension line extension
Changes the extension line extension of a dimension style.
Full Usage:
(string) The name of an existing dimension style
Returns: float
(float) The current extension line extension.
Returns the extension line extension of a dimension style.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.DimStyleFont(dimStyle, font)
(string) The name of an existing dimension style
font : string
(string) The new font face name
Changes the font used by a dimension style.
Full Usage:
(string) The name of an existing dimension style
Returns: string
(string) The current font.
Returns the font used by a dimension style.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.DimStyleLeaderArrowSize(dimStyle, size)
(string) The name of an existing dimension style
size : float
(float) The new leader arrow size
Changes the leader arrow size of a dimension style.
Full Usage:
(string) The name of an existing dimension style
Returns: float
(float) The current leader arrow size.
Returns the leader arrow size of a dimension style.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.DimStyleLengthFactor(dimStyle, factor)
(string) The name of an existing dimension style
factor : float
(float) The new length factor
Changes the length factor of a dimension style. Length factor is the conversion between Rhino units and dimension units.
Full Usage:
(string) The name of an existing dimension style
Returns: float
(float) if factor is not defined, the current length factor.
Returns the length factor of a dimension style. Length factor is the conversion between Rhino units and dimension units.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.DimStyleLinearPrecision(dimStyle, precision)
(string) The name of an existing dimension style
precision : int
(int) The new linear precision value
Changes the linear display precision of a dimension style.
Full Usage:
(string) The name of an existing dimension style
Returns: int
(int) The current linear precision value.
Returns the linear display precision of a dimension style.
Full Usage:
Returns: Rarr<string>
(string Rarr) The names of all dimension styles in the document.
Returns the names of all dimension styles in the document.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.DimStyleNumberFormat(dimStyle, format)
(string) The name of an existing dimension style
format : int
(int) The new number format
ModelUnits 0 Decimal current model units
Millimeters 3 Decimal Millimeters
Centimeters 4 Decimal Centimeters
Meters 5 Decimal Meters
Kilometers 6 Decimal Kilometers
InchesDecimal 7 Decimal Inches
InchesFractional 1 Fractional Inches ( 1.75 inches displays as 1-3/4 )
FeetDecimal 8 Decimal Feet
FeetAndInches 2 Feet and Inches ( 14.75 inches displays as 1'-2-3/4" )
Miles 9 Decimal Miles
Changes the number display format of a dimension style.
Full Usage:
(string) The name of an existing dimension style
Returns: int
(int) The current display format
ModelUnits 0 Decimal current model units
Millimeters 3 Decimal Millimeters
Centimeters 4 Decimal Centimeters
Meters 5 Decimal Meters
Kilometers 6 Decimal Kilometers
InchesDecimal 7 Decimal Inches
InchesFractional 1 Fractional Inches ( 1.75 inches displays as 1-3/4 )
FeetDecimal 8 Decimal Feet
FeetAndInches 2 Feet and Inches ( 14.75 inches displays as 1'-2-3/4" )
Miles 9 Decimal Miles.
Returns the number display format of a dimension style.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.DimStyleOffset(dimStyle, offset)
(string) The name of an existing dimension style
offset : float
(float) The new extension line offset
Changes the extension line offset of a dimension style.
Full Usage:
(string) The name of an existing dimension style
Returns: float
(float) The current extension line offset.
Returns the extension line offset of a dimension style.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.DimStylePrefix(dimStyle, prefix)
(string) The name of an existing dimStyle
prefix : string
(string) The new prefix
Changes the prefix of a dimension style - the text to prefix to the dimension text.
Full Usage:
(string) The name of an existing dimStyle
Returns: string
(string) The current prefix.
Returns the prefix of a dimension style - the text to prefix to the dimension text.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.DimStyleScale(dimStyle, scale)
(string) The name of an existing dimStyle
scale : float
(float) The new scale
Changes the scale of a dimension style .
Full Usage:
(string) The name of an existing dimStyle
Returns: float
(string) The current suffix.
Returns the scale of a dimension style .
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.DimStyleSuffix(dimStyle, suffix)
(string) The name of an existing dimStyle
suffix : string
(string) The new suffix
Changes the suffix of a dimension style - the text to append to the dimension text.
Full Usage:
(string) The name of an existing dimStyle
Returns: string
(string) The current suffix.
Returns the suffix of a dimension style - the text to append to the dimension text.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.DimStyleTextAlignment(dimStyle, alignment)
(string) The name of an existing dimension style
alignment : int
(int) The new text alignment
Top 0 Attach to top of an 'I' on the first line. (Independent of glyphs being displayed.)
MiddleOfTop 1 Attach to middle of an 'I' on the first line. (Independent of glyphs being displayed.)
BottomOfTop 2 Attach to baseline of first line. (Independent of glyphs being displayed.)
Middle 3 Attach to middle of text vertical advance. (Independent of glyphs being displayed.)
MiddleOfBottom 4 Attach to middle of an 'I' on the last line. (Independent of glyphs being displayed.)
Bottom 5 Attach to the baseline of the last line. (Independent of glyphs being displayed.)
BottomOfBoundingBox 6 Attach to the bottom of the bounding box of the visible glyphs.
Changes the text alignment mode of a dimension style.
Full Usage:
(string) The name of an existing dimension style
Returns: int
(int) The current text alignment
Top 0 Attach to top of an 'I' on the first line. (Independent of glyphs being displayed.)
MiddleOfTop 1 Attach to middle of an 'I' on the first line. (Independent of glyphs being displayed.)
BottomOfTop 2 Attach to baseline of first line. (Independent of glyphs being displayed.)
Middle 3 Attach to middle of text vertical advance. (Independent of glyphs being displayed.)
MiddleOfBottom 4 Attach to middle of an 'I' on the last line. (Independent of glyphs being displayed.)
Bottom 5 Attach to the baseline of the last line. (Independent of glyphs being displayed.)
BottomOfBoundingBox 6 Attach to the bottom of the bounding box of the visible glyphs.
Returns the text alignment mode of a dimension style.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.DimStyleTextGap(dimStyle, gap)
(string) The name of an existing dimension style
gap : float
(float) The new text gap
Changes the text gap used by a dimension style.
Full Usage:
(string) The name of an existing dimension style
Returns: float
(float) The current text gap.
Returns the text gap used by a dimension style.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.DimStyleTextHeight(dimStyle, height)
(string) The name of an existing dimension style
height : float
(float) The new text height
Changes the text height used by a dimension style.
Full Usage:
(string) The name of an existing dimension style
Returns: float
(float) The current text height.
Returns the text height used by a dimension style.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.DimensionStyle(objectIds, dimStyleName)
Guid seq
(Guid seq) Identifier of the objects
dimStyleName : string
(string) The name of multiple existing dimension style
Modifies the dimension style of multiple dimension objects.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.DimensionStyle(objectId, dimStyleName)
(Guid) Identifier of the object
dimStyleName : string
(string) The name of an existing dimension style
Modifies the dimension style of a dimension object.
Full Usage:
(Guid) Identifier of the object
Returns: string
(string) The object's current dimension style name.
Returns the dimension style of a dimension object.
Full Usage:
(Guid) Identifier of the object
Returns: string
(string) The text displayed by a dimension object.
Returns the text displayed by a dimension object.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.DimensionUserText(objectIds, usertext)
Guid seq
(Guid seq) Identifiers of the objects
usertext : string
(string) The new user text string value
Modifies the user text string of multiple dimension objects. The user text is the string that gets printed when the dimension is defined.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.DimensionUserText(objectId, usertext)
(Guid) Identifier of the object
usertext : string
(string) The new user text string value
Modifies the user text string of a dimension object. The user text is the string that gets printed when the dimension is defined.
Full Usage:
(Guid) Identifier of the object
Returns: string
(string) The current usertext string.
Returns the user text string of a dimension object. The user text is the string that gets printed when the dimension is defined.
Full Usage:
(Guid) Identifier of the object
Returns: float
(float) numeric value of the dimension.
Returns the value of a dimension object.
Full Usage:
Disables screen redrawing. All UI interacting functions (such as rs.GetObject) of Rhino.Scripting will automatically enable redraw if needed and afterwards disable it again if it was disabled before. At the end of a script run in Fesh Editor Redraw will be automatically enabled again. |
Full Usage:
(Guid) Identifier of a Mesh object
Returns: int
(int) The number of Meshes that could be created.
Returns number of Meshes that could be created by calling SplitDisjointMesh.
Full Usage:
(bool) Whether alerts should be visible (True or False)
Enables/disables OLE Server Busy/Not Responding dialog boxes.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.DivideCurve(curveId, segments)
(Guid) Identifier of the Curve object
segments : int
(int) The number of segments
Returns: float array
( float array ) array containing 3D division parameters.
Divides a Curve object into a specified number of segments.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.DivideCurve(curve, segments)
(Geometry.Curve) Curve geometry
segments : int
(int) The number of segments
Returns: float array
( float array ) array containing 3D division parameters.
Divides a Curve Geometry into a specified number of segments.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.DivideCurveLength(curveId, length)
(Guid) Identifier of the Curve object
length : float
(float) The length of each segment
Returns: float[]
( float array) a list containing division parameters.
Divides a Curve object into segments of a specified length. If length is more than Curve length it fails.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.DivideCurveLength(curve, length)
(Geometry.Curve) Curve geometry
length : float
(float) The length of each segment
Returns: float[]
( float array) a list containing division parameters.
Divides a Curve Geometry into segments of a specified length. If length is more than Curve length it fails.
The current active Rhino document (= the file currently open)
Full Usage:
Returns: int
(int) The number of user data strings in the current document.
Returns the number of user data strings in the current document.
Full Usage:
(bool) The modified state, either True or False
Sets the document's modified flag. This flag indicates whether or not any changes to the current document have been made. NOTE: setting the document modified flag to False will prevent the "Do you want to save this file..." from displaying when you close Rhino.
Full Usage:
Returns: bool
(bool) if no modified state is specified, the current modified state.
Returns the document's modified flag. This flag indicates whether or not any changes to the current document have been made. NOTE: setting the document modified flag to False will prevent the "Do you want to save this file..." from displaying when you close Rhino.
Full Usage:
Returns: string
(string) The name of the currently loaded Rhino document (3dm file).
Returns the name of the currently loaded Rhino document (3dm file).
Full Usage:
Returns: string
(string) The path of the currently loaded Rhino document including the file name(3dm file).
Returns full path of the currently loaded Rhino document including the file name (3dm file).
Full Usage:
Returns: int
(int) The number of user text strings in the current document.
Returns the number of user text strings in the current document.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.DuplicateEdgeCurves(objectId, ?select)
(Guid) The identifier of the Surface or Polysurface object
?select : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false
Select the duplicated edge Curves. The default is not to select (False)
Returns: Rarr<Guid>
(Guid Rarr) identifying the newly created Curve objects.
Duplicates the edge Curves of a Surface or Polysurface. For more information, see the Rhino help file for information on the DupEdge command.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.DuplicateSurfaceBorder(surfaceId, ?typ)
(Guid) Identifier of a Surface
?typ : int
(int) Optional, default value: 0
The border Curves to return
0 = both exterior and interior,
1 = exterior
2 = interior
Returns: Rarr<Guid>
(Guid Rarr) list of Curve ids .
Full Usage:
(Drawing.Color), optional) The new color for the analysis
Modifies edge analysis color displayed by the ShowEdges command.
Full Usage:
Returns: Color
(Drawing.Color) The current edge analysis color.
Returns edge analysis color displayed by the ShowEdges command.
Full Usage:
(int) The new display mode. The available modes are
0 - display all edges
1 - display naked edges
Modifies edge analysis mode displayed by the ShowEdges command.
Full Usage:
Returns: int
(int) The current edge analysis mode
0 - display all edges
1 - display naked edges.
Returns edge analysis mode displayed by the ShowEdges command.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.EditBox(?defaultValString, ?message, ?title)
(string) Optional, A default string value
?message : string
(string) Optional, A prompt message
?title : string
(string) Optional, A dialog box title
Returns: string
(string Option) Option of Multiple lines that are separated by carriage return-linefeed combinations.
A RhinoUserInteractionException is raised if input is cancelled via Esc Key.
Display dialog prompting the user to enter a string. The string value may span multiple lines.
Full Usage:
(bool) Optional, default value: true
The autosave state. If omitted automatic saving is enabled (True)
Enables or disables Rhino's automatic file saving mechanism.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.EnableLight(objectIds, enable)
Guid seq
(Guid seq) The light objects's identifiers
enable : bool
(bool) The light's enabled status
Enables or disables multiple light objects.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.EnableLight(objectId, enable)
(Guid) The light object's identifier
enable : bool
(bool) The light's enabled status
Enables or disables a light object.
Full Usage:
(Guid) The light object's identifier
Returns: bool
(bool) The current enabled status.
Get On / Off status of a light object.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.EnableObjectGrips(objectId, ?enable)
(Guid) Identifier of the object
?enable : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: true
If True, the specified object's grips will be turned on.
If False, they will be turned off
Returns: bool
(bool) True on success, False on failure.
Enables or disables an object's grips. For Curves and Surfaces, these are also called control points.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.EnablePlugIn(plugin, enable)
(string) The name of the plugin
enable : bool
(bool) Load silently if True
Enables or disables a Rhino plug-in.
Full Usage:
(string) The name of the plugin
Returns: bool
(bool) True if set to load silently otherwise False.
Get status of a Rhino plug-in.
Full Usage:
(bool) Optional, default value: true
True to enable, False to disable
Enables or disables screen redrawing. All UI interacting functions (such as rs.GetObject) of Rhino.Scripting will automatically enable redraw if needed and afterwards disable it again if it was disabled before. At the end of a script run in Fesh Editor Redraw will be automatically enabled again.
Full Usage:
Tests to see if the user has pressed the escape key. Raises an OperationCanceledException. |
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.EvaluateCurve(curveId, t, ?segmentIndex)
(Guid) Identifier of the Curve object
t : float
(float) The parameter to evaluate
?segmentIndex : int
(int) Optional, The Curve segment index if `curveId` identifies a polycurve
Returns: Point3d
(Point3d) a 3-D point.
Full Usage:
Returns: string
(string) The full path to Rhino's executable folder.
Returns the full path to Rhino's executable folder.
Full Usage:
Returns: int
(int) 1 for 64 bit, 0 for 32 bit.
Returns the platform of the Rhino executable , calls System.Environment.Is64BitProcess.
Full Usage:
Returns: int
(int) The service release number of the Rhino executable.
Returns the service release number of the Rhino executable.
Full Usage:
Returns: int
(int) The major version number of the Rhino executable.
Returns the major version number of the Rhino executable.
Full Usage:
Closes the Rhino application. |
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.ExpandLayer(layer, expand)
(string) Name of the layer to expand
expand : bool
(bool) True to expand, False to collapse
Expands or Collapses a layer. Expanded layers can be viewed in Rhino's layer dialog. Use the functions rs.UnCollapseLayer and rs.CollapseLayer to expand and collapse their children too.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.ExplodeBlockInstance(objectId, ?explodeNestedInstances)
(Guid) The identifier of an existing block insertion object
?explodeNestedInstances : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false
By default nested blocks are not exploded
Returns: Guid array
(Guid array) identifiers for the newly exploded objects.
Explodes a block instance into it's geometric components. The exploded objects are added to the document. The block instance is deleted
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.ExplodeCurve(curveId, ?deleteInput)
(Guid) The Curve object to explode
?deleteInput : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false
Delete input objects after exploding if True
Returns: Rarr<Guid>
(Guid Rarr) identifying the newly created Curve objects.
Explodes, or un-joins, one Curve. PolyCurves will be exploded into Curve segments. Polylines will be exploded into line segments. ExplodeCurves will return the Curves in topological order.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.ExplodeCurves(curveIds, ?deleteInput)
Guid seq
(Guid seq) The Curve objects to explode
?deleteInput : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false
Delete input objects after exploding if True
Returns: Rarr<Guid>
(Guid Rarr) identifying the newly created Curve objects.
Explodes, or un-joins, several curves Curve. PolyCurves will be exploded into Curve segments. Polylines will be exploded into line segments. ExplodeCurves will return the Curves in topological order.
Explodes a Hatch object into its component objects. The exploded objects will be added to the document. If the Hatch object uses a solid pattern, then planar face Brep objects will be created. Otherwise, line Curve objects will be created.
Explodes a Mesh object, or Mesh objects int subMeshes. A subMesh is a collection of Mesh faces that are contained within a closed loop of unwelded Mesh edges. Unwelded Mesh edges are where the Mesh faces that share the edge have unique Mesh vertices (not Mesh topology vertices) at both ends of the edge.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.ExplodePolysurfaces(objectIds, ?deleteInput)
Guid seq
(Guid seq) Identifiers of Polysurfaces to explode
?deleteInput : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false
Delete input objects after exploding
Returns: Rarr<Guid>
(Guid Rarr) List of identifiers of exploded pieces .
Explodes, or un-joins, one or more Polysurface objects. Polysurfaces will be exploded into separate Surfaces.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.ExplodeText(textId, ?delete)
(Guid) Identifier of Text object to explode
?delete : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false
Delete the text object after the Curves have been created
Returns: Rarr<Guid>
(Guid array) Array of outline Curves.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.ExtendCurve(curveId, extensionType, side, boundaryCurveIds, ?replaceInput)
(Guid) Identifier of Curve to extend
extensionType : int
0 = line
1 = arc
2 = smooth
side : int
0 = extend from the start of the Curve
1 = extend from the end of the Curve
2 = extend from both the start and the end of the Curve
boundaryCurveIds : Guid seq
(Guid seq) Curve, Surface, and Polysurface objects to extend to
?replaceInput : bool
(bool) Optional, Default Value false Replace input or add new?
Returns: Guid
(Guid) The identifier of the new object or original Curve ( depending on 'replaceInput').
Extends a non-closed Curve object by a line, arc, or smooth extension until it intersects a collection of objects.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.ExtendCurveLength(curveId, extensionType, side, length)
(Guid) Curve to extend
extensionType : int
0 = line
1 = arc
2 = smooth
side : int
0 = extend from start of the Curve
1 = extend from end of the Curve
2 = Extend from both ends
length : float
(float) Distance to extend
Returns: Guid
(Guid) The identifier of the new object.
Extends a non-closed Curve by a line, arc, or smooth extension for a specified distance.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.ExtendCurvePoint(curveId, side, point, ?extensionType)
(Guid) Curve to extend
side : int
0 = extend from start of the Curve
1 = extend from end of the Curve
2 = extend from both the start and the end of the Curve
point : Point3d
(Point3d) Point to extend to
?extensionType : int
(int) Optional, default value: 2 ( CurveExtensionStyle.Smooth))
0 = line
1 = arc
2 = smooth
Returns: Guid
(Guid) The identifier of the new object.
Extends a non-closed Curve by smooth extension to a point.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.ExtendSurface(surfaceId, parameter, length, ?smooth)
(Guid) Identifier of a Surface
parameter : float * float
(float * float) Tuple of two values defining the U, V parameter to evaluate.
The Surface edge closest to the U, V parameter will be the edge that is
length : float
(float) Amount to extend to Surface
?smooth : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: true
If True, the Surface is extended smoothly curving from the
edge. If False, the Surface is extended in a straight line from the edge
Returns: bool
(bool) True or False indicating success or failure.
Lengthens an untrimmed Surface object.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.ExtractIsoCurve(surfaceId, parameter, direction)
(Guid) Identifier of a Surface
parameter : float * float
(float * float) U, v parameter of the Surface to evaluate
direction : int
(int) Direction to evaluate
0 = u
1 = v
2 = both
Returns: Rarr<Guid>
(Guid Rarr) List of Curve ids .
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.ExtractPreviewImage(fileName, ?modelName)
(string) Name of the bitmap file to create. The extension of
the fileName controls the format of the bitmap file created.
(.bmp, .tga, .jpg, .jpeg, .pcx, .png, .tif, .tiff)
?modelName : string
(string) Optional, The model (.3dm) from which to extract the
preview image. If omitted, the currently loaded model is used
Extracts the bitmap preview image from the specified model (.3dm).
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.ExtractSurface(objectId, faceIndices, ?copy)
(Guid) Polysurface identifier
faceIndices : int seq
(int seq) One or more numbers representing faces
?copy : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false
If True the faces are copied. If False, the faces are extracted
Returns: Rarr<Guid>
(Guid Rarr) identifiers of extracted Surface objects .
Separates or copies a Surface or a copy of a Surface from a Polysurface.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.ExtrudeCurveStraight(curveId, startPoint, endPoint)
(Guid) Identifier of the Curve to extrude
startPoint : Point3d
(Point3d) Start point
endPoint : Point3d
(Point3d) End point, that specifies distance and direction
Returns: Guid
(Guid) identifier of new Surface .
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.ExtrudeSurface(surfaceId, curveId, ?cap)
(Guid) Identifier of the Surface to extrude
curveId : Guid
(Guid) Identifier of the path Curve
?cap : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: true
Extrusion is capped at both ends
Returns: Guid
(Guid) identifier of new Surface .
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.FairCurve(curveId, tolerance)
(Guid) Curve to fair
tolerance : float
(float) Fairing tolerance
Returns: bool
(bool) True or False indicating success or failure.
Fairs a Curve. Fair works best on degree 3 (cubic) Curves. Fair attempts to remove large curvature variations while limiting the geometry changes to be no more than the specified tolerance. Sometimes several applications of this method are necessary to remove nasty curvature problems.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.FilletSurfaces(surface0, surface1, radius, ?uvparam0, ?uvparam1)
(Guid) first Surface
surface1 : Guid
(Guid) second Surface
radius : float
(float) A positive fillet radius
?uvparam0 : Point2d
(Point2d) Optional, A u, v Surface parameter of Surface0 near where the fillet
is expected to hit the Surface
?uvparam1 : Point2d
(Point2d) Optional, Same as uvparam0, but for Surface1
Returns: Rarr<Guid>
(Guid Rarr) ids of Surfaces created .
Create constant radius rolling ball fillets between two Surfaces. Note, this function does not trim the original Surfaces of the fillets.
An Integer Enum of Object types. To be use in object selection functions such as rs.GetObjects().
Full Usage:
(string) A short file name to search for
Returns: string
(string) a full path.
Searches for a file using Rhino's search path. Rhino will look for a file in the following locations: 1. The current document's folder. 2. Folder's specified in Options dialog, File tab. 3. Rhino's System folders.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.FirstObject(?select, ?includeLights, ?includeGrips)
(bool) Optional, default value: false Select the object. If omitted, the object is not selected
?includeLights : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false Include light objects. If omitted, light objects are not returned
?includeGrips : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false Include grips objects. If omitted, grips objects are not returned
Returns: Guid
(Guid) The identifier of the object.
Returns identifier of the first object in the document. The first object is the last object created by the user.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.FitCurve(curveId, ?degree, ?distanceTolerance, ?angleTolerance)
(Guid) Identifier of the Curve object
?degree : int
(int) Optional, default value: 3
The Curve degree, which must be greater than 1.
The default is 3
?distanceTolerance : float
(float) Optional, default value: State.Doc.ModelAbsoluteTolerance
The fitting tolerance.
?angleTolerance : float
(float) Optional, default value: State.Doc.ModelAngleToleranceRadians
The kink smoothing tolerance in degrees. If
angleTolerance is 0.0, all kinks are smoothed. If angleTolerance
is bigger than 0.0, kinks smaller than angleTolerance are smoothed. If
angleTolerance is not specified or smaller than 0.0, the document angle
tolerance is used for the kink smoothing
Returns: Guid
(Guid) The identifier of the new object.
Reduces number of Curve control points while maintaining the Curve's same general shape. Use this function for replacing Curves with many control points. For more information, see the Rhino help for the FitCrv command.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.FlashObject(objectIds, ?style)
Guid seq
(Guid seq) Identifiers of objects to flash
?style : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: true
If True, flash between object color and selection color.
If False, flash between visible and invisible
Causes the selection state of one or more objects to change momentarily so the object appears to flash on the screen.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.FlipSurface(surfaceIds, flip)
Guid seq
(Guid seq) Identifiers of multiple Surface objects
flip : bool
(bool) New normal orientation, either flipped(True) or not flipped (False)
Changes the normal direction of multiple Surface. This feature can also be found in Rhino's Dir command. Use RhinoScriptSyntax.IsSurfaceFliped to get State.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.FlipSurface(surfaceId, flip)
(Guid) Identifier of a Surface object
flip : bool
(bool) New normal orientation, either flipped(True) or not flipped (False)
Changes the normal direction of a Surface. This feature can also be found in Rhino's Dir command. Use RhinoScriptSyntax.IsSurfaceFliped to get State.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.FrangePython(start, stop, step)
(float) first value of range
stop : float
(float) end of range( The last value will not be included in range, Python semantics.)
step : float
(float) step size between two values
Returns: Rarr<float>
(float Rarr).
Like the Python 'range' function for integers this creates a range of floating point values. This last or stop value will NOT be included in range as per python semantics, this is different from F# semantics on range expressions. Use FsEx.UtilMath.floatRange(...) to include stop value in range.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.FxrangePython(start, stop, step)
(float) first value of range
stop : float
(float) end of range (The last value will not be included in range, Python semantics.)
step : float
(float) step size between two values
Returns: float seq
(float seq) a lazy seq of floats.
Like the Python 'xrange' function for integers this creates a range of floating point values. The last or stop value will NOT be included in range as per python semantics, this is different from F# semantics on range expressions. Use FsEx.UtilMath.floatRange(...) to include stop value in range.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.GetAngle(?point, ?referencePoint, ?defaultValAngleDegrees, ?message)
(Point3d) Optional, default value: Point3d.Unset
Starting, or base point
?referencePoint : Point3d
(Point3d) Optional, default value: Point3d.Unset
If specified, the reference angle is calculated from it and the base point
?defaultValAngleDegrees : float
(float) Optional, A default angle value specified
?message : string
(string) Optional, A prompt to display
Returns: float
(float) Option of angle in degree.
A RhinoUserInteractionException is raised if input is cancelled via Esc Key.
Pause for user input of an angle.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.GetBoolean(message, items, defaultVals)
(string) A prompt
items : (string * string * string) array
((string*string*string) array) List of options. Each is a tuple of three strings
[n][1] description of the boolean value. Must only consist of letters and numbers. (no characters like space, period, or dash)
[n][2] string identifying the false value
[n][3] string identifying the true value
defaultVals : bool array
(bool seq) List of boolean values used as default or starting values
Returns: Rarr<bool>
(bool Rarr) Option of a list of values that represent the boolean values.
A RhinoUserInteractionException is raised if input is cancelled via Esc Key.
Pauses for user input of one or more boolean values. Boolean values are displayed as click-able Command-line toggles.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.GetBox(?mode, ?basePoint, ?prompt1, ?prompt2, ?prompt3)
(int) Optional, default value: 0
The box selection mode.
0 = All modes
1 = Corner. The base rectangle is created by picking two corner points
2 = 3-Point. The base rectangle is created by picking three points
3 = Vertical. The base vertical rectangle is created by picking three points.
4 = Center. The base rectangle is created by picking a center point and a corner point
?basePoint : Point3d
(Point3d) Optional, Optional 3D base point
?prompt1 : string
(string) Optional, Prompt1 of 'optional prompts to set'
?prompt2 : string
(string) Optional, Prompt2 of 'optional prompts to set'
?prompt3 : string
(string) Optional, Prompt3 of 'optional prompts to set'
Returns: Point3d[]
(Point3d array) array of eight Point3d that define the corners of the box.
A RhinoUserInteractionException is raised if input is cancelled via Esc Key.
Pauses for user input of a box.
Full Usage:
Returns: Point3d * Point2d * Guid * Point2d
(Point3d * Point2d * Guid * Point2d) a Tuple of containing the following information
0 Point3d: cursor position in world coordinates
1 Point2d: cursor position in screen coordinates
2 Guid: objectId of the active view-port
3 Point2d: cursor position in client coordinates.
Retrieves the cursor's position.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.GetCurveObject(?message, ?preselect, ?select)
(string) Optional, A prompt or message
?preselect : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: true Allow for the selection of pre-selected objects
?select : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false Select the picked objects. If False, objects that are picked are not selected
Returns: Guid * bool * SelectionMethod * Point3d * float * string
(Guid * bool * int * Point3d * float * string) Tuple containing the following information
[0] guid identifier of the Curve object
[1] bool True if the Curve was preselected, otherwise False
[2] Enum DocObjects.SelectionMethod
[3] point selection point
[4] number the Curve parameter of the selection point
[5] str name of the view selection was made.
A RhinoUserInteractionException is raised if input is cancelled via Esc Key.
Prompts user to pick or select a single Curve object.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.GetDistance(?firstPt, ?distance, ?firstPtMsg, ?secondPtMsg)
(Point3d) Optional, First distance point
?distance : float
(float) Optional, Default distance
?firstPtMsg : string
(string) Optional, default value: "First distance point"
Prompt for the first distance point
?secondPtMsg : string
(string) Optional, default value: "Second distance point"
Prompt for the second distance point
Returns: float
(float) The distance between the two points.
A RhinoUserInteractionException is raised if input is cancelled via Esc Key.
Pauses for user input of a distance.
Full Usage:
(string) Optional, Section name. If omitted, all section names are returned
Returns: string array
(string array) Array of all section names if sectionName is omitted,
else all entry names in this section.
Returns a user data item from the current document.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.GetDocumentDataEntry(section, entry)
(string) Section name
entry : string
(string) Entry name
Returns: string
(string) The entry value.
Returns a user data item entry from the current document.
Full Usage:
(string) Key to use for retrieving user text
Returns: string
(string) If key is specified, then the associated value.
Returns user text stored in the document.
Full Usage:
Returns: Rarr<string>
(string Rarr) all document user text keys.
Returns all document user text keys.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.GetEdgeCurves(?message, ?minCount, ?maxCount, ?select)
(string) Optional, default value: Select Edges
A prompt or message
?minCount : int
(int) Optional, default value: 1
Minimum number of edges to select
?maxCount : int
(int) Optional, default value: 0
Maximum number of edges to select
?select : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false
Select the duplicated edge Curves
Returns: Rarr<Guid * Guid * Point3d>
((Guid*Guid*Point3d) Rarr) a List of selection prompts (curve objectId, parent objectId, selection point).
A RhinoUserInteractionException is raised if input is cancelled via Esc Key.
Prompt the user to pick one or more Surface or Polysurface edge Curves.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.GetInteger(?message, ?number, ?minimum, ?maximum)
(string) Optional, A prompt or message
?number : int
(int) Optional, A default whole number value
?minimum : int
(int) Optional, A minimum allowable value
?maximum : int
(int) Optional, A maximum allowable value
Returns: int
(int) The whole number input by the user.
A RhinoUserInteractionException is raised if input is cancelled via Esc Key.
Pauses for user input of a whole number.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.GetLayer(?title, ?layer, ?showNewButton, ?showSetCurrent)
(string) Optional, default value: "Select Layer"
Dialog box title
?layer : string
(string) Optional, Name of a layer to preselect. If omitted, the current layer will be preselected
?showNewButton : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false
Show new button of on the dialog
?showSetCurrent : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false
Show set current button on the dialog
Returns: string
(string) name of selected layer.
A RhinoUserInteractionException is raised if input is cancelled via Esc Key.
Displays dialog box prompting the user to select a layer.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.GetLayers(?title, ?showNewButton)
(string) Optional, default value: "Select Layers"
Dialog box title
?showNewButton : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false
Optional button to show on the dialog
Returns: Rarr<string>
(string Rarr) The names of selected layers.
A RhinoUserInteractionException is raised if input is cancelled via Esc Key.
Displays a dialog box prompting the user to select one or more layers.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.GetLine(?mode, ?point, ?message1, ?message2, ?message3)
(int) Optional, default value: 0
Line definition mode.
0 Default - Show all modes, start in two-point mode
1 Two-point - Defines a line from two points.
2 Normal - Defines a line normal to a location on a Surface.
3 Angled - Defines a line at a specified angle from a reference line.
4 Vertical - Defines a line vertical to the construction Plane.
5 Four-point - Defines a line using two points to establish direction and two points to establish length.
6 Bisector - Defines a line that bisects a specified angle.
7 Perpendicular - Defines a line perpendicular to or from a Curve
8 Tangent - Defines a line tangent from a Curve.
9 Extension - Defines a line that extends from a Curve
?point : Point3d
(Point3d) Optional, Optional starting point
?message1 : string
(string) Optional, Message1 of optional prompts
?message2 : string
(string) Optional, Message2 of optional prompts
?message3 : string
(string) Optional, Message3 of optional prompts
Returns: Line
(Line) a Line.
A RhinoUserInteractionException is raised if input is cancelled via Esc Key.
Prompts the user to pick points that define a line.
Full Usage:
(string) Optional, Optional. The name of the line-type to select. If omitted, the current line-type will be selected
Returns: string
(string) The names of selected line-type.
Displays a dialog box prompting the user to select one line-type. A RhinoUserInteractionException is raised if input is cancelled via Esc Key.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.GetMeshFaces(objectId, ?message, ?minCount, ?maxCount)
(Guid) The Mesh object's identifier
?message : string
(string) Optional, default value: "Select Mesh Faces"
A prompt of message
?minCount : int
(int) Optional, default value: 1
The minimum number of faces to select
?maxCount : int
(int) Optional, default value: 0
The maximum number of faces to select.
If 0, the user must press enter to finish selection.
If -1, selection stops as soon as there are at least minCount faces selected
Returns: Rarr<int>
(int Rarr) Mesh face indices.
A RhinoUserInteractionException is raised if input is cancelled via Esc Key.
Prompts the user to pick one or more Mesh faces.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.GetMeshVertices(objectId, ?message, ?minCount, ?maxCount)
(Guid) The Mesh object's identifier
?message : string
(string) Optional, default value: "Select Mesh Vertices"
A prompt of message
?minCount : int
(int) Optional, default value: 1
The minimum number of vertices to select
?maxCount : int
(int) Optional, default value: 0
The maximum number of vertices to select. If 0, the user must
press enter to finish selection. If -1, selection stops as soon as there
are at least minCount vertices selected
Returns: Rarr<int>
(int Rarr) Mesh vertex indices.
A RhinoUserInteractionException is raised if input is cancelled via Esc Key.
Prompts the user to pick one or more Mesh vertices.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.GetObject(?message, ?filter, ?preselect, ?select, ?customFilter, ?subObjects)
(string) Optional, A prompt or message
?filter : int
(int) Optional, The type(s) of geometry (points, Curves, Surfaces, Meshes,...)
that can be selected. Object types can be added together to filter
several different kinds of geometry. use the RhinoScriptSyntax.Filter enum to get values, they can be joined with '+'
?preselect : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: true
Allow for the selection of pre-selected objects
?select : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false
Select the picked objects. If False, the objects that are
picked are not selected
?customFilter : GetObjectGeometryFilter
(Input.Custom.GetObjectGeometryFilter) Optional, A custom filter function
?subObjects : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false
If True, sub-objects can be selected. When this is the
case, for tracking of the sub-object go via the Object Ref
Returns: Guid
(Guid) Identifier of the picked object.
A RhinoUserInteractionException is raised if input is cancelled via Esc Key.
Prompts user to pick, or select, a single object. Raises a RhinoUserInteractionException if no object was selected. For example when Esc key was pressed.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.GetObjectEx(?message, ?filter, ?preselect, ?select, ?objects)
(string) Optional, A prompt or message
?filter : int
(int) Optional, default value: 0
The type(s) of geometry (points, Curves, Surfaces, Meshes,...)
that can be selected. Object types can be added together to filter
several different kinds of geometry. use the filter class to get values
?preselect : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: true
Allow for the selection of pre-selected objects
?select : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false
Select the picked objects. If False, the objects that are
picked are not selected
?objects : Guid
(Guid seq) Optional, List of object identifiers specifying objects that are
allowed to be selected
Returns: Guid * bool * SelectionMethod * Point3d * string
(Guid * bool * float * Point3d * string) Tuple containing the following information
[0] identifier of the object
[1] True if the object was preselected, otherwise False
[2] selection method Enum DocObjects.SelectionMethod
(0) selected by non-mouse method (SelAll, etc.).
(1) selected by mouse click on the object.
(2) selected by being inside of a mouse window.
(3) selected by intersecting a mouse crossing window.
[3] selection point
[4] name of the view selection was made.
A RhinoUserInteractionException is raised if input is cancelled via Esc Key.
Prompts user to pick, or select a single object. Raises a RhinoUserInteractionException if no object was selected. For example when Esc key was pressed.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.GetObjectGrip(?message, ?preselect, ?select)
(string) Optional, Prompt for picking
?preselect : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false
Allow for selection of pre-selected object grip
?select : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false
Select the picked object grip
Returns: Guid * int * Point3d
(Guid * int * Point3d) of a grip record.
[0] = identifier of the object that owns the grip
[1] = index value of the grip
[2] = location of the grip.
Prompts the user to pick a single object grip. Fails if selection is empty.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.GetObjectGrips(?message, ?preselect, ?select)
(string) Optional, Prompt for picking
?preselect : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false
Allow for selection of pre-selected object grips
?select : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false
Select the picked object grips
Returns: Rarr<Guid * int * Point3d>
((Guid * int * Point3d) Rarr) containing one or more grip records. Each grip record is a tuple
[n][0] = identifier of the object that owns the grip
[n][1] = index value of the grip
[n][2] = location of the grip.
Prompts user to pick one or more object grips from one or more objects.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.GetObjects(?message, ?filter, ?group, ?preselect, ?select, ?objectsToSelectFrom, ?minimumCount, ?maximumCount, ?printCount, ?customFilter)
(string) Optional, default value: "Select objects"
A prompt or message
?filter : int
(int) Optional, The type(s) of geometry (points, Curves, Surfaces, Meshes,...)
that can be selected. Object types can be added together to filter
several different kinds of geometry. use the RhinoScriptSyntax.Filter enum to get values, they can be joined with '+'
?group : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: true
Honor object grouping. If omitted and the user picks a group,
the entire group will be picked (True). Note, if filter is set to a
value other than 0 (All objects), then group selection will be disabled
?preselect : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: true
Allow for the selection of pre-selected objects
?select : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false
Select the picked objects. If False, the objects that are
picked are not selected
?objectsToSelectFrom : Guid
(Guid seq) Optional, List of objects that are allowed to be selected. If set customFilter will be ignored
?minimumCount : int
(int) Optional, default value: 1
Minimum count of objects allowed to be selected
?maximumCount : int
(int) Optional, default value: 0
Maximum count of objects allowed to be selected
?printCount : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: true Print object count to command window.
?customFilter : GetObjectGeometryFilter
(Input.Custom.GetObjectGeometryFilter) Optional, Will be ignored if 'objects' are set. Calls a custom function in the script and passes
the Rhino Object, Geometry, and component index and returns true or false indicating if the object can be selected
Returns: Rarr<Guid>
(Guid Rarr) List of identifiers of the picked objects.
A RhinoUserInteractionException is raised if input is cancelled via Esc Key.
Prompts user to pick or select one or more objects. Raises a RhinoUserInteractionException if no object was selected. For example when Esc key was pressed.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.GetObjectsEx(?message, ?filter, ?group, ?preselect, ?select, ?printCount, ?objectsToSelectFrom)
(string) Optional, default value: "Select objects"
A prompt or message
?filter : int
(int) Optional, default value: 0
The type(s) of geometry (points, Curves, Surfaces, Meshes,...)
that can be selected. Object types can be added together to filter
several different kinds of geometry. use the filter class to get values
?group : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: true
Honor object grouping. If omitted and the user picks a group,
the entire group will be picked (True). Note, if filter is set to a
value other than 0 (All objects), then group selection will be disabled
?preselect : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: true
Allow for the selection of pre-selected objects
?select : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false
Select the picked objects. If False, the objects that are
picked are not selected
?printCount : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: true Print object count to command window
?objectsToSelectFrom : Guid
(Guid seq) Optional, List of object identifiers specifying objects that are
allowed to be selected
Returns: Rarr<Guid * bool * SelectionMethod * Point3d * string>
((Guid*bool*int*Point3d*string) Rarr) List containing the following information
[n][0] identifier of the object
[n][1] True if the object was preselected, otherwise False
[n][2] selection method (DocObjects.SelectionMethod)
[n][3] selection point
[n][4] name of the view selection was made.
A RhinoUserInteractionException is raised if input is cancelled via Esc Key.
Prompts user to pick, or select one or more objects. Raises a RhinoUserInteractionException if no object was selected. For example when Esc key was pressed.
Full Usage:
(string) The name of a registered plug-in that supports scripting.
If the plug-in is registered but not loaded, it will be loaded
Returns: obj
(object) a scriptable plugin object.
Returns a scriptable object from a specified plug-in. Not all plug-ins contain scriptable objects. Check with the manufacturer of your plug-in to see if they support this capability.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.GetPoint(?message, ?basePoint, ?distance, ?inPlane)
(string) Optional, A prompt or message
?basePoint : Point3d
(Point3d) Optional, Point3d identifying a starting, or base point
?distance : float
(float) Optional, Constraining distance. If distance is specified, basePoint must also be specified
?inPlane : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false
Constrains the point selections to the active construction Plane
Returns: Point3d
(Point3d) point3d.
A RhinoUserInteractionException is raised if input is cancelled via Esc Key.
Pauses for user input of a point.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.GetPointCoordinates(?message, ?preselect)
(string) Optional, default value: "Select Point Objects"
A prompt message
?preselect : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: true
Allow for the selection of pre-selected objects. If omitted, pre-selected objects are not accepted
Returns: Rarr<Point3d>
(Point3d Rarr) List of 3d points.
Prompts the user to select one or more point objects.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.GetPointOnCurve(curveId, ?message)
(Guid) Identifier of the Curve to get a point on
?message : string
(string) Optional, default value: "Pick Point On Curve"
A prompt of message
Returns: Point3d
(Point3d) 3d point.
A RhinoUserInteractionException is raised if input is cancelled via Esc Key.
Pauses for user input of a point constrained to a Curve object.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.GetPointOnMesh(meshId, ?message)
(Guid) Identifier of the Mesh to get a point on
?message : string
(string) Optional, default value: "Pick Point On Mesh"
A prompt or message
Returns: Point3d
(Point3d) 3d point.
A RhinoUserInteractionException is raised if input is cancelled via Esc Key.
Pauses for user input of a point constrained to a Mesh object.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.GetPointOnSurface(surfaceId, ?message)
(Guid) Identifier of the Surface to get a point on
?message : string
(string) Optional, default value: "Pick Point on Surface or Polysurface"
A prompt or message
Returns: Point3d
(Point3d) 3d point.
A RhinoUserInteractionException is raised if input is cancelled via Esc Key.
Pauses for user input of a point constrained to a Surface or Polysurface object.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.GetPoints(?drawLines, ?inPlane, ?message1, ?message2, ?maxPoints)
(bool) Optional, default value: false
Draw lines between points
?inPlane : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false
Constrain point selection to the active construction Plane
?message1 : string
(string) Optional, A prompt or message for the first point
?message2 : string
(string) Optional, A prompt or message for the next points
?maxPoints : int
(int) Optional, Maximum number of points to pick. If not specified, an
unlimited number of points can be picked
Returns: Rarr<Point3d>
(Point3d array) 3d points.
A RhinoUserInteractionException is raised if input is cancelled via Esc Key.
Pauses for user input of one or more points.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.GetPolyline(?message1, ?message2, ?message3, ?message4, ?min, ?max)
(string) Optional, A prompt or message for the first point
?message2 : string
(string) Optional, A prompt or message for the second point
?message3 : string
(string) Optional, A prompt or message for the third point
?message4 : string
(string) Optional, A prompt or message for the 'next' point
?min : int
(int) Optional, default value: 2
The minimum number of points to require. The default is 2
?max : int
(int) Optional, default value: 0
The maximum number of points to require; 0 for no limit.
Returns: Polyline
(Polyline) a polyline.
A RhinoUserInteractionException is raised if input is cancelled via Esc Key.
Prompts the user to pick points that define a polyline.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.GetReal(?message, ?number, ?minimum, ?maximum)
(string) Optional, default value: "Number"
A prompt or message
?number : float
(float) Optional, A default number value
?minimum : float
(float) Optional, A minimum allowable value
?maximum : float
(float) Optional, A maximum allowable value
Returns: float
(float) The number input by the user.
A RhinoUserInteractionException is raised if input is cancelled via Esc Key.
Pauses for user input of a number.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.GetRectangle(?mode, ?basePoint, ?prompt1, ?prompt2, ?prompt3)
(int) Optional, default value: 0
The rectangle selection mode. The modes are as follows
0 = All modes
1 = Corner - a rectangle is created by picking two corner points
2 = 3Point - a rectangle is created by picking three points
3 = Vertical - a vertical rectangle is created by picking three points
4 = Center - a rectangle is created by picking a center point and a corner point
?basePoint : Point3d
(Point3d) Optional, A 3d base point
?prompt1 : string
(string) Optional, Prompt1 of optional prompts
?prompt2 : string
(string) Optional, Prompt2 of optional prompts
?prompt3 : string
(string) Optional, Prompt3 of optional prompts
Returns: Point3d * Point3d * Point3d * Point3d
(Point3d * Point3d * Point3d * Point3d) Four 3d points that define the corners of the rectangle. A RhinoUserInteractionException is raised if input is cancelled via Esc Key.
Pauses for user input of a rectangle.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.GetString(?message, ?defaultValString, ?strings)
(string) Optional, A prompt or message
?defaultValString : string
(string) Optional, A default value
?strings : string
(string seq) Optional, List of strings to be displayed as a click-able command options.
Note, strings cannot begin with a numeric character
Returns: string
(string) The string either input or selected by the user .
If the user presses the Enter key without typing in a string, an empty string "" is returned.
A RhinoUserInteractionException is raised if input is cancelled via Esc Key.
Pauses for user input of a string value.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.GetSurfaceObject(?message, ?preselect, ?select)
(string) Optional, default value: "Select Surface"
Prompt displayed
?preselect : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: true
Allow for preselected objects
?select : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false
Select the picked object
Returns: Guid * bool * SelectionMethod * Point3d * (float * float) * string
((Guid * bool * DocObjects.SelectionMethod * Point3d * (float * float) * string))
[0] identifier of the Surface
[1] True if the Surface was preselected, otherwise False
[2] selection method ( DocObjects.SelectionMethod )
[3] selection point
[4] u, v Surface parameter of the selection point
[5] name of the view in which the selection was made.
A RhinoUserInteractionException is raised if input is cancelled via Esc Key.
Prompts the user to select a single Surface. Raises a RhinoUserInteractionException if no object was selected. For example when Esc key was pressed.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.GetUserText(objectId, key, ?attachedToGeometry)
(Guid) The object's identifies
key : string
(string) The key name
?attachedToGeometry : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false
Location on the object to retrieve the user text
Returns: string
(string) if key is specified, the associated value,fails if non existing.
Returns user text stored on an object, fails if non existing.
Full Usage:
Returns: int
(int) The number of groups in the document.
Returns the number of groups in the document.
Full Usage:
Returns: string array
(string array) The names of all the groups in the document. None if no names exist in the document.
Returns the names of all the groups in the document None if no names exist in the document.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.GroupObjects(objectIds, groupName)
Guid seq
(Guid seq) List of Strings or Guids representing the object identifiers
groupName : string
(string) The name of group to create
Adds two or more objects to new group, sets group name.
Full Usage:
Guid seq
(Guid seq) List of Strings or Guids representing the object identifiers
Adds two or more objects to new group.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.HasUserText(objectId, key, ?attachedToGeometry)
(Guid) The object's identifies
key : string
(string) The key name
?attachedToGeometry : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false Location on the object to retrieve the user text
Returns: bool
(bool) if key exist true.
Checks if a User Text key is stored on an object.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.HatchPattern(hatchIds, hatchPattern)
Guid seq
(Guid seq) Identifiers of multiple Hatch objects
hatchPattern : string
(string) Name of multiple existing Hatch pattern to replace the
current Hatch pattern
Changes multiple Hatch objects's Hatch pattern.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.HatchPattern(hatchId, hatchPattern)
(Guid) Identifier of a Hatch object
hatchPattern : string
(string) Name of an existing Hatch pattern to replace the
current Hatch pattern
Changes a Hatch object's Hatch pattern.
Full Usage:
(Guid) Identifier of a Hatch object
Returns: string
(string) The current Hatch pattern.
Returns a Hatch object's Hatch pattern.
Full Usage:
Returns: int
(int) The number of Hatch patterns in the document.
Returns the number of Hatch patterns in the document.
Full Usage:
(string) Name of an existing Hatch pattern
Returns: string
(string) description of the Hatch pattern.
Returns the description of a Hatch pattern. Note, not all Hatch patterns have descriptions.
Full Usage:
(string) Name of an existing Hatch pattern
Returns: int
(int) Hatch pattern's fill type
0 = solid, uses object color
1 = lines, uses pattern file definition
2 = gradient, uses fill color definition.
Returns the fill type of a Hatch pattern.
Full Usage:
Returns: Rarr<string>
(string Rarr) The names of all of the Hatch patterns in the document.
Returns the names of all of the Hatch patterns in the document.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.HatchRotation(hatchIds, rotation)
Guid seq
(Guid seq) Identifiers of multiple Hatch objects
rotation : float
(float) Rotation angle in degrees
Modifies the rotation applied to the Hatch pattern when it is mapped to the Hatch's Plane.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.HatchRotation(hatchId, rotation)
(Guid) Identifier of a Hatch object
rotation : float
(float) Rotation angle in degrees
Modifies the rotation applied to the Hatch pattern when it is mapped to the Hatch's Plane.
Full Usage:
(Guid) Identifier of a Hatch object
Returns: float
(float) if rotation is not defined, the current rotation angle.
Returns the rotation applied to the Hatch pattern when it is mapped to the Hatch's Plane.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.HatchScale(hatchIds, scale)
Guid seq
(Guid seq) Identifiers of multiple Hatch objects
scale : float
(float) Scale factor
Modifies the scale applied to the Hatch pattern when it is mapped to the Hatch's Plane.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.HatchScale(hatchId, scale)
(Guid) Identifier of a Hatch object
scale : float
(float) Scale factor
Modifies the scale applied to the Hatch pattern when it is mapped to the Hatch's Plane.
Full Usage:
(Guid) Identifier of a Hatch object
Returns: float
(float) if scale is not defined, the current scale factor.
Returns the scale applied to the Hatch pattern when it is mapped to the Hatch's Plane.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.HiddenObjects(?includeLights, ?includeGrips, ?includeReferences)
(bool) Optional, default value: false
Include light objects
?includeGrips : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false
Include grip objects
?includeReferences : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false
Include reference objects such as work session objects
Returns: Rarr<Guid>
(Guid Rarr) identifiers of the hidden objects.
Returns identifiers of all hidden objects in the document. Hidden objects are not visible, cannot be snapped to, and cannot be selected.
Full Usage:
(string) The name of an existing group
Returns: int
(int) The number of objects that were hidden.
Hides a group of objects. Hidden objects are not visible, cannot be snapped to, and cannot be selected.
Full Usage:
(Guid) Id of object to hide
Returns: bool
(bool) True of False indicating success or failure.
Hides a single object.
Full Usage:
Guid seq
(Guid seq) Identifiers of objects to hide
Returns: int
(int) Number of objects hidden.
Hides one or more objects.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.HideToolbar(name, toolbarGroup)
(string) Name of a currently open tool-bar file
toolbarGroup : string
(string) Name of a tool-bar group to hide
Returns: bool
(bool) True or False indicating success or failure.
Hides a previously visible tool-bar group in an open tool-bar collection.
Full Usage:
Returns: int
(int) The number of active commands.
Determines if Rhino is currently running a command. Because Rhino allows for transparent commands (commands run from inside of other commands), this method returns the total number of active commands.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.InsertBlock(blockName, insertionPoint, ?scale, ?angleDegrees, ?rotationNormal)
(string) Name of an existing block definition
insertionPoint : Point3d
(Point3d) Insertion point for the block
?scale : Vector3d
(Vector3d) Optional, default value: Vector3d(1.0 , 1.0 , 1.0)
X, y, z scale factors
?angleDegrees : float
(float) Optional, default value: 0
Rotation angle in degrees
?rotationNormal : Vector3d
(Vector3d) Optional, default value: Vector3d.ZAxis
The axis of rotation
Returns: Guid
(Guid) objectId for the block that was added to the doc.
Inserts a block whose definition already exists in the document.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.InsertCurveKnot(curveId, parameter, ?symmetrical)
(Guid) Identifier of the Curve object
parameter : float
(float) Parameter on the Curve
?symmetrical : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false
If True, then knots are added on both sides of
the center of the Curve
Returns: bool
(bool) True or False indicating success or failure.
Inserts a knot into a Curve object.
Full Usage:
Returns: string
(string) The full path to Rhino's installation folder.
The full path to Rhino's installation folder.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.IntersectBreps(brep1, brep2, ?tolerance)
(Guid) Identifier of first brep object
brep2 : Guid
(Guid) Identifier of second brep object
?tolerance : float
(float) Optional, default value: State.Doc.ModelAbsoluteTolerance
Distance tolerance at segment midpoints. If omitted,
the current absolute tolerance is used
Returns: Rarr<Guid>
(Guid Rarr) identifying the newly created intersection Curve and point objects.
Intersects a brep object with another brep object. Note, unlike the SurfaceSurfaceIntersection function this function works on trimmed Surfaces. |
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.IntersectPlanes(plane1, plane2, plane3)
(Plane) The 1st Plane to intersect
plane2 : Plane
(Plane) The 2nd Plane to intersect
plane3 : Plane
(Plane) The 3rd Plane to intersect
Returns: Point3d
(Point3d) The intersection point between the 3 Planes.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.IntersectSpheres(spherePlane0, sphereRadius0, spherePlane1, sphereRadius1)
(Plane) An equatorial Plane of the first sphere. The origin of the
Plane will be the center point of the sphere
sphereRadius0 : float
(float) Radius of the first sphere
spherePlane1 : Plane
(Plane) Plane for second sphere
sphereRadius1 : float
(float) Radius for second sphere
Returns: int * Circle * float
(int * Circle * float ) of intersection results
[0] = type of intersection (0 = point, 1 = circle, 2 = spheres are identical)
[1] = Circle of intersection , if type is Point take Circle center
[2] = radius of circle if circle intersection.
Calculates intersections of two spheres.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.InvertSelectedObjects(?includeLights, ?includeGrips, ?includeReferences)
(bool) Optional, default value: false
Include light objects. If omitted, light objects are not returned
?includeGrips : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false
Include grips objects. If omitted, grips objects are not returned
?includeReferences : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false
Include reference objects such as work session objects
Returns: Rarr<Guid>
(Guid Rarr) identifiers of the newly selected objects.
Inverts the current object selection. The identifiers of the newly selected objects are returned.
Full Usage:
(string) The name of an existing command alias
Returns: bool
(bool) True if exists or False if the alias does not exist.
Checks if a command alias exists in Rhino.
Full Usage:
(Guid) The object's identifier
Returns: bool
(bool) True or False.
Checks if an object is an aligned dimension object. Returns false for any other Rhino object.
Full Usage:
(Guid) The object's identifier
Returns: bool
(bool) True or False.
Checks if an object is an angular dimension object. Returns false for any other Rhino object.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.IsArc(curveId, ?tolerance, ?segmentIndex)
(Guid) Identifier of the Curve object
?tolerance : float
(float) Optional, default value: RhinoMath.ZeroTolerance
If the Curve is not a circle, then the tolerance used
to determine whether or not the NURBS form of the Curve has the
properties of a arc.
?segmentIndex : int
(int) Optional, The Curve segment index if `curveId` identifies a polycurve
Returns: bool
(bool) True or False.
Checks if an object is an open arc Curve. Returns false for any other Rhino object.
Full Usage:
(string) Name of an existing block definition
Returns: bool
(bool) True or False.
Checks if the existence of a block definition in the document.
Full Usage:
(string) Name of an existing block definition
Returns: bool
(bool) True or False.
Checks if a block definition is embedded, or linked, from an external file.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.IsBlockInUse(blockName, ?whereToLook)
(string) Name of an existing block definition
?whereToLook : int
(int) Optional, default value: 0
One of the following values
0 = Check for top level references in active document
1 = Check for top level and nested references in active document
2 = Check for references in other instance definitions
Returns: bool
(bool) True or False.
Checks if that a block definition is being used by an inserted instance.
Full Usage:
(Guid) The identifier of an existing block insertion object
Returns: bool
(bool) True or False.
Checks if an object is a block instance. Returns false for any other rhino object.
Full Usage:
(string) Name of an existing block definition
Returns: bool
(bool) True or False.
Checks if that a block definition is from a reference file.
Full Usage:
(Guid) The object's identifier
Returns: bool
(bool) True if successful, otherwise False.
Verifies an object is a Brep. That is a trimmed surface or a polysurface but not an extrusion.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.IsCircle(curveId, ?tolerance)
(Guid) Identifier of the Curve object
?tolerance : float
(float) Optional, default value: RhinoMath.ZeroTolerance
If the Curve is not a circle, then the tolerance used
to determine whether or not the NURBS form of the Curve has the
properties of a circle.
Returns: bool
(bool) True or False.
Checks if an object is a circle Curve. Returns false for any other Rhino object.
Full Usage:
(Guid) The object's identifier
Returns: bool
(bool) True if the object with a given objectId is a clipping Plane.
Checks if that an object is a clipping Plane object. Returns false for any other Rhino object.
Full Usage:
(string) The command name to test
Returns: bool
(bool) True if the string is a command or False if it is not a command.
Checks if a command exists in Rhino. Useful when scripting commands found in 3rd party plug-ins.
Full Usage:
(Guid) The Surface object's identifier
Returns: bool
(bool) True , otherwise False.
Determines if a Surface is a portion of a cone.
Full Usage:
(Guid) The object's identifier
Returns: bool
(bool) True or False.
Checks if an object is a Curve. Returns false for any other Rhino object.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.IsCurveClosable(curveId, ?tolerance)
(Guid) Identifier of the Curve object
?tolerance : float
(float) Optional, default value: State.Doc.ModelAbsoluteTolerance
Maximum allowable distance between start point and end point.
Returns: bool
(bool) True or False.
Decide if it makes sense to close off the Curve by moving the end point to the start point based on start-end gap size and length of Curve as approximated by chord defined by 6 points. Returns false for any other Rhino object.
Full Usage:
(Guid) The object's identifier
Returns: bool
(bool) If Curve is Closed True, otherwise False.
Checks if an object is a closed Curve object. Returns false for any other Rhino object.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.IsCurveLinear(curveId, ?tolerance, ?segmentIndex)
(Guid) Identifier of the Curve object
?tolerance : float
(float) Optional, default value: RhinoMath.ZeroTolerance
?segmentIndex : int
(int) Optional, The Curve segment index if `curveId` identifies a polycurve
Returns: bool
(bool) True or False indicating success or failure.
Checks if an object is a linear Curve. Returns false for any other Rhino object.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.IsCurvePeriodic(curveId, ?segmentIndex)
(Guid) Identifier of the Curve object
?segmentIndex : int
(int) Optional,
The Curve segment index if `curveId` identifies a polycurve
Returns: bool
(bool) True or False.
Checks if an object is a periodic Curve object. Returns false for any other Rhino object.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.IsCurvePlanar(curveId, ?tolerance, ?segmentIndex)
(Guid) Identifier of the Curve object
?tolerance : float
(float) Optional, default value: RhinoMath.ZeroTolerance
?segmentIndex : int
(int) Optional, The Curve segment index if `curveId` identifies a polycurve
Returns: bool
(bool) True or False indicating success or failure.
Checks if an object is a planar Curve. Returns false for any other Rhino object.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.IsCurveRational(curveId, ?segmentIndex)
(Guid) Identifier of the Curve object
?segmentIndex : int
(int) Optional, The Curve segment index if `curveId` identifies a polycurve
Returns: bool
(bool) True or False indicating success or failure.
Checks if an object is a rational NURBS Curve. Returns false for any other Rhino object.
Full Usage:
(Guid) The cylinder object's identifier
Returns: bool
(bool) True , otherwise False.
Determines if a Surface is a portion of a cone.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.IsDetail(layout, detail)
(string) Title of an existing page layout
detail : string
(string) Title of an existing detail view
Returns: bool
(bool) True if detail is a detail view, False if detail is not a detail view.
Checks if a detail view exists on a page layout view.
Full Usage:
(Guid) The object's identifier
Returns: bool
(bool) True or False.
Checks if an object is a diameter dimension object. Returns false for any other Rhino object.
Full Usage:
(string) The name of a dimStyle to test for
Returns: bool
(bool) True or False.
Checks if the existence of a dimension style in the document. Returns false for any other Rhino object.
Full Usage:
(string) The name of an existing dimension style
Returns: bool
(bool) True or False.
Checks if that an existing dimension style is from a reference file. Returns false for any other Rhino object.
Full Usage:
(Guid) The object's identifier
Returns: bool
(bool) True or False.
Checks if an object is a dimension object. Returns false for any other Rhino object.
Full Usage:
(Guid) The light object's identifier
Returns: bool
(bool) True or False.
Verifies a light object is a directional light.
Full Usage:
Returns: bool
(bool) True or False indicating the presence of Script user data.
Checks if the current document contains user data.
Full Usage:
Returns: bool
(bool) True or False.
Checks if the current document has been modified in some way.
Full Usage:
Returns: bool
(bool) True or False indicating the presence of Script user text.
Checks if the current document contains user text.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.IsEllipse(curveId, ?tolerance, ?segmentIndex)
(Guid) Identifier of the Curve object
?tolerance : float
(float) Optional, default value: RhinoMath.ZeroTolerance
?segmentIndex : int
(int) Optional,
The Curve segment index if `curveId` identifies a polycurve
Returns: bool
(bool) True or False indicating success or failure.
Checks if an object is an elliptical-shaped Curve. Returns false for any other Rhino object.
Full Usage:
(Guid) The object's identifier
Returns: bool
(bool) True if successful, otherwise False.
Verifies an object is a or Extrusion.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.IsGoodStringId(name, ?allowEmpty, ?limitToAscii)
(string) The string to check.
?allowEmpty : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false , set to true to make empty strings pass.
?limitToAscii : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false , set to true to only allow chars between Unicode points 32 till 126 (ASCII)
Returns: bool
(bool) true if the string is a valid name.
Checks if a string is a good string for use in Rhino Object Names or User Dictionary key as and values. A good string may not include line returns, tabs, and leading or trailing whitespace. Confusing characters that look like ASCII but are some other Unicode are also not allowed.
Full Usage:
(string) The name of the group to check for
Returns: bool
(bool) True or False.
Verifies the existence of a group.
Full Usage:
(string) The name of an existing group
Returns: bool
(bool) True or False if groupName is empty.
Checks if an existing group is empty, or contains no object members.
Full Usage:
(Guid) Identifier of an object
Returns: bool
(bool) True or False.
Verifies the existence of a Hatch object in the document.
Full Usage:
(string) The name of a Hatch pattern
Returns: bool
(bool) True or False.
Verifies the existence of a Hatch pattern in the document.
Full Usage:
(string) Name of an existing Hatch pattern
Returns: bool
(bool) True or False.
Checks if a Hatch pattern is the current Hatch pattern.
Full Usage:
(string) Name of an existing Hatch pattern
Returns: bool
(bool) True or False.
Checks if a Hatch pattern is from a reference file.
Full Usage:
(string) The name of a layer to search for
Returns: bool
(bool) True on success, otherwise False.
Verifies the existence of a layer in the document.
Full Usage:
(string) The name of an existing layer
Returns: bool
(bool) True on success, otherwise False.
Checks if the objects on a layer can be changed (normal).
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.IsLayerChildOf(layer, test)
(string) The name of the layer to test against
test : string
(string) The name to the layer to test
Returns: bool
(bool) True on success, otherwise False.
Checks if a layer is a child of another layer.
Full Usage:
(string) The name of an existing layer
Returns: bool
(bool) True on success, otherwise False.
Checks if a layer is the current layer.
Full Usage:
(string) The name of an existing layer
Returns: bool
(bool) True on success, otherwise False.
Checks if an existing layer is empty, or contains no objects.
Full Usage:
(string) The name of an existing layer
Returns: bool
(bool) True on success, otherwise False.
Checks if a layer is expanded. Expanded layers can be viewed in Rhino's layer dialog.
Full Usage:
(string) The name of an existing layer
Returns: bool
(bool) True on success, otherwise False.
Checks if a layer is locked persistent or non persistent locking return true via layer.IsLocked.
Full Usage:
(string) The name of an existing layer
Returns: bool
(bool) True on success, otherwise False.
Checks if a layer is on.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.IsLayerParentOf(layer, test)
(string) The name of the layer to test against
test : string
(string) The name to the layer to test
Returns: bool
(bool) True on success, otherwise False.
Checks if a layer is a parent of another layer.
Full Usage:
(string) The name of an existing layer
Returns: bool
(bool) True on success, otherwise False.
Checks if a layer is from a reference file.
Full Usage:
(string) The name of an existing layer
Returns: bool
(bool) True on success, otherwise False.
Checks if an existing layer is selectable (normal and reference).
Full Usage:
(string) The name of an existing layer
Returns: bool
(bool) True on success, otherwise False.
Checks if a layer is visible.
Full Usage:
(string) Title of an existing page layout view
Returns: bool
(bool) True if layout is a page layout view, False is layout is a standard model view.
Checks if a view is a page layout view.
Full Usage:
(Guid) Id of an object to test
Returns: bool
(bool) True if the object is in page layout space, False if the object is in model space.
Checks if an object is in on a page layout space. (as opposed to model space).
Full Usage:
(Guid) The object's identifier
Returns: bool
(bool) True or False.
Checks if an object is a dimension leader object. Returns false for any other Rhino object.
Full Usage:
(Guid) The light object's identifier
Returns: bool
(bool) True or False.
Verifies an object is a light object.
Full Usage:
(Guid) The light object's identifier
Returns: bool
(bool) True or False.
Verifies a light object is enabled.
Full Usage:
(Guid) The light object's identifier
Returns: bool
(bool) True or False.
Verifies a light object is referenced from another file.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.IsLine(curveId, ?tolerance, ?segmentIndex)
(Guid) Identifier of the Curve object
?tolerance : float
(float) Optional, default value: RhinoMath.ZeroTolerance
?segmentIndex : int
(int) Optional,
The Curve segment index if `curveId` identifies a polycurve
Returns: bool
(bool) True or False indicating success or failure.
Checks if an object is a line Curve. Returns false for any other Rhino object.
Full Usage:
(Guid) The object's identifier
Returns: bool
(bool) True or False.
Checks if an object is a linear dimension object. Returns false for any other Rhino object.
Full Usage:
(Guid) The light object's identifier
Returns: bool
(bool) True or False.
Verifies a light object is a linear light.
Full Usage:
(string) The name of an existing line-type
Returns: bool
(bool) True or False.
Verifies the existence of a line-type in the document.
Full Usage:
(string) The name of an existing line-type
Returns: bool
(bool) True or False.
Checks if an existing line-type is from a reference file.
Full Usage:
(int) The zero-based material index.
Returns: bool
(bool) True or False indicating success or failure.
Verifies a material is a copy of Rhino's built-in "default" material. The default material is used by objects and layers that have not been assigned a material.
Full Usage:
(int) The zero-based material index.
Returns: bool
(bool) True or False indicating success or failure.
Verifies a material is referenced from another file.
Full Usage:
(Guid) The object's identifier
Returns: bool
(bool) True , otherwise False.
Verifies if an object is a Mesh.
Full Usage:
(Guid) Identifier of a Mesh object
Returns: bool
(bool) True , otherwise False.
Verifies a Mesh object is closed.
Full Usage:
(Guid) Identifier of a Mesh object
Returns: bool
(bool) True, otherwise False.
Verifies a Mesh object is manifold. A Mesh for which every edge is shared by at most two faces is called manifold. If a Mesh has at least one edge that is shared by more than two faces, then that Mesh is called non-manifold.
Full Usage:
(Guid) An object to test
Returns: bool
(bool) True if the object exists, False if the object does not exist.
Verifies the existence of an object in the State.Doc.Objects table. Fails on empty Guid.
Full Usage:
(Guid) The identifier of an object to test
Returns: bool
(bool) True if the object is hidden, False if the object is not hidden.
Checks if an object is hidden. Hidden objects are not visible, cannot be snapped to, and cannot be selected.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.IsObjectInBox(objectId, box, ?testMode)
(Guid) Identifier of an object to be tested
box : BoundingBox
(Geometry.BoundingBox) Bounding box to test for containment
?testMode : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: true
If True, the object's bounding box must be contained by box
If False, the object's bounding box must be contained by or intersect box
Returns: bool
(bool) True if object is inside box, False is object is not inside box.
Verifies an object's bounding box is inside of another bounding box.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.IsObjectInGroup(objectId, ?groupName)
(Guid) The identifier of an object
?groupName : string
(string) Optional, The name of a group. If omitted, the function checks if the object is a member of any group
Returns: bool
(bool) True if the object is a member of the specified group. If a groupName
was not specified, the object is a member of some group.
False if the object is not a member of the specified group.
If a groupName was not specified, the object is not a member of any group.
Checks if an object is a member of a group.
Full Usage:
(Guid) The identifier of an object to be tested
Returns: bool
(bool) True if the object is locked, False if the object is not locked.
Checks if an object is locked. Locked objects are visible, and can be snapped to, but cannot be selected.
Full Usage:
(Guid) The identifier of an object to be tested
Returns: bool
(bool) True if the object is normal, False if the object is not normal.
Checks if an object is normal. Normal objects are visible, can be snapped to, and can be selected.
Full Usage:
(Guid) The identifier of an object to test
Returns: bool
(bool) True if the object is a reference object, False if the object is not a reference object.
Checks if an object is a reference object. Reference objects are objects that are not part of the current document.
Full Usage:
(Guid) The identifier of an object to test
Returns: bool
(bool) True or False.
Checks if an object can be selected.
Full Usage:
(Guid) The identifier of an object to test
Returns: int
0, the object is not selected
1, the object is selected
2, the object is entirely persistently selected
3, one or more proper sub-objects are selected.
Checks if an object is currently selected.
Full Usage:
(Guid) The identifier of an object to test
Returns: bool
(bool) True if the object is solid, or a Mesh is closed, False otherwise.
Determines if an object is closed or solid.
Full Usage:
(Guid) The identifier of an object to test
Returns: bool
(bool) True if the object is valid.
Verifies an object's geometry is valid and without error.
Full Usage:
(Guid) The object's identifier
Returns: bool
(bool) True or False.
Checks if an object is an ordinate dimension object. Returns false for any other Rhino object.
Full Usage:
(Guid) The object's identifier
Returns: bool
(bool) True , otherwise False.
Verifies an object is a Plane Surface. Plane Surfaces can be created by the Plane command. Note, a Plane Surface is not a planar NURBS Surface.
Full Usage:
(string) The unique objectId of the plug-in
Returns: bool
(bool) True if the Guid is registered or False if it is not.
Checks if a plug-in is registered.
Full Usage:
(Guid) The object's identifier
Returns: bool
(bool) True if the object with a given objectId is a point.
Checks if an object is a point object. Returns false for any other Rhino object.
Full Usage:
(Guid) The object's identifier
Returns: bool
(bool) True if the object with a given objectId is a point cloud.
Checks if an object is a point cloud object. Returns false for any other Rhino object.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.IsPointInSurface(objectId, point, ?strictlyIn, ?tolerance)
(Guid) The object's identifier
point : Point3d
(Point3d) The test, or sampling point
?strictlyIn : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false
If true, the test point must be inside by at least tolerance
?tolerance : float
(float) Optional, default value: RhinoMath.SqrtEpsilon
Distance tolerance used for intersection and determining
strict inclusion.
Returns: bool
(bool) True , otherwise False.
Checks if a point is inside a closed Mesh , Surface or Polysurface.
Full Usage:
(Guid) The light object's identifier
Returns: bool
(bool) True or False.
Verifies a light object is a point light.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.IsPointOnCurve(curveId, point, ?tolerance, ?segmentIndex)
(Guid) Identifier of the Curve object
point : Point3d
(Point3d) The test point
?tolerance : float
(float) Optional, default value: RhinoMath.SqrtEpsilon
?segmentIndex : int
(int) Optional, The Curve segment index if `curveId` identifies a polycurve
Returns: bool
(bool) True or False indicating success or failure.
Checks if a point is on a Curve. Returns false for any other Rhino object.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.IsPointOnMesh(objectId, point, ?tolerance)
(Guid) Identifier of a Mesh object
point : Point3d
(Point3d) Test point
?tolerance : float
(float) Optional, Default Value RhinoMath.SqrtEpsilon
The testing tolerance
Returns: bool
(bool) True , otherwise False.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.IsPolyCurve(curveId, ?segmentIndex)
(Guid) Identifier of the Curve object
?segmentIndex : int
(int) Optional, The Curve segment index if `curveId` identifies a polycurve
Returns: bool
(bool) True or False.
Checks if an object is a PolyCurve Curve. Returns false for any other Rhino object.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.IsPolyline(curveId, ?segmentIndex)
(Guid) Identifier of the Curve object
?segmentIndex : int
(int) Optional, The Curve segment index if `curveId` identifies a polycurve
Returns: bool
(bool) True or False.
Checks if an object is a Polyline Curve object or a nurbs cure with degree 1 and moer than 2 points Lines return false. Returns false for any other Rhino object.
Full Usage:
(Guid) The object's identifier
Returns: bool
(bool) True if successful, otherwise False.
Verifies an object is a Polysurface or Extrusion. Polysurfaces consist of two or more Surfaces joined together.
Full Usage:
(Guid) The object's identifier
Returns: bool
(bool) True if successful, otherwise False.
Verifies a Guid refers to a closed Polysurface or closed Extrusion. If the Polysurface fully encloses a volume, it is considered a solid.
Full Usage:
(Guid) The object's identifier
Returns: bool
(bool) True or False.
Checks if an object is a radial dimension object. Returns false for any other Rhino object.
Full Usage:
(Guid) The light object's identifier
Returns: bool
(bool) True or False.
Verifies a light object is a rectangular light.
Full Usage:
Returns: bool
(bool) True if currently running on the Widows platform. False if it is not Windows.
Returns True if this script is being executed on a Windows platform.
Full Usage:
(Guid) The object's identifier
Returns: bool
(bool) True , otherwise False.
Determines if a Surface is a portion of a Sphere.
Full Usage:
(Guid) The light object's identifier
Returns: bool
(bool) True or False.
Verifies a light object is a spot light.
Full Usage:
(Guid) The object's identifier
Returns: bool
(bool) True , otherwise False.
Verifies an object is a Surface, Extrusion or Brep objects with only one face.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.IsSurfaceClosed(surfaceId, direction)
(Guid) Identifier of a Surface
direction : int
0 = U direction check,
1 = V direction check
Returns: bool
(bool) True or False.
Verifies a Surface object is closed in the specified direction. If the Surface fully encloses a volume, it is considered a solid.
Full Usage:
(Guid) Identifier of a Surface object
Returns: bool
(bool) The current normal orientation.
Returns the normal direction of a Surface. This feature can also be found in Rhino's Dir command.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.IsSurfacePeriodic(surfaceId, direction)
(Guid) Identifier of a Surface
direction : int
0 = U direction check,
1 = V direction check
Returns: bool
(bool) True or False.
Verifies a Surface object is periodic in the specified direction.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.IsSurfacePlanar(surfaceId, ?tolerance)
(Guid) Identifier of a Surface
?tolerance : float
(float) Optional, default value: State.Doc.ModelAbsoluteTolerance
Tolerance used when checked. If omitted, the current absolute
tolerance is used
Returns: bool
(bool) True or False.
Verifies a Surface object is planar.
Full Usage:
(Guid) The Surface's identifier
Returns: bool
(bool) True , otherwise False.
Verifies a Surface object is rational.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.IsSurfaceSingular(surfaceId, direction)
(Guid) The Surface's identifier
direction : int
0 = south
1 = east
2 = north
3 = west
Returns: bool
(bool) True or False.
Verifies a Surface object is singular in the specified direction. Surfaces are considered singular if a side collapses to a point.
Full Usage:
(Guid) The Surface's identifier
Returns: bool
(bool) True or False.
Verifies a Surface object has been trimmed.
Full Usage:
(Guid) The object's identifier
Returns: bool
(bool) True if the object with a given objectId is a text object.
Checks if an object is a text object. Returns false for any other Rhino object.
Full Usage:
(Guid) The object's identifier
Returns: bool
(bool) True if the object with a given objectId is a text dot object.
Checks if an object is a text dot object. Returns false for any other Rhino object.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.IsToolbar(name, toolbar, ?group)
(string) Name of a currently open tool-bar file
toolbar : string
(string) Name of a tool-bar group
?group : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false
If tool-bar parameter is referring to a tool-bar group
Returns: bool
(bool) True or False indicating success or failure.
Verifies a tool-bar (or tool-bar group) exists in an open collection file.
Full Usage:
(string) Full path to a tool-bar collection file
Returns: string
(string) Rhino-assigned name of the tool-bar collection.
Checks if a tool-bar collection is open.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.IsToolbarDocked(name, toolbarGroup)
(string) Name of a currently open tool-bar file
toolbarGroup : string
(string) Name of a tool-bar group
Returns: bool
(bool) True or False indicating success or failure.
Checks if a tool-bar group in an open tool-bar collection is visible.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.IsToolbarVisible(name, toolbarGroup)
(string) Name of a currently open tool-bar file
toolbarGroup : string
(string) Name of a tool-bar group
Returns: bool
(bool) True or False indicating success or failure.
Checks if a tool-bar group in an open tool-bar collection is visible.
Full Usage:
(Guid) The Surface object's identifier
Returns: bool
(bool) True , otherwise False.
Determines if a Surface is a portion of a torus.
Full Usage:
(Guid) The object's identifier
Returns: int
(int) result of test:
0 = no user text
1 = attribute user text
2 = geometry user text
3 = both attribute and geometry user text.
Checks if an object contains user text.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.IsVectorParallelTo(vector1, vector2, ?toleranceDegree)
(Vector3d) Vector1 of the vectors to compare
vector2 : Vector3d
(Vector3d) Vector2 of the vectors to compare
?toleranceDegree : float
(float) Optional, default value: 1.0
Angle Tolerance in degree
Returns: int
(int) The value represents
-1 = the vectors are anti-parallel
0 = the vectors are not parallel
1 = the vectors are parallel.
Compares two vectors to see if they are parallel within one degree or custom tolerance.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.IsVectorPerpendicularTo(vector1, vector2, ?toleranceDegree)
(Vector3d) Vector1 of the vectors to compare
vector2 : Vector3d
(Vector3d) Vector2 of the vectors to compare
?toleranceDegree : float
(float) Optional, default value: 1.0
Angle Tolerance in degree
Returns: bool
(bool) True if vectors are perpendicular, otherwise False.
Compares two vectors to see if they are perpendicular.
Full Usage:
(Vector3d) The vector to check
Returns: bool
(bool) True if the vector is tiny, otherwise False.
Checks if a vector is very short. The X, Y, Z elements are smaller than 1.0e-12.
Full Usage:
(Vector3d) The vector to check
Returns: bool
(bool) True if the vector is zero, otherwise False.
Checks if a vector is zero. The X, Y, Z elements are equal to 0.0.
Full Usage:
(string) Title of the view
Returns: bool
(bool) True of False indicating success or failure.
Checks if the specified view exists.
Full Usage:
(string) Title of the view
Returns: bool
(bool) True of False indicating success or failure.
Checks if the specified view is the current, or active view.
Full Usage:
(string) Optional, Title of the view. If omitted, the current
view is used
Returns: bool
(bool) True of False.
Checks if the specified view is maximized (enlarged so as to fill the entire Rhino window).
Full Usage:
(string) Title of the view
Returns: bool
(bool) True of False.
Checks if the specified view's projection is set to perspective.
Full Usage:
(string) Optional, The title of the view. If omitted, the current
active view is used
Returns: bool
(bool) True of False.
Checks if the specified view's title window is visible.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.IsVisibleInView(objectId, ?view)
(Guid) The identifier of an object to test
?view : string
(string) Optional, default value: ActiveView.MainViewport The title of the view. If omitted, the current active view is used
Returns: bool
(bool) True if the object is visible in the specified view, otherwise False.
Verifies an object is visible in a view.
Full Usage:
(string) View to verify
Returns: bool
(bool) True or False.
Checks if the specified view contains a wallpaper image.
Full Usage:
(Transform) Rhino.Geometry.Transform. A 4x4 transformation matrix
Returns: bool
(bool) True or False indicating success or failure.
Verifies a matrix is the identity matrix.
Full Usage:
(Transform) Rhino.Geometry.Transform. A 4x4 transformation matrix
Returns: bool
(bool) True if this transformation is an orientation preserving similarity, otherwise False.
Verifies a matrix is a similarity transformation. A similarity transformation can be broken into a sequence of dilatations, translations, rotations, and reflections.
Full Usage:
(Transform) Rhino.Geometry.Transform. A 4x4 transformation matrix
Returns: bool
(bool) True or False indicating success or failure.
Checks if a matrix is a zero transformation matrix.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.JoinCurves(curveIds, ?deleteInput, ?tolerance)
Guid seq
(Guid seq) List of multiple Curves
?deleteInput : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false
Delete input objects after joining
?tolerance : float
(float) Optional, default value: 2.1 * State.Doc.ModelAbsoluteTolerance
Join tolerance. If omitted, 2.1 * document absolute
tolerance is used
Returns: Rarr<Guid>
(Guid Rarr) Object objectId representing the new Curves.
Joins multiple Curves together to form one or more Curves or polycurves.
Full Usage:
Returns: string
(string) The name of the last executed command.
Returns the name of the last executed command.
Full Usage:
Returns: int
(int) The result code for the last executed command.
0 = success (command successfully completed)
1 = cancel (command was cancelled by the user)
2 = nothing (command did nothing, but was not cancelled)
3 = failure (command failed due to bad input, computational problem...)
4 = unknown command (the command was not found).
Returns the result code for the last executed command.
Returns identifiers of the objects that were most recently created or changed by scripting a Rhino command using the Command function. It is important to call this function immediately after calling the Command function as only the most recently created or changed object identifiers will be returned.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.LastObject(?select, ?includeLights, ?includeGrips)
(bool) Optional, default value: false
Select the object
?includeLights : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false
Include lights in the potential set
?includeGrips : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false
Include grips in the potential set
Returns: Guid
(Guid) identifier of the object.
Returns the identifier of the last object in the document. The last object in the document is the first object created by the user.
Full Usage:
(string) The name of an existing layer
Returns: int
(int) The number of immediate child layers.
Returns the number of immediate child layers of a layer.
Full Usage:
(string) The name of an existing layer
Returns: Rarr<string>
(string Rarr) List of children layer names.
Returns the immediate child layers of a layer. ( excluding children of children)
Full Usage:
(string) The name of an existing layer
Returns: Rarr<string>
(string Rarr) List of children layer names.
Returns all (immediate and descendent) child and grand child layers of a layer.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.LayerColor(layer, color)
(string) Name of an existing layer
color : Color
(Drawing.Color) The new color value
Changes the color of a layer.
Full Usage:
(string) Name of an existing layer
Returns: Color
(Drawing.Color) The current color value .
Returns the color of a layer.
Full Usage:
Returns: int
(int) The number of layers in the document.
Returns the number of layers in the document.
Full Usage:
(string) Name of existing layer
Returns: Guid
(Guid) The layer's identifier.
Returns the identifier of a layer given the layer's name.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.LayerLinetype(layer, linetyp)
(string) Name of an existing layer
linetyp : string
(string) Name of a line type
Changes the line type of a layer.
Full Usage:
(string) Name of an existing layer
Returns: string
(string) Name of the current line type.
Returns the line type of a layer.
Full Usage:
(string) Name of existing layer
Locks a layer if it is not already locked via a parent.
Full Usage:
(string) Name of existing layer
Returns: bool
(bool) The current layer visibility.
Returns the locked property of a layer, if layer is unlocked but parent layer is locked this still returns true.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.LayerLockedSetFalse(layer, ?parentsToo)
(string) Name of existing layer
?parentsToo : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: true
Unlock parent layers to if needed
Makes a layer unlocked.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.LayerLockedSetTrue(layer, ?forceLocked)
(string) Name of existing layer
?forceLocked : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false
Lock layer even if it is already locked via a parent layer
Makes a layer locked.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.LayerMaterialIndex(layer, index)
(string) Name of existing layer
index : int
(int) The new material index
Changes the material index of a layer. A material index of -1 indicates that no material has been assigned to the layer. Thus, the layer will use Rhino's default layer material.
Full Usage:
(string) Name of existing layer
Returns: int
(int) a zero-based material index.
Returns the material index of a layer. A material index of -1 indicates that no material has been assigned to the layer. Thus, the layer will use Rhino's default layer material.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.LayerName(layerId, ?fullPath)
(Guid) Layer identifier
?fullPath : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: true
Return the full path name `True` or short name `False`
Returns: string
(string) The layer's name.
Return the name of a layer given it's identifier.
Returns the names of all layers in the document.
Full Usage:
(string) Name of existing layer
Turn a layer off if visible, does nothing if parent layer is already invisible. .
Full Usage:
(string) Name of existing layer
Turn a layer on if not visible , enforces visibility of parents.
Full Usage:
(string) Name of existing layer
Returns: int
(int) zero based index of layer.
Returns the current display order index of a layer as displayed in Rhino's layer dialog box. A display order index of -1 indicates that the current layer dialog filter does not allow the layer to appear in the layer list.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.LayerPrintColor(layer, color)
(string) Name of existing layer
color : Color
(Drawing.Color) New print color
Changes the print color of a layer. Layer print colors are represented as RGB colors.
Full Usage:
(string) Name of existing layer
Returns: Color
(Drawing.Color) The current layer print color.
Returns the print color of a layer. Layer print colors are represented as RGB colors.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.LayerPrintWidth(layer, width)
(string) Name of existing layer
width : float
(float) New print width
Changes the print width of a layer. Print width is specified in millimeters. A print width of 0.0 denotes the "default" print width.
Full Usage:
(string) Name of existing layer
Returns: float
(float) The current layer print width.
Returns the print width of a layer. Print width is specified in millimeters. A print width of 0.0 denotes the "default" print width.
Full Usage:
(string) Name of existing layer
Unlocks a layer and all parents if needed .
Full Usage:
(string) Name of existing layer
Returns: bool
(bool) The current layer visibility.
Returns the visible property of a layer, if layer is on but invisible because of a parent that is off this returns false.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.LayerVisibleSetFalse(layer, ?persist)
(string) Name of existing layer
?persist : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false
Turn layer persistently off? even if it is already invisible because of a parent layer that is turned off.
By default already invisible layers are not changed
Makes a layer invisible.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.LayerVisibleSetTrue(layer, ?forceVisible)
(string) Name of existing layer
?forceVisible : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: true
Turn on parent layers too if needed. True by default
Makes a layer visible.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.LeaderText(objectIds, text)
Guid seq
(Guid seq) The objects's identifiers
text : string
(string) The new text string
Modifies the text string of multiple dimension leader objects.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.LeaderText(objectId, text)
(Guid) The object's identifier
text : string
(string) The new text string
Modifies the text string of a dimension leader object.
Full Usage:
(Guid) The object's identifier
Returns: string
(string) The current text string.
Returns the text string of a dimension leader object.
Full Usage:
Returns: int
(int) The number of light objects in the document.
Returns the number of light objects in the document.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.LightName(objectIds, name)
Guid seq
(Guid seq) The light objects's identifiers
name : string
(string) The light's new name
Changes the name of multiple light objects.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.LightName(objectId, name)
(Guid) The light object's identifier
name : string
(string) The light's new name
Changes the name of a light object.
Full Usage:
(Guid) The light object's identifier
Returns: string
(string) The current name.
Returns the name of a light object.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.LineCylinderIntersection(line, cylinderPlane, cylinderHeight, cylinderRadius)
(Geometry.Line) The line to intersect
cylinderPlane : Plane
(Plane) Base Plane of the cylinder
cylinderHeight : float
(float) Height of the cylinder
cylinderRadius : float
(float) Radius of the cylinder
Returns: Point3d array
(Point3d array) list of intersection points (0, 1, or 2 points).
Calculates the intersection of a line and a cylinder.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.LineIsFartherThan(line, distance, line2)
(Geometry.Line) a Geometry.Line
distance : float
(float) The distance
line2 : Line
(Geometry.Line) The test line
Returns: bool
(bool) True if the shortest distance from the line to the other project is
greater than distance, False otherwise.
Determines if the shortest distance from a line to a point or another line is greater than a specified distance.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.LineIsFartherThan(line, distance, point)
(Geometry.Line) a Geometry.Line
distance : float
(float) The distance
point : Point3d
(Point3d) The test point
Returns: bool
(bool) True if the shortest distance from the line to the other project is
greater than distance, False otherwise.
Determines if the shortest distance from a line to a point or another line is greater than a specified distance.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.LineLineIntersection(lineA, lineB)
(Geometry.Line) LineA of lines to intersect
lineB : Line
(Geometry.Line) LineB of lines to intersect
Returns: Point3d * Point3d
(Point3d * Point3d) containing a point on the first line and a point on the second line.
Calculates the intersection of two non-parallel lines. The lines are considered endless. If the two lines do not actually intersect the closest point on each is returned. Fails on parallel or collinear lines |
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.LineMaxDistanceTo(line, line2)
Parameters: Returns: float
(float) A distance (D) such that if Q is any point on the line and P is any point on the other object,
then D is bigger than Rhino.Distance(Q, P).
Finds the longest distance between a line as a finite chord, and a line.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.LineMaxDistanceTo(line, point)
Parameters: Returns: float
(float) A distance (D) such that if Q is any point on the line and P is any point on the other object,
then D is bigger than Rhino.Distance(Q, P).
Finds the longest distance between a line as a finite chord, and a point.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.LineMinDistanceTo(line, line2)
Parameters: Returns: float
(float) A distance (D) such that if Q is any point on the line and P is any point on the other object,
then D is smaller than Rhino.Distance(Q, P).
Finds the shortest distance between a line as a finite chord, and a point or another line.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.LineMinDistanceTo(line, point)
Parameters: Returns: float
(float) A distance (D) such that if Q is any point on the line and P is any point on the other object,
then D is smaller than Rhino.Distance(Q, P).
Finds the shortest distance between a line as a finite chord, and a point or another line.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.LineSphereIntersection(line, sphereCenter, sphereRadius)
(Geometry.Line) The line
sphereCenter : Point3d
(Point3d) The center point of the sphere
sphereRadius : float
(float) The radius of the sphere
Returns: Point3d array
(Point3d array) list of intersection points.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.LineTransform(lineId, xForm, ?copy)
(Guid) The line to transform
xForm : Transform
(Transform) The transformation to apply
?copy : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false . Copy the Line object
Returns: Guid
(Guid) The same Guid, or a new Guid if copy=true.
Full Usage:
Returns: int
(int) The number of line-types in the document.
Returns number of line-types in the document.
Full Usage:
Returns: Rarr<string>
(string Rarr) list of line-type names.
Returns names of all line-types in the document.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.ListBox(items, ?message, ?title, ?defaultVal)
(string IList) A list of values to select
?message : string
(string) Optional, A prompt of message
?title : string
(string) Optional, A dialog box title
?defaultVal : string
(string) Optional, Selected item in the list
Returns: string
(string) The selected item.
Display a list of items in a list box dialog.
Full Usage:
Returns: int
(int) The current language used for the Rhino interface as a locale ID, or LCID.
1029 Czech
1031 German-Germany
1033 English-United States
1034 Spanish-Spain
1036 French-France
1040 Italian-Italy
1041 Japanese
1042 Korean
1045 Polish.
Returns the current language used for the Rhino interface. The current language is returned as a locale ID, or LCID, value.
Full Usage:
(string) The name of an existing group
Returns: int
(int) Number of objects that were locked.
Locks a group of objects. Locked objects are visible and they can be snapped to. But, they cannot be selected.
Full Usage:
(Guid) The identifier of an object
Returns: bool
(bool) True or False indicating success or failure.
Locks a single object. Locked objects are visible, and they can be snapped to. But, they cannot be selected.
Full Usage:
Guid seq
(Guid seq) List of Strings or Guids. The identifiers of objects
Returns: int
(int) number of objects locked.
Locks multiple objects. Locked objects are visible, and they can be snapped to. But, they cannot be selected.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.LockedObjects(?includeLights, ?includeGrips, ?includeReferences)
(bool) Optional, default value: false
Include light objects
?includeGrips : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false
Include grip objects
?includeReferences : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false
Include reference objects such as work session objects
Returns: Rarr<Guid>
(Guid Rarr) identifiers the locked objects.
Returns identifiers of all locked objects in the document. Locked objects cannot be snapped to, and cannot be selected.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.MakeCurveNonPeriodic(curveId, ?deleteInput)
(Guid) Identifier of the Curve object
?deleteInput : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false
Delete the input Curve. If omitted, the input Curve will not be deleted
Returns: Guid
(Guid) objectId of the new or modified Curve.
Makes a periodic Curve non-periodic. Non-periodic Curves can develop kinks when deformed.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.MakeSurfacePeriodic(surfaceId, direction, ?deleteInput)
(Guid) The Surface's identifier
direction : int
(int) The direction to make periodic, either
0 = U
1 = V
?deleteInput : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false
Delete the input Surface
Returns: Guid
(Guid) if deleteInput is False, identifier of the new Surface.
Makes an existing Surface a periodic NURBS Surface.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.MatchObjectAttributes(targetIds, ?sourceId)
Guid seq
(Guid seq) Identifiers of objects to copy attributes to
?sourceId : Guid
(Guid) Optional, Identifier of object to copy attributes from. If None,
then the default attributes are copied to the targetIds
Returns: int
(int) number of objects modified.
Matches, or copies the attributes of a source object to a target object.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.MaterialBump(materialIndex, filename)
(int) Zero based material index.
filename : string
(string) The bump bitmap filename.
Modifies a material's bump bitmap filename.
Full Usage:
(int) Zero based material index.
Returns: string
(string) The current bump bitmap filename.
Or an empty string if no Bump texture is present on the Material.
Returns a material's bump bitmap filename.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.MaterialColor(materialIndex, color)
(int) Zero based material index.
color : Color
(Drawing.Color) The new color value
Modifies a material's diffuse color.
Full Usage:
(int) Zero based material index.
Returns: Color
(Drawing.Color) The current material color.
Returns a material's diffuse color.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.MaterialEnvironmentMap(materialIndex, filename)
(int) Zero based material index.
filename : string
(string) The environment bitmap filename
Modifies a material's environment bitmap filename.
Full Usage:
(int) Zero based material index.
Returns: string
(string) The current environment bitmap filename.
Or an empty string if no MaterialEnvironmentMap texture is present on the Material.
Returns a material's environment bitmap filename.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.MaterialName(materialIndex, name)
(int) Zero based material index
name : string
(string) The new name
Modifies a material's user defined name.
Full Usage:
(int) Zero based material index.
Returns: string
(string) The current material name.
Returns a material's user defined name.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.MaterialReflectiveColor(materialIndex, color)
(int) Zero based material index.
color : Color
(Drawing.Color) The new color value.
Modifies a material's reflective color.
Full Usage:
(int) Zero based material index.
Returns: Color
(Drawing.Color) The current material reflective color.
Returns a material's reflective color.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.MaterialShine(materialIndex, shine)
(int) Zero based material index
shine : float
(float) The new shine value. A material's shine value ranges from 0.0 to 255.0, with
0.0 being matte and 255.0 being glossy
Modifies a material's shine value.
Full Usage:
(int) Zero based material index.
Returns: float
(float) The current material shine value
0.0 being matte and 255.0 being glossy.
Returns a material's shine value.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.MaterialTexture(materialIndex, filename)
(int) Zero based material index.
filename : string
(string) The texture bitmap filename.
Modifies a material's texture bitmap filename.
Full Usage:
(int) Zero based material index.
Returns: string
(string) The current texture bitmap filename.
Or an empty string if no MaterialTexture is present on the Material
Returns a material's texture bitmap filename.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.MaterialTransparency(materialIndex, transparency)
(int) Zero based material index.
transparency : float
(float) The new transparency value. A material's transparency value ranges from 0.0 to 1.0, with
0.0 being opaque and 1.0 being transparent.
Modifies a material's transparency value.
Full Usage:
(int) Zero based material index.
Returns: float
(float) The current material transparency value
0.0 being opaque and 1.0 being transparent.
Returns a material's transparency value.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.MaterialTransparencyMap(materialIndex, filename)
(int) Zero based material index.
filename : string
(string) The transparency bitmap filename.
Modifies a material's transparency bitmap filename.
Full Usage:
(int) Zero based material index.
Returns: string
(string) The current transparency bitmap filename.
Or an empty string if no Bump texture is present on the Material.
Returns a material's transparency bitmap filename.
Full Usage:
(string) Optional, The title of the view. If omitted, the current
active view is used
Toggles a view's maximized/restore window state of the specified view.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.MeanCurve(curve0, curve1, ?tolerance)
(Guid) identifiers of first Curve
curve1 : Guid
(Guid) identifiers of second Curve
?tolerance : float
(float) Optional, default value: State.Doc.ModelAbsoluteTolerance
Angle tolerance used to match kinks between Curves
Returns: Guid
(Guid) objectId of the new or modified Curve.
Creates an average Curve from two Curves.
Full Usage:
(Guid) Identifier of a Mesh objects
Returns: float
(float) total area of Mesh.
Returns approximate area of one mesh object.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.MeshBooleanDifference(input0, input1, ?deleteInput)
Guid seq
(Guid seq) Meshes to subtract from
input1 : Guid seq
(Guid seq) Meshes to subtract with
?deleteInput : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: true
Delete the input Meshes
Returns: Rarr<Guid>
(Guid Rarr) identifiers of newly created Meshes.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.MeshBooleanIntersection(input0, input1, ?deleteInput)
Guid seq
(Guid seq) Meshes to intersect
input1 : Guid seq
(Guid seq) Meshes to intersect
?deleteInput : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: true
Delete the input Meshes
Returns: Rarr<Guid>
(Guid Rarr) identifiers of new Meshes.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.MeshBooleanSplit(input0, input1, ?deleteInput)
Guid seq
(Guid seq) Meshes to split from
input1 : Guid seq
(Guid seq) Meshes to split with
?deleteInput : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: true
Delete the input Meshes
Returns: Rarr<Guid>
(Guid Rarr) identifiers of new Meshes.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.MeshClosestPoint(objectId, point, ?maximumDistance)
(Guid) Identifier of a Mesh object
point : Point3d
(Point3d) Point to test
?maximumDistance : float
(float) Optional, Upper bound used for closest point calculation.
If you are only interested in finding a point Q on the Mesh when
point.DistanceTo(Q) is smaller than maximumDistance, then set maximumDistance to
that value
Returns: Point3d * int
(Point3d * int) containing the results of the calculation where
[0] = the 3-D point on the Mesh
[1] = the index of the Mesh face on which the 3-D point lies.
Returns the point on a Mesh that is closest to a test point.
Full Usage:
(Guid) Identifier of a Mesh object
Returns: int
(int) The number of Mesh faces.
Returns total face count of a Mesh object.
Full Usage:
(Guid) Identifier of a Mesh object
Returns: Rarr<Point3d * Point3d * Point3d * Point3d>
(Point3d Rarr) List of 3D points that define the face vertices of the Mesh.
the faces are returned as both quads and triangles. For triangles, the third and fourth vertex will be identical.
Returns vertices of each face in a Mesh as tuple of 4 points.
Full Usage:
(Guid) Identifier of a Mesh object
Returns: Rarr<int * int * int * int>
((int*int*int*int) Rarr) containing tuples of 4 numbers that define the vertex indices for
each face of the Mesh. Both quad and triangle faces are returned. If the
third and fourth vertex indices are identical, the face is a triangle.
Returns the vertex indices of all faces of a Mesh object, Does not suport Ngons yet.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.MeshFaces(objectId, ?faceType)
(Guid) Identifier of a Mesh object
?faceType : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: true
The face type to be returned.
True = both triangles and quads.
False = Quads are broken down into triangles
Returns: Rarr<Point3d>
(Point3d Rarr) List of 3D points that define the face vertices of the Mesh.
If faceType is True, then faces are returned as both quads and triangles
(every four 3D points). For triangles, the third and fourth vertex will be identical.
If faceType is False, then faces are returned as only triangles
(very three 3D points). Quads will be converted to triangles.
Returns face vertices of a Mesh.
Full Usage:
(Guid) Identifier of a Mesh object
Returns: bool
(bool) True , otherwise False.
Verifies a Mesh object has face normals.
Full Usage:
(Guid) Identifier of a Mesh object
Returns: bool
(bool) True , otherwise False.
Verifies a Mesh object has texture coordinates.
Full Usage:
(Guid) Identifier of a Mesh object
Returns: bool
(bool) True , otherwise False.
Verifies a Mesh object has vertex colors.
Full Usage:
(Guid) Identifier of a Mesh object
Returns: bool
(bool) True , otherwise False.
Verifies a Mesh object has vertex normals.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.MeshMeshIntersection(mesh1, mesh2, ?tolerance)
(Guid) Mesh1
mesh2 : Guid
(Guid) Mesh2
?tolerance : float
(float) Optional, default value: ModelAbsoluteTolerance * MeshIntersectionsTolerancesCoefficient
The intersection tolerance
Returns: Polyline array
(Polyline array) Array of points that define the vertices of the intersection Curves.
Calculates the intersections of a Mesh object with another Mesh object.
Full Usage:
(Guid) Identifier of a Mesh object
Returns: bool array
(bool array) Array of boolean values that represent whether or not a Mesh vertex is
naked or not. The number of elements in the list will be equal to
the value returned by MeshVertexCount. In which case, the list will
identify the naked status for each vertex returned by MeshVertices.
Identifies the naked edge points of a Mesh object. This function shows where Mesh vertices are not completely surrounded by faces. Joined Meshes, such as are made by MeshBox, have naked Mesh edge points where the sub-meshes are joined.
Full Usage:
(Guid) Identifier of a Mesh object
Returns: int
(int) The number of quad Mesh faces.
Returns the number of quad faces of a Mesh object.
Full Usage:
(Guid) Identifier of a Mesh object
Returns: bool
(bool) True or False indicating success or failure.
Converts a Mesh object's quad faces to triangles.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.MeshToNurb(objectId, ?trimmedTriangles, ?deleteInput)
(Guid) Identifier of a Mesh object
?trimmedTriangles : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: true
If True, triangles in the Mesh will be
represented by a trimmed Plane
?deleteInput : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false
Delete input object
Returns: Rarr<Guid>
(Guid Rarr) identifiers for the new breps.
Duplicates each polygon in a Mesh with a NURBS Surface. The resulting Surfaces are then joined into a Polysurface and added to the document.
Full Usage:
(Guid) Identifier of a Mesh object
Returns: int
(int) The number of triangular Mesh faces.
Returns number of triangular faces of a Mesh.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.MeshVertexColors(meshId, colors)
(Guid) Identifier of a Mesh object
colors : Color seq
(Drawing.Color seq), optional) A list of color values. Note, for each vertex, there must
be a corresponding vertex color. If the value is null or empty list , then any
existing vertex colors will be removed from the Mesh
Modifies vertex colors of a Mesh. |
Full Usage:
(Guid) Identifier of a Mesh object
Returns: int
(int) The number of Mesh vertices.
Returns the vertex count of a Mesh.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.MeshVertexFaces(meshId, vertexIndex)
(Guid) Identifier of a Mesh object
vertexIndex : int
(int) Index of the Mesh vertex to find faces for
Returns: int array
(int array) face indices.
Returns the Mesh faces that share a specified Mesh vertex.
Full Usage:
Mesh seq
(Geometry.Mesh seq) Mesh Geometries
Returns: float
(float) total volume of all Meshes.
Returns the approximate volume of one or more closed Meshes.
Full Usage:
Guid seq
(Guid seq) Identifiers of one or more Mesh objects
Returns: float
(float) total volume of all Meshes.
Returns the approximate volume of one or more closed Meshes.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.MessageBox(message, ?buttons, ?title)
(string) A prompt or message
?buttons : int
(int) Optional, default value: 0
Buttons and icon to display as a bit coded flag. Can be a combination of the
following flags. If omitted, an OK button and no icon is displayed
0 Display OK button only.
1 Display OK and Cancel buttons.
2 Display Abort, Retry, and Ignore buttons.
3 Display Yes, No, and Cancel buttons.
4 Display Yes and No buttons.
5 Display Retry and Cancel buttons.
16 Display Critical Message icon.
32 Display Warning Query icon.
48 Display Warning Message icon.
64 Display Information Message icon.
0 First button is the default.
256 Second button is the default.
512 Third button is the default.
768 Fourth button is the default.
0 Application modal. The user must respond to the message box
before continuing work in the current application.
4096 System modal. The user must respond to the message box
before continuing work in any application
?title : string
(string) Optional, default value: ""
The dialog box title
Returns: int
(int) an Int32 of indicating which button was clicked:
1 OK button was clicked.
2 Cancel button was clicked.
3 Abort button was clicked.
4 Retry button was clicked.
5 Ignore button was clicked.
6 Yes button was clicked.
7 No button was clicked.
_ A RhinoUserInteractionException is raised if input is cancelled.
Displays a message box. A message box contains a message and title, plus any combination of predefined icons and push buttons.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.MirrorObject(objectId, startPoint, endPoint, ?copy)
(Guid) The identifier of an object to mirror
startPoint : Point3d
(Point3d) Start of the mirror Plane
endPoint : Point3d
(Point3d) End of the mirror Plane
?copy : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false
Copy the object
Returns: Guid
(Guid) Identifier of the mirrored object.
Mirrors a single object on World XY Plane.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.MirrorObjects(objectIds, startPoint, endPoint, ?copy)
Guid seq
(Guid seq) Identifiers of objects to mirror
startPoint : Point3d
(Point3d) Start of the mirror Plane
endPoint : Point3d
(Point3d) End of the mirror Plane
?copy : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false
Copy the objects
Returns: Rarr<Guid>
(Guid Rarr) List of identifiers of the mirrored objects.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.MultiListBox(items, ?message, ?title, ?defaultVals)
(string IList) A zero-based list of string items
?message : string
(string) Optional, A prompt or message
?title : string
(string) Optional, A dialog box title
?defaultVals : string
(string IList) Optional, a list if multiple items that are pre-selected
Returns: string array
(string array) an Array of containing the selected items.
A RhinoUserInteractionException is raised if input is cancelled via Esc Key.
Displays a list of items in a multiple-selection list box dialog.
Full Usage:
(string) The name of the construction Plane
Returns: Plane
(Plane) a Plane.
Returns the Plane geometry of the specified named construction Plane.
Full Usage:
Returns: Rarr<string>
(string Rarr) The names of all named construction Planes in the document.
Returns the names of all named construction Planes in the document.
Full Usage:
Returns: Rarr<string>
(string Rarr) The names of all named views in the document.
Returns the names of all named views in the document.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.NextObject(objectId, ?select, ?includeLights, ?includeGrips)
(Guid) The identifier of the object from which to get the next object
?select : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false
Select the object
?includeLights : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false
Include lights in the potential set
?includeGrips : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false
Include grips in the potential set
Returns: Guid
(Guid) identifier of the object.
Returns the identifier of the next object in the document.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.NextObjectGrip(objectId, index, ?direction, ?enable)
(Guid) Identifier of the object
index : int
(int) Zero based grip index from which to get the next grip index
?direction : int
(int ) Optional, default value: 0
Direction to get the next grip index (0 = U, 1 = V)
?enable : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: true
If True, the next grip index found will be selected
Returns: int
(int) index of the next grip.
Returns the next grip index from a specified grip index of an object.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.NormalObjects(?includeLights, ?includeGrips)
(bool) Optional, default value: false
Include light objects. If omitted, light objects are not returned
?includeGrips : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false
Include grips objects. If omitted, grips objects are not returned
Returns: Rarr<Guid>
(Guid Rarr) identifier of normal objects.
Returns identifiers of all normal objects in the document. Normal objects are visible, can be snapped to, and are independent of selection state.
Full Usage:
(string) New notes to set
Sets the document's notes. Notes are generally created using Rhino's Notes command.
Full Usage:
Returns: string
(string) The current notes.
Returns the document's notes. Notes are generally created using Rhino's Notes command.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.ObjectColorSource(objectIds, source)
Guid seq
(Guid seq) Multiple identifiers
source : int
(int) New color source
0 = color from layer
1 = color from object
2 = color from material
3 = color from parent
Modifies the color source of multiple objects.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.ObjectColorSource(objectId, source)
(Guid) Single identifier
source : int
(int) New color source
0 = color from layer
1 = color from object
2 = color from material
3 = color from parent
Modifies the color source of an object.
Full Usage:
(Guid) Single identifier
Returns: int
(int) The current color source
0 = color from layer
1 = color from object
2 = color from material
3 = color from parent.
Returns the color source of an object.
Full Usage:
Guid seq
(Guid seq) Identifiers of objects
Returns: string
(string) A short text description of the object.
Returns the count for each object type in a List of objects.
Full Usage:
(Guid) Identifier of an object
Returns: string
(string) A short text description of the object.
Returns a description of the object type (e.g. Line, Surface, Text,...).
Full Usage:
(Guid) Identifier of the object
Returns: int
(int) number of grips.
Returns number of grips owned by an object.
Modifies the location of all grips owned by an object. The locations of the grips are returned in a list of Point3d with each position in the list corresponding to that grip's index. To modify the locations of the grips, you must provide a list of points that contain the same number of points at grips. |
Returns the location of all grips owned by an object. The locations of the grips are returned in a list of Point3d with each position in the list corresponding to that grip's index. To modify the locations of the grips, you must provide a list of points that contain the same number of points at grips.
Full Usage:
(Guid) Identifier of the object
Returns: bool
(bool) True or False indicating Grips state.
Checks if an object's grips are turned on.
Full Usage:
(Guid) Identifier of the object
Returns: bool
(bool) True or False indicating success or failure.
Checks if an object's grips are turned on and at least one grip is selected.
Returns the names of all groups that an object is part of . This function primarily applies to objects that are members of nested groups.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.ObjectLayer(objectIds, layerIndex)
Guid seq
(Guid seq) The identifiers of the objects
layerIndex : int
(int) Index of layer in layer table
Modifies the layer of multiple objects, optionally creates layer if it does not exist yet.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.ObjectLayer(objectId, layerIndex)
(Guid) The identifier of the object
layerIndex : int
(int) Index of layer in layer table
Modifies the layer of an object.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.ObjectLayer(objectIds, layer, ?createLayerIfMissing, ?allowUnicode, ?collapseParents)
Guid seq
(Guid seq) The identifiers of the objects
layer : string
(string) Name of an existing layer
?createLayerIfMissing : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false Set true to create Layer if it does not exist yet.
?allowUnicode : bool
(bool) Optional, Allow Ambiguous Unicode characters too
?collapseParents : bool
(bool) Optional, Collapse parent layers in Layer UI
Modifies the layer of multiple objects, optionally creates layer if it does not exist yet.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.ObjectLayer(objectId, layer, ?createLayerIfMissing, ?allowAllUnicode, ?collapseParents)
(Guid) The identifier of the object
layer : string
(string) Name of an existing layer
?createLayerIfMissing : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false Set true to create Layer if it does not exist yet.
?allowAllUnicode : bool
(bool) Optional, Allow Ambiguous Unicode characters too
?collapseParents : bool
(bool) Optional, Collapse parent layers in Layer UI
Modifies the layer of an object , optionally creates layer if it does not exist yet.
Full Usage:
(Guid) The identifier of the object
Returns: string
(string) The object's current layer.
Returns the full layer name of an object.
parent layers are separated by
Full Usage:
(Guid) The identifier of the object
Returns: string
(string) The object's current layer.
Returns the short layer of an object. Without Parent Layers.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.ObjectLayout(objectIds, layout)
Guid seq
(Guid seq) Identifier of the objects
layout : string
(string) To change, or move, an objects from model space to page
layout space, or from one page layout to another, then specify the
title of an existing page layout view. To move an objects
from page layout space to model space, just specify an empty string.
Changes the layout or model space of an objects.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.ObjectLayout(objectId, layout)
(Guid) Identifier of the object
layout : string
(string) To change, or move, an object from model space to page
layout space, or from one page layout to another, then specify the
title of an existing page layout view. To move an object
from page layout space to model space, just specify an empty string.
Changes the layout or model space of an object.
Full Usage:
(Guid) Identifier of the object
Returns: string
(string) The object's current page layout view, Empty String if it is in Model Space.
Returns the layout or model space of an object.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.ObjectLinetype(objectIds, linetype)
Guid seq
(Guid seq) Identifiers of objects
linetype : string
(string) Name of an existing linetype
Modifies the linetype of multiple object.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.ObjectLinetype(objectId, linetype)
(Guid) Identifier of object
linetype : string
(string) Name of an existing linetype
Modifies the linetype of an object.
Full Usage:
(Guid) Identifier of object
Returns: string
(string) The object's current linetype.
Returns the linetype of an object.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.ObjectLinetypeSource(objectIds, source)
Guid seq
(Guid seq) Identifiers of objects
source : int
(int) New linetype source.
If objectId is a list of identifiers, this parameter is required
0 = By Layer
1 = By Object
3 = By Parent
Modifies the linetype source of multiple objects.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.ObjectLinetypeSource(objectId, source)
(Guid) Identifier of object
source : int
(int) New linetype source.
If objectId is a list of identifiers, this parameter is required
0 = By Layer
1 = By Object
3 = By Parent
Modifies the linetype source of an object.
Full Usage:
(Guid) Identifier of object
Returns: int
(int) The object's current linetype source
0 = By Layer
1 = By Object
3 = By Parent.
Returns the linetype source of an object.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.ObjectMaterialIndex(objectIds, materialIndex)
Guid seq
(Guid seq) Identifiers of an objects
materialIndex : int
(int) The new material index
Changes the material index multiple objects. Rendering materials are stored in Rhino's rendering material table. The table is conceptually an array. Render materials associated with objects and layers are specified by zero based indices into this array.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.ObjectMaterialIndex(objectId, materialIndex)
(Guid) Identifier of an object
materialIndex : int
(int) The new material index
Changes the material index of an object. Rendering materials are stored in Rhino's rendering material table. The table is conceptually an array. Render materials associated with objects and layers are specified by zero based indices into this array.
Full Usage:
(Guid) Identifier of an object
Returns: int
(int) If the return value of ObjectMaterialSource is "material by object", then
the return value of this function is the index of the object's rendering
material. A material index of -1 indicates no material has been assigned,
and that Rhino's internal default material has been assigned to the object.
Returns the material index of an object. Rendering materials are stored in Rhino's rendering material table. The table is conceptually an array. Render materials associated with objects and layers are specified by zero based indices into this array.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.ObjectMaterialSource(objectIds, source)
Guid seq
(Guid seq) One or more objects identifiers
source : int
(int) The new rendering material source.
0 = Material from layer
1 = Material from objects
3 = Material from parent
Modifies the rendering material source of multiple objects.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.ObjectMaterialSource(objectId, source)
(Guid) One or more object identifiers
source : int
(int) The new rendering material source.
0 = Material from layer
1 = Material from object
3 = Material from parent
Modifies the rendering material source of an object.
Full Usage:
(Guid) One or more object identifiers
Returns: int
(int) The current rendering material source
0 = Material from layer
1 = Material from object
3 = Material from parent.
Returns the rendering material source of an object.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.ObjectName(objectIds, name)
Guid seq
(Guid seq)Id of objects
name : string
(string) The new objects name. Or empty string
Modifies the name of multiple objects.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.ObjectName(objectId, name)
(Guid)Id of object
name : string
(string) The new object name. Or empty string
Modifies the name of an object.
Full Usage:
(Guid)Id of object
Returns: string
(string) The current object name, or empty string if no name given .
Returns the name of an object or "" if none given.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.ObjectPrintColorSource(objectIds, source)
Guid seq
(Guid seq) Identifier of objects
source : int
(int) New print color source
0 = print color by layer
1 = print color by objects
3 = print color by parent
Modifies the print color source of multiple objects.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.ObjectPrintColorSource(objectId, source)
(Guid) Identifier of object
source : int
(int) New print color source
0 = print color by layer
1 = print color by object
3 = print color by parent
Modifies the print color source of an object.
Full Usage:
(Guid) Identifier of object
Returns: int
(int) The object's current print color source
0 = print color by layer
1 = print color by object
3 = print color by parent.
Returns the print color source of an object.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.ObjectPrintWidth(objectIds, width)
Guid seq
(Guid seq) Identifier of objects
width : float
(float) New print width value in millimeters, where width = 0.0 means use
the default width, and width smaller than 0.0 (e.g. -1.0)means do-not-print (visible for screen display,
but does not show on print)
Modifies the print width of multiple objects.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.ObjectPrintWidth(objectId, width)
(Guid) Identifier of object
width : float
(float) New print width value in millimeters, where width = 0.0 means use
the default width, and width smaller than 0.0 (e.g. -1.0)means do-not-print (visible for screen display,
but does not show on print)
Modifies the print width of an object.
Full Usage:
(Guid) Identifier of object
Returns: float
(float) The object's current print width.
Returns the print width of an object.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.ObjectPrintWidthSource(objectIds, source)
Guid seq
(Guid seq) Identifier of objects
source : int
(int) New print width source
0 = print width by layer
1 = print width by objects
3 = print width by parent
Modifies the print width source of multiple objects.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.ObjectPrintWidthSource(objectId, source)
(Guid) Identifier of object
source : int
(int) New print width source
0 = print width by layer
1 = print width by object
3 = print width by parent
Modifies the print width source of an object.
Full Usage:
(Guid) Identifier of object
Returns: int
(int) The object's current print width source
0 = print width by layer
1 = print width by object
3 = print width by parent.
Returns the print width source of an object.
Full Usage:
(Guid) id of the object to query
Returns: string
(int) The top group's name. Fails if object is not in a group.
Returns the top most group name that an object is assigned. This function primarily applies to objects that are members of nested groups.
Full Usage:
(Guid) Identifier of an object
Returns: int
(int) The object type .
The valid object types are as follows:
Value Description
0 Unknown object
1 Point
2 Point cloud
4 Curve
8 Surface or single-face brep
16 Polysurface or multiple-face
32 Mesh
256 Light
512 Annotation
4096 Instance or block reference
8192 Text dot object
16384 Grip object
32768 Detail
65536 Hatch
131072 Morph control
262144 SubD
134217728 Cage
268435456 Phantom
536870912 Clipping Plane
1073741824 Extrusion.
Returns the object type.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.ObjectsByColor(color, ?select, ?includeLights)
(Drawing.Color) Color to get objects by
?select : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false
Select the objects
?includeLights : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false
Include lights in the set
Returns: Rarr<Guid>
(Guid Rarr) identifiers of objects of the selected color.
Returns identifiers of all objects based on color.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.ObjectsByName(name, ?select, ?includeLights, ?includeReferences)
(string) Name of the object or objects
?select : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false
Select the objects
?includeLights : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false
Include light objects
?includeReferences : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false
Include reference objects such as work session objects
Returns: Rarr<Guid>
(Guid Rarr) identifiers for objects with the specified name.
Returns identifiers of all objects based on user-assigned name.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.ObjectsByType(geometryType, ?select, ?state)
(int) The type(s) of geometry objects (points, Curves, Surfaces,
Meshes, etc.) that can be selected. Object types can be
added together as bit-coded flags to filter several different kinds of geometry.
Value Description
0 All objects
1 Point
2 Point cloud
4 Curve
8 Surface or single-face brep
16 Polysurface or multiple-face
32 Mesh
256 Light
512 Annotation
4096 Instance or block reference
8192 Text dot object
16384 Grip object
32768 Detail
65536 Hatch
131072 Morph control
262144 SubD
134217728 Cage
268435456 Phantom
536870912 Clipping Plane
1073741824 Extrusion
?select : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false
Select the objects
?state : int
(int) Optional, default value: 0
The object state (normal, locked, and hidden). Object states can be
added together to filter several different states of geometry.
Value Description
0 All objects
1 Normal objects
2 Locked objects
4 Hidden objects
Returns: Rarr<Guid>
(Guid Rarr) identifiers of object that fit the specified type(s).
Returns identifiers of all objects based on the objects' geometry type.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.OffsetCurve(curveId, direction, distance, ?normal, ?style)
(Guid) Identifier of a Curve object
direction : Point3d
(Point3d) Point describing direction of the offset
distance : float
(float) Distance of the offset
?normal : Vector3d
(Vector3d) Optional, default value: Vector3d.ZAxis
Normal of the Plane in which the offset will occur.
If omitted, the WorldXY Plane will be used
?style : int
(int) Optional, default value: 1
The corner style. If omitted, the style is sharp.
0 = None
1 = Sharp
2 = Round
3 = Smooth
4 = Chamfer
Returns: Rarr<Guid>
(Guid Rarr) list of ids for the new Curves.
Offsets a Curve by a distance. The offset Curve will be added to Rhino.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.OffsetCurveOnSurface(curveId, surfaceId, distance)
(Guid) The Curve identifiers
surfaceId : Guid
(Guid) The Surface identifiers
distance : float
(float)) The distance of the offset. Based on the Curve's direction, a positive value
will offset to the left and a negative value will offset to the right
Returns: Rarr<Guid>
(Guid Rarr) identifiers of the new Curves.
Offset a Curve on a Surface. The source Curve must lie on the Surface. The offset Curve or Curves will be added to Rhino Document. |
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.OffsetCurveOnSurfaceUV(curveId, surfaceId, parameter)
(Guid) Curve identifiers
surfaceId : Guid
(Guid) Surface identifiers
parameter : Point2d
(Point2d)) U, V parameter that the Curve will be offset through
Returns: Rarr<Guid>
(Guid Rarr) identifiers of the new Curves.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.OffsetSurface(surfaceId, distance, ?tolerance, ?bothSides, ?createSolid)
(Guid) The Surface's identifier
distance : float
(float) The distance to offset
?tolerance : float
(float) Optional, default value: State.Doc.ModelAbsoluteTolerance
The offset tolerance. Use 0.0 to make a loose offset. Otherwise, the
document's absolute tolerance is usually sufficient
?bothSides : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false
Offset to both sides of the input Surface
?createSolid : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false
Make a solid object
Returns: Guid
(Guid) identifier of the new object.
Offsets a trimmed or untrimmed Surface by a distance. The offset Surface will be added to Rhino.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.OpenFileName(?title, ?filter, ?folder, ?filename, ?extension)
(string) Optional, A dialog box title
?filter : string
(string) Optional, A filter string. The filter must be in the following form:
"Description1|Filter1|Description2|Filter2||", where "||" terminates filter string.
If omitted, the filter (*.*) is used
?folder : string
(string) Optional, A default folder
?filename : string
(string) Optional, A default file name
?extension : string
(string) Optional, A default file extension
Returns: string
(string) A file name is successful.
A RhinoUserInteractionException is raised if input is cancelled via Esc Key.
Displays file open dialog box allowing the user to enter a file name. Note, this function does not open the file.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.OpenFileNames(?title, ?filter, ?folder, ?filename, ?extension)
(string) Optional, A dialog box title
?filter : string
(string) Optional, A filter string. The filter must be in the following form:
"Description1|Filter1|Description2|Filter2||", where "||" terminates filter string.
If omitted, the filter (*.*) is used
?folder : string
(string) Optional, A default folder
?filename : string
(string) Optional, A default file name
?extension : string
(string) Optional, A default file extension
Returns: string array
(string array) Theselected file names.
A RhinoUserInteractionException is raised if input is cancelled via Esc Key.
Displays file open dialog box allowing the user to select one or more file names. Note, this function does not open the file.
Full Usage:
(string) Full path to the collection file
Returns: string
(string) Rhino-assigned name of the tool-bar collection.
Opens a tool-bar collection file.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.OrientObject(objectId, referencePts, targetPts, ?flags)
(Guid) Identifier of object
referencePts : IList<Point3d>
(IList of Point3d) list of 3D reference points.
targetPts : IList<Point3d>
(IList of Point3d) list of 3D target points.
?flags : int
(int) The orient flags values can be added together to specify multiple options.
Value Description
1 Copy object. The default is not to copy the object.
2 Scale object. The default is not to scale the object. Note, the scale option only applies if both reference and target contain only two 3-D points.
3 Scale and copy.
Returns: Guid
(Guid) The identifier of the oriented object. The original or the copied object. Depending on given flags
Orients a single object based on input points. If two 3-D points are specified, then this method will function similar to Rhino's Orient command. If more than two 3-D points are specified, then the function will orient similar to Rhino's Orient3Pt command.
Full Usage:
(bool) The new enabled status
Enables or disables Rhino's ortho modeling aid.
Full Usage:
Returns: bool
(bool) The current ortho status.
Get status of Rhino's ortho modeling aid.
Full Usage:
(bool) The new enabled status
Enables or disables Rhino's object snap modeling aid. Object snaps are tools for specifying points on existing objects.
Full Usage:
Returns: bool
(bool) The current object snap status.
Get status of Rhino's object snap modeling aid. Object snaps are tools for specifying points on existing objects.
Full Usage:
(bool) The new visibility state.
Shows or hides Rhino's dockable object snap bar.
Full Usage:
Returns: bool
(bool) The current visible state.
Get status of Rhino's dockable object snap bar.
Full Usage:
(int) The object snap mode or modes to set.
0 None
2 Near
8 Focus
32 Center
64 Vertex
128 Knot
512 Quadrant
2048 Midpoint
8192 Intersection
131072 End
524288 Perpendicular
2097152 Tangent
134217728 Point
Object snap modes can be added together to set multiple modes
Sets the object snap mode. Object snaps are tools for specifying points on existing objects.
Full Usage:
Returns: int
(int) The current object snap mode(s)
0 None
2 Near
8 Focus
32 Center
64 Vertex
128 Knot
512 Quadrant
2048 Midpoint
8192 Intersection
131072 End
524288 Perpendicular
2097152 Tangent
134217728 Point
Object snap modes can be added together to set multiple modes.
Returns the object snap mode. Object snaps are tools for specifying points on existing objects.
Object Table of the current active Rhino document
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.ParentLayer(layer, parent)
(string) Name of an existing layer
parent : string
(string) Name of new parent layer. To remove the parent layer,
thus making a root-level layer, specify an empty string
Modify the parent layer of a layer.
Full Usage:
(string) Name of an existing layer
Returns: string
(string) The name of the current parent layer or empty string if no parent present.
Return the parent layer of a layer or empty string if no parent present.
Full Usage:
(bool) The new enable status.
Enables or disables Rhino's planar modeling aid.
Full Usage:
Returns: bool
(bool) The current planar status.
Get status of Rhino's planar modeling aid.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.PlanarClosedCurveContainment(curveA, curveB, ?plane, ?tolerance)
(Guid) identifier of the first planar, closed Curve
curveB : Guid
(Guid) identifier of the second planar, closed Curve
?plane : Plane
(Plane) Optional, default value: Plane.WorldXY
Test Plane. If omitted, the Plane.WorldXY Plane is used
?tolerance : float
(float) Optional, default value: State.Doc.ModelAbsoluteTolerance
Returns: int
(int) a number identifying the relationship
0 = the regions bounded by the Curves are disjoint
1 = the two Curves intersect
2 = the region bounded by CurveA is inside of CurveB
3 = the region bounded by CurveB is inside of CurveA.
Determines the relationship between the regions bounded by two coplanar simple closed Curves.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.PlanarCurveCollision(curveA, curveB, ?plane, ?tolerance)
(Guid) identifier of the first planar Curve
curveB : Guid
(Guid) identifier of the second planar Curve
?plane : Plane
(Plane) Optional, default value: Plane.WorldXY
Test Plane. If omitted, the Plane.WorldXY Plane is used
?tolerance : float
(float) Optional, default value: State.Doc.ModelAbsoluteTolerance
Returns: bool
(bool) True if the Curves intersect; otherwise False.
Determines if two coplanar Curves intersect.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.PlaneCurveIntersection(plane, curve, ?tolerance)
(Plane) The Plane to intersect
curve : Guid
(Guid) The identifier of the Curve object
?tolerance : float
(float) Optional, default value: State.Doc.ModelAbsoluteTolerance
The intersection tolerance.
Returns: Rarr<int * Point3d * Point3d * Point3d * Point3d * float * float * float * float * float * float>
(Rarr of int * Point3d * Point3d * Point3d * Point3d * float * float * float * float* float * float)
A list of intersection information tuple . The list will contain one or more of the following tuple:
Element Type Description
[0] Number The intersection event type, either Point (1) or Overlap (2).
[1] Point3d If the event type is Point (1), then the intersection point on the Curve.
If the event type is Overlap (2), then intersection start point on the Curve.
[2] Point3d If the event type is Point (1), then the intersection point on the Curve.
If the event type is Overlap (2), then intersection end point on the Curve.
[3] Point3d If the event type is Point (1), then the intersection point on the Plane.
If the event type is Overlap (2), then intersection start point on the Plane.
[4] Point3d If the event type is Point (1), then the intersection point on the Plane.
If the event type is Overlap (2), then intersection end point on the Plane.
[5] Number If the event type is Point (1), then the Curve parameter.
If the event type is Overlap (2), then the start value of the Curve parameter range.
[6] Number If the event type is Point (1), then the Curve parameter.
If the event type is Overlap (2), then the end value of the Curve parameter range.
[7] Number If the event type is Point (1), then the U Plane parameter.
If the event type is Overlap (2), then the U Plane parameter for Curve at (n, 5).
[8] Number If the event type is Point (1), then the V Plane parameter.
If the event type is Overlap (2), then the V Plane parameter for Curve at (n, 5).
[9] Number If the event type is Point (1), then the U Plane parameter.
If the event type is Overlap (2), then the U Plane parameter for Curve at (n, 6).
[10] Number If the event type is Point (1), then the V Plane parameter.
If the event type is Overlap (2), then the V Plane parameter for Curve at (n, 6).
Intersect an infinite Plane and a Curve object.
Full Usage:
(Plane) The Plane to deconstruct
Returns: float * float * float * float
(float * float * float * float) containing four numbers that represent the coefficients of the equation (A, B, C, D).
Returns the equation of a Plane as a tuple of four numbers. The standard equation of a Plane with a non-zero vector is Ax + By + Cz + D = 0.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.PlaneFromFrame(origin, xAxis, yAxis)
(Point3d) A 3D point identifying the origin of the Plane
xAxis : Vector3d
(Vector3d) A non-zero 3D vector in the Plane that determines the X axis
yAxis : Vector3d
(Vector3d) A non-zero 3D vector not parallel to xAxis that is used
to determine the Y axis direction. Note, yAxis does not
have to be perpendicular to xAxis
Returns: Plane
(Plane) The Plane.
Construct a Plane from a point, and two vectors in the Plane.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.PlaneFromNormal(origin, normal, ?xAxis)
(Point3d) A 3D point identifying the origin of the Plane
normal : Vector3d
(Vector3d) A 3D vector identifying the normal direction of the Plane
?xAxis : Vector3d
(Vector3d) Optional, vector defining the Plane's x-axis
Returns: Plane
(Plane) The Plane.
Creates a Plane from an origin point and a normal direction vector.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.PlaneSphereIntersection(plane, spherePlane, sphereRadius)
(Plane) The Plane to intersect
spherePlane : Plane
(Plane) Equatorial Plane of the sphere. origin of the Plane is
the center of the sphere
sphereRadius : float
(float) Radius of the sphere
Returns: int * Plane * float
(int * Plane * float) of intersection results
Element Type Description
[0] number The type of intersection, where 0 = point and 1 = circle.
[1] Plane If a point intersection, the a Point3d identifying the 3-D intersection location is Plane.Origin
If a circle intersection, then the circle's Plane. The origin of the Plane will be the center point of the circle
[2] number If a circle intersection, then the radius of the circle.
Calculates the intersection of a Plane and a sphere.
Full Usage:
(string) The name of the plug-in
Returns: Guid
(Guid) The Unique Guid of the plug-in.
Returns the identifier of a plug-in given the plug-in name.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.PlugIns(?types, ?status)
(int) Optional, default value: 0
The type of plug-ins to return.
0 = all
1 = render
2 = file export
4 = file import
8 = digitizer
16 = utility.
If omitted, all are returned
?status : int
(int) Optional, default value: 0
0 = both loaded and unloaded,
1 = loaded,
2 = unloaded. If omitted both status is returned
Returns: string array
(string array) array of registered Rhino plug-ins.
Returns a array of registered Rhino plug-ins.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.PointArrayBoundingBox(points, ?plane)
Point3d seq
(Point3d seq) A list of 3-D points
?plane : Plane
(Plane) Optional, default value: Plane.WorldXY
Plane to which the bounding box should be aligned,
If omitted, a world axis-aligned bounding box
will be calculated
Returns: Box
(Box) A Rhino.Geometry.Box.
Returns either a world axis-aligned or a construction Plane axis-aligned bounding box of an array of 3-D point locations.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.PointClosestObject(point, objectIds)
(Point3d) Point to test
objectIds : Guid seq
(Guid seq) Identifiers of one or more objects
Returns: Guid * Point3d * float
(Guid * Point3d * float) Tuple of 3 values
[0] Guid, closest objectId
[1] the point on object
[2] the distance.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.PointCloudClosestPoints(ptCloud, needlePoints, distance)
Point3d seq
(Point3d seq) The point cloud to be searched, or the "hay stack". This can also be a list of points
needlePoints : Point3d seq
(Point3d seq) A list of points to search in the PointCloud. This can also be specified as a point cloud
distance : float
(float) The included limit for listing points
Returns: int[] seq
(int array seq) a seq of arrays with the indices of the found points.
Returns a list of lists of point indices in a point cloud that are closest to needlePoints. Each inner list references all points within or on the Surface of a sphere of distance radius.
Full Usage:
(Guid) The point cloud object's identifier
Returns: int
(int) number of points.
Returns the point count of a point cloud object.
Full Usage:
(Guid) The point cloud object's identifier
Returns: bool
(bool) True if cloud has hidden points, otherwise False.
Checks if a point cloud has hidden points.
Full Usage:
(Guid) The point cloud object's identifier
Returns: bool
(bool) True if cloud has point colors, otherwise False.
Checks if a point cloud has point colors.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.PointCloudHidePoints(objectId, hidden)
(Guid) The point cloud object's identifier
hidden : bool seq
(bool seq) List of booleans matched to the index of points to be hidden, On empty seq all point wil be shown
Modifies the hidden points of a point cloud object.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.PointCloudKNeighbors(ptCloud, needlePoints, ?amount)
Point3d seq
(Point3d seq) The point cloud to be searched, or the "hay stack".
This can also be a list of points
needlePoints : Point3d seq
(Point3d seq) A list of points to search in the PointCloud.
This can also be specified as a point cloud
?amount : int
(int) Optional, default value: 1
The amount of required closest points. Defaults to 1
Returns: int[] seq
(int array seq) nested lists with amount items within a list, with the indices of the found points.
Returns amount indices of points in a point cloud that are near needlePoints.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.PointCompare(point1, point2, ?tolerance)
(Point3d) Point1 of the points to compare
point2 : Point3d
(Point3d) Point2 of the points to compare
?tolerance : float
(float) Optional, default value: RhinoMath.ZeroTolerance
Tolerance to use for comparison.
Returns: bool
(bool) True or False.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.PointInPlanarClosedCurve(point, curve, ?plane, ?tolerance)
(Point3d) Text point
curve : Guid
(Guid) Identifier of a Curve object
?plane : Plane
(Plane) Optional, default value: Plane.WorldXY
Plane containing the closed Curve and point. If omitted, Plane.WorldXY is used
?tolerance : float
(float) Optional, default value: State.Doc.ModelAbsoluteTolerance
Returns: int
(int) number identifying the result
0 = point is outside of the Curve
1 = point is inside of the Curve
2 = point is on the Curve.
Determines if a point is inside of a closed Curve, on a closed Curve, or outside of a closed Curve.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.PointsAreCoplanar(points, ?tolerance)
Point3d seq
(Point3d seq) 3D points to test
?tolerance : float
(float) Optional, default value: 1.0e-12 = RhinoMath.ZeroTolerance
Tolerance to use when verifying
Returns: bool
(bool) True or False.
Checks if a list of 3D points are coplanar.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.Polar(point, angleDegrees, distance, ?plane)
(Point3d) The point to transform
angleDegrees : float
(float) Angle in degrees
distance : float
(float) Distance from point
?plane : Plane
(Plane) Optional, Plane to base the transformation. If omitted, the world
x-y Plane is used
Returns: Point3d
(Point3d) resulting point is successful.
Returns 3D point that is a specified angle and distance from a 3D point.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.PolyCurveCount(curveId, ?segmentIndex)
(Guid) The object's identifier
?segmentIndex : int
(int) Optional,
If `curveId` identifies a PolyCurve object, then `segmentIndex` identifies the Curve segment of the PolyCurve to query
Returns: int
(int) The number of Curve segments in a polycurve.
Returns the number of Curve segments that make up a polycurve.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.PolylineVertices(curveId, ?segmentIndex)
(Guid) The object's identifier
?segmentIndex : int
(int) Optional,
If CurveId identifies a PolyCurve object, then segmentIndex identifies the Curve segment of the PolyCurve to query
Returns: Rarr<Point3d>
(Point3d Rarr) an list of Point3d vertex points.
Returns the vertices of a Polyline Curve.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.PopupMenu(items, ?modes, ?point, ?view)
string seq
(string seq) List of strings representing the menu items. An empty string or None
will create a separator
?modes : int
(int seq) Optional, List of numbers identifying the display modes. If omitted, all
modes are enabled.
0 = menu item is enabled
1 = menu item is disabled
2 = menu item is checked
3 = menu item is disabled and checked
?point : Point3d
(Point3d) Optional, A 3D point where the menu item will appear. If omitted, the menu
will appear at the current cursor position
?view : string
(string) Optional, If point is specified, the view in which the point is computed.
If omitted, the active view is used
Returns: int
(int) index of the menu item picked or -1 if no menu item was picked.
Display a context-style popup menu. The popup menu can appear almost anywhere, and can be dismissed by clicking the left or right mouse buttons.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.PrevObjectGrip(objectId, index, ?direction, ?enable)
(Guid) Identifier of the object
index : int
(int) Zero based grip index from which to get the previous grip index
?direction : int
(int) Optional, default value: 0
Direction to get the next grip index (0 = U, 1 = V)
?enable : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: true
If True, the next grip index found will be selected
Returns: int
(int) index of the next grip.
Returns the previous grip index from a specified grip index of an object.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.ProjectCurveToMesh(curveIds, meshIds, direction)
Guid seq
(Guid seq) Identifiers of Curves to project
meshIds : Guid seq
(Guid seq) Identifiers of Meshes to project onto
direction : Vector3d
(Vector3d) Projection direction
Returns: Rarr<Guid>
(Guid Rarr) list of identifiers for the resulting Curves.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.ProjectCurveToSurface(curveIds, surfaceIds, direction)
Guid seq
(Guid seq) Identifiers of Curves to project
surfaceIds : Guid seq
(Guid seq) Identifiers of Surfaces to project onto
direction : Vector3d
(Vector3d) Projection direction
Returns: Rarr<Guid>
(Guid Rarr) list of identifiers.
Full Usage:
(bool) The new enabled status.
Enables or disables object snap projection.
Full Usage:
Returns: bool
(bool) The current object snap projection status.
Get status of object snap projection.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.ProjectPointToMesh(points, meshIds, direction)
Point3d seq
(Point3d seq) One or more 3D points
meshIds : Guid seq
(Guid seq) Identifiers of one or more Meshes
direction : Vector3d
(Vector3d) Direction vector to project the points
Returns: Point3d array
(Point3d array) projected points.
Projects one or more points onto one or more Meshes.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.ProjectPointToSurface(points, surfaceIds, direction)
Point3d seq
(Point3d seq) One or more 3D points
surfaceIds : Guid seq
(Guid seq) Identifiers of one or more Surfaces/polysurfaces
direction : Vector3d
(Vector3d) Direction vector to project the points
Returns: Point3d array
(Point3d array) projected points.
Projects one or more points onto one or more Surfaces or Polysurfaces.
Full Usage:
(string) The new prompt on the commandline
Change Rhino's command window prompt.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.PropertyListBox(items, values, ?message, ?title)
(string IList) list of string items
values : string seq
(string seq) The corresponding values to the items
?message : string
(string) Optional, A prompt or message
?title : string
(string) Optional, A dialog box title
Returns: string array
(string array) An Array of new values.
A RhinoUserInteractionException is raised if input is cancelled via Esc Key.
Displays list of items and their values in a property-style list box dialog.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.PullCurve(surface, curve, ?deleteInput)
(Guid) The Surface's identifier
curve : Guid
(Guid) The Curve's identifier
?deleteInput : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false
Should the input items be deleted
Returns: Rarr<Guid>
(Guid Rarr) List of new Curves.
Pulls a Curve to a Mesh. The function makes a Polyline approximation of the input Curve and gets the closest point on the Mesh for each point on the polyline. Then it "connects the points" to create a Polyline on the Mesh.
Pulls an array of points to a Surface or Mesh object. For more information, see the Rhino help file Pull command.
Full Usage:
(bool) Optional, default value: true
'true' to keep the current Layer even if empty
'false' to remove current layer too if its empty. Any other non empty layer might be the new current
Removes all empty layers from the document. Even if it is current
Full Usage:
(string) The name of an existing empty layer
Returns: bool
(bool) True or False indicating success or failure.
Removes an existing layer and all its objects from the document. The layer will be removed even if it contains geometry objects. The layer to be removed cannot be the current layer.
Full Usage:
Returns: int
(int) The file version of the current document.
Returns the file version of the current document. Use this function to determine which version of Rhino last saved the document. Note, this function will not return values from referenced or merged files.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.RealBox(?message, ?defaultValNumber, ?title, ?minimum, ?maximum)
(string) Optional, default value: ""
A prompt message
?defaultValNumber : float
(float) Optional, A default number
?title : string
(string) Optional, default value: ""
A dialog box title
?minimum : float
(float) Optional, A minimum allowable value
?maximum : float
(float) Optional, A maximum allowable value
Returns: float
(float) The newly entered number.
A RhinoUserInteractionException is raised if input is cancelled via Esc Key.
Display a dialog box prompting the user to enter a number.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.RebuildCurve(curveId, degree, pointCount)
(Guid) Identifier of the Curve object
degree : int
(int) New degree (must be greater than 0)
pointCount : int
(int) New point count, which must be bigger than degree
Returns: bool
(bool) True of False indicating success or failure.
Rebuilds a Curve to a given degree and control point count. For more information, see the Rhino help for the Rebuild command.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.RebuildSurface(objectId, ?degreeU, ?degreeV, ?pointcountU, ?pointcountV)
(Guid) The Surface's identifier
?degreeU : int
(int) Optional, default value: 3 degree of the Surface in the U directions
?degreeV : int
(int) Optional, default value: 3 degree of the Surface in the V directions
?pointcountU : int
(int) Optional, default value: 10* the Surface point count in U directions
?pointcountV : int
(int) Optional, default value: 10* the Surface point count in V directions
Returns: bool
(bool) True of False indicating success or failure.
Rebuilds a Surface to a given degree and control point count. For more information see the Rhino help file for the Rebuild command.
Full Usage:
Redraws all views. |
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.RemoveCurveKnot(curve, parameter)
(Guid) The reference of the source object
parameter : float
(float) The parameter on the Curve. Note, if the parameter is not equal to one
of the existing knots, then the knot closest to the specified parameter
will be removed
Returns: bool
(bool) True of False indicating success or failure.
Deletes a knot from a Curve object.
Full Usage:
(Guid) The object identifier
Returns: bool
(bool) True or False indicating success or failure.
Removes a single object from any and all groups that it is a member. Neither the object nor the group can be reference objects.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.RemoveObjectFromGroup(objectId, groupName)
(Guid) The object identifier
groupName : string
(string) The name of an existing group
Remove a single object from an existing group.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.RemoveObjectsFromGroup(objectIds, groupName)
Guid seq
(Guid seq) A list of object identifiers
groupName : string
(string) The name of an existing group
Removes multiple objects from an existing group.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.RemoveSurfaceKnot(surface, uvParameter, vDirection)
(Guid) The reference of the Surface object
uvParameter : float * float
(float * float)) An indexable item containing a U, V parameter on the Surface. List, tuples and UVIntervals will work.
Note, if the parameter is not equal to one of the existing knots, then the knot closest to the specified parameter will be removed
vDirection : bool
(bool) If True, or 1, the V direction will be addressed. If False, or 0, the U direction
Returns: bool
(bool) True of False indicating success or failure.
Deletes a knot from a Surface object.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.RenameBlock(blockName, newName)
(string) Name of an existing block definition
newName : string
(string) Name to change to
Returns: bool
(bool) True or False indicating success or failure.
Renames an existing block definition.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.RenameDimStyle(oldStyle, newStyle)
(string) The name of an existing dimension style
newStyle : string
(string) The new dimension style name
Renames an existing dimension style.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.RenameGroup(oldName, newName)
(string) The name of an existing group
newName : string
(string) The new group name
Renames an existing group.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.RenameLayer(oldName, newName)
(string) Original layer name
newName : string
(string) New layer name
Renames an existing layer.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.RenameView(oldTitle, newTitle)
(string) The title of the view to rename
newTitle : string
(string) The new title of the view
Changes the title of the specified view.
Full Usage:
(int) Level of antialiasing (0 = none, 1 = normal, 2 = best)
Sets render antialiasing style.
Full Usage:
Returns: int
(int) The current antialiasing style (0 = none, 1 = normal, 2 = best).
Returns render antialiasing style.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.RenderColor(item, color)
0 = ambient light color,
1 = background color
color : Color
(Drawing.Color) The new color value
Sets the render ambient light or background color.
Full Usage:
0 = ambient light color,
1 = background color
Returns: Color
(Drawing.Color) The current item color.
Returns the render ambient light or background color.
Full Usage:
(float) The new render Mesh density, which is a number between 0.0 and 1.0
Sets the render Mesh density property of the active document. For more information on render Meshes, see the Document Properties: Mesh topic in the Rhino help file.
Full Usage:
Returns: float
(float) The current render Mesh density.
Returns the render Mesh density property of the active document. For more information on render Meshes, see the Document Properties: Mesh topic in the Rhino help file.
Full Usage:
(float) The new maximum angle, which is a positive number in degrees
Sets the render Mesh maximum angle property of the active document. For more information on render Meshes, see the Document Properties: Mesh topic in the Rhino help file.
Full Usage:
Returns: float
(float) The current maximum angle.
Returns the render Mesh maximum angle property of the active document. For more information on render Meshes, see the Document Properties: Mesh topic in the Rhino help file.
Full Usage:
(float) The render Mesh maximum aspect ratio. The suggested range, when not zero, is from 1 to 100
Sets the render Mesh maximum aspect ratio property of the active document. For more information on render Meshes, see the Document Properties: Mesh topic in the Rhino help file.
Full Usage:
Returns: float
(float) The current render Mesh maximum aspect ratio.
Returns the render Mesh maximum aspect ratio property of the active document. For more information on render Meshes, see the Document Properties: Mesh topic in the Rhino help file.
Full Usage:
(float) The render Mesh maximum distance, edge to Surface
Sets the render Mesh maximum distance, edge to Surface parameter of the active document. For more information on render Meshes, see the Document Properties: Mesh topic in the Rhino help file.
Full Usage:
Returns: float
(float) The current render Mesh maximum distance, edge to Surface.
Returns the render Mesh maximum distance, edge to Surface parameter of the active document. For more information on render Meshes, see the Document Properties: Mesh topic in the Rhino help file.
Full Usage:
(float) The render Mesh maximum edge length
Sets the render Mesh maximum edge length parameter of the active document. For more information on render Meshes, see the Document Properties: Mesh topic in the Rhino help file.
Full Usage:
Returns: float
(float) The current render Mesh maximum edge length.
Returns the render Mesh maximum edge length parameter of the active document. For more information on render Meshes, see the Document Properties: Mesh topic in the Rhino help file.
Full Usage:
(float) The render Mesh minimum edge length
Sets the render Mesh minimum edge length parameter of the active document. For more information on render Meshes, see the Document Properties: Mesh topic in the Rhino help file.
Full Usage:
Returns: float
(float) The current render Mesh minimum edge length.
Returns the render Mesh minimum edge length parameter of the active document. For more information on render Meshes, see the Document Properties: Mesh topic in the Rhino help file.
Full Usage:
(int) The render Mesh minimum initial grid quads. The suggested range is from 0 to 10000
Sets the render Mesh minimum initial grid quads parameter of the active document. For more information on render Meshes, see the Document Properties: Mesh topic in the Rhino help file.
Full Usage:
Returns: int
(int) The current render Mesh minimum initial grid quads.
Returns the render Mesh minimum initial grid quads parameter of the active document. For more information on render Meshes, see the Document Properties: Mesh topic in the Rhino help file.
Full Usage:
(int) The render Mesh quality, either:
0: Jagged and faster. Objects may look jagged, but they should shade and render relatively quickly.
1: Smooth and slower. Objects should look smooth, but they may take a very long time to shade and render.
2: Custom
Sets the render Mesh quality of the active document. For more information on render Meshes, see the Document Properties: Mesh topic in the Rhino help file.
Full Usage:
Returns: int
(int) The current render Mesh quality .
0: Jagged and faster. Objects may look jagged, but they should shade and render relatively quickly.
1: Smooth and slower. Objects should look smooth, but they may take a very long time to shade and render.
2: Custom.
Returns the render Mesh quality of the active document. For more information on render Meshes, see the Document Properties: Mesh topic in the Rhino help file.
Full Usage:
(int) The render Mesh settings, which is a bit-coded number that allows or disallows certain features.
The bits can be added together in any combination to form a value between 0 and 7. The bit values are as follows:
0: No settings enabled.
1: Refine Mesh enabled.
2: Jagged seams enabled.
4: Simple Planes enabled.
8: Texture is packed, scaled and normalized; otherwise unpacked, unscaled and normalized
Sets the render Mesh settings of the active document. For more information on render Meshes, see the Document Properties: Mesh topic in the Rhino help file.
Full Usage:
Returns: int
(int) The current render Mesh settings .
0: No settings enabled.
1: Refine Mesh enabled.
2: Jagged seams enabled.
4: Simple Planes enabled.
8: Texture is packed, scaled and normalized; otherwise unpacked, unscaled and normalized.
Returns the render Mesh settings of the active document. For more information on render Meshes, see the Document Properties: Mesh topic in the Rhino help file.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.RenderResolution(width, height)
(int) width and height of render
height : int
(int) height of render
Sets the render resolution.
Full Usage:
Returns: int * int
(int * int) The current resolution width, height.
Returns the render resolution.
Full Usage:
(int) Bit-coded flags of render settings to modify.
0 = none,
1 = create shadows,
2 = use lights on layers that are off,
4 = render Curves and iso-curves,
8 = render dimensions and text
Sets render settings.
Full Usage:
Returns: int
(int) if settings are not specified, the current render settings in bit-coded flags
0 = none,
1 = create shadows,
2 = use lights on layers that are off,
4 = render Curves and iso-curves,
8 = render dimensions and text.
Returns render settings.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.ReplaceBlockObjects(blockName, newObjects, ?deleteInput)
(string) Name of an existing block definition
newObjects : Guid seq
(string) Objects for replacing existing objects, can be partially the same as current objects too
?deleteInput : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: true delete the input objects from document, so that they only exist in the block definition.
Returns: bool
(bool) True or False indicating success or failure.
Replace the objects inside an existing block definition.
Full Usage:
(int) Zero based material index
Returns: bool
(bool) True or False indicating success or failure.
Resets a material to Rhino's default material.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.RestoreNamedCPlane(cplaneName, ?view)
(string) Name of the construction Plane to restore
?view : string
(string) Optional, The title of the view. If omitted, the current
active view is used
Returns: string
(string) name of the restored named construction Plane.
Restores a named construction Plane to the specified view.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.RestoreNamedView(namedView, ?view, ?restoreBitmap)
(string) Name of the named view to restore
?view : string
(string) Optional, Title of the view to restore the named view.
If omitted, the current active view is used
?restoreBitmap : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false
Restore the named view's background bitmap
Restores a named view to the specified view.
Full Usage:
(Guid) Identifier of the Curve object
Returns: bool
(bool) True or False indicating success or failure.
Reverses the direction of a Curve object. Same as Rhino's Dir command.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.ReverseSurface(surfaceId, direction)
(Guid) Identifier of a Surface object
direction : int
(int) As a bit coded flag to swap
1 = reverse U
2 = reverse V
4 = transpose U and V (values can be combined)
Reverses U or V directions of a Surface, or swaps (transposes) U and V directions.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.RotateCamera(direction, angle, ?view)
The direction to rotate the camera where
0 = right
1 = left
2 = down
3 = up
angle : float
(float) The angle to rotate
?view : string
(string) Optional, Title of the view. If omitted, current active view is used
Rotates a perspective-projection view's camera. See the RotateCamera command in the Rhino help file for more details.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.RotateObject(objectId, centerPoint, rotationAngle, ?axis, ?copy)
(Guid) The identifier of an object to rotate
centerPoint : Point3d
(Point3d) The center of rotation
rotationAngle : float
(float) In degrees
?axis : Vector3d
(Vector3d) Optional, default value: Vector3d.ZAxis
Axis of rotation, If omitted, the Vector3d.ZAxis is used as the rotation axis
?copy : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false . Copy the object
Returns: Guid
(Guid) Identifier of the rotated object.
Rotates a single object.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.RotateObjects(objectIds, centerPoint, rotationAngle, ?axis, ?copy)
Guid seq
(Guid seq) Identifiers of objects to rotate
centerPoint : Point3d
(Point3d) The center of rotation
rotationAngle : float
(float) In degrees
?axis : Vector3d
(Vector3d) Optional, default value: Vector3d.ZAxis
Axis of rotation, If omitted, the Vector3d.ZAxis is used as the rotation axis
?copy : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false . Copy the object
Returns: Rarr<Guid>
(Guid Rarr) identifiers of the rotated objects.
Rotates multiple objects.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.RotateView(direction, angle, ?view)
(int) Optional, The direction to rotate the view where
0 = right
1 = left
2 = down
3 = up
angle : float
(float) Angle to rotate. If omitted, the angle of rotation is specified
by the "Increment in divisions of a circle" parameter specified in
Options command's View tab
?view : string
(string) Optional, Title of the view. If omitted, the current active view is used
Rotates a view. See RotateView command in Rhino help for more information.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.SaveFileName(?title, ?filter, ?folder, ?filename, ?extension)
(string) Optional, A dialog box title
?filter : string
(string) Optional, A filter string. The filter must be in the following form:
"Description1|Filter1|Description2|Filter2||", where "||" terminates filter string.
If omitted, the filter (*.*) is used
?folder : string
(string) Optional, A default folder
?filename : string
(string) Optional, A default file name
?extension : string
(string) Optional, A default file extension
Returns: string
(string) the file name is successful.
A RhinoUserInteractionException is raised if input is cancelled via Esc Key.
Display a save dialog box allowing the user to enter a file name. Note, this function does not save the file.
Full Usage:
(string) Name of a currently open tool-bar file
Returns: bool
(bool) True or False indicating success or failure.
Saves an open tool-bar collection to disk.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.SaveToolbarCollectionAs(name, file)
(string) Name of a currently open tool-bar file
file : string
(string) Full path to file name to save to
Returns: bool
(bool) True or False indicating success or failure.
Saves an open tool-bar collection to a different disk file.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.ScaleObject(objectId, origin, scale, ?copy)
(Guid) The identifier of an object
origin : Point3d
(Point3d) The origin of the scale transformation
scale : float
(float) One numbers that identify the X, Y, and Z axis scale factors to apply
?copy : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false . Copy the object
Returns: Guid
(Guid) Identifier of the scaled object.
Scales a single object. Uniform scale transformation. Scaling is based on the WorldXY Plane.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.ScaleObject(objectId, origin, scale, ?copy)
(Guid) The identifier of an object
origin : Point3d
(Point3d) The origin of the scale transformation
scale : float * float * float
(float*float*float) Three numbers that identify the X, Y, and Z axis scale factors to apply
?copy : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false .Copy the object
Returns: Guid
(Guid) Identifier of the scaled object.
Scales a single object. Can be used to perform a uniform or non-uniform scale transformation. Scaling is based on the WorldXY Plane.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.ScaleObjects(objectIds, origin, scale, ?copy)
Guid seq
(Guid seq) Identifiers of objects to scale
origin : Point3d
(Point3d) The origin of the scale transformation
scale : float
(float) One numbers that identify the X, Y, and Z axis scale factors to apply
?copy : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false
Copy the objects
Returns: Rarr<Guid>
(Guid Rarr) identifiers of the scaled objects.
Scales one or more objects. Uniform scale transformation. Scaling is based on the WorldXY Plane. |
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.ScaleObjects(objectIds, origin, scale, ?copy)
Guid seq
(Guid seq) Identifiers of objects to scale
origin : Point3d
(Point3d) The origin of the scale transformation
scale : float * float * float
(float*float*float) Three numbers that identify the X, Y, and Z axis scale factors to apply
?copy : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false . Copy the objects
Returns: Rarr<Guid>
(Guid Rarr) identifiers of the scaled objects.
Scales one or more objects. Can be used to perform a uniform or non- uniform scale transformation. Scaling is based on the WorldXY Plane.
Full Usage:
Returns: int * int
(int * int) containing two numbers identifying the width and height in pixels.
Returns current width and height, of the screen of the primary monitor.
Full Usage:
Returns: int
(int) The version of the Rhino SDK supported by the executing Rhino. Rhino SDK versions are 9 digit numbers in the form of YYYYMMDDn.
Returns version of the Rhino SDK supported by the executing Rhino.
Full Usage:
Returns: int
(int) The number of path items in Rhino's search path list.
Returns the number of path items in Rhino's search path list. See "Options Files settings" in the Rhino help file for more details.
Full Usage:
Returns: string array
(string array) list of search paths.
Returns all of the path items in Rhino's search path list. See "Options Files settings" in the Rhino help file for more details.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.SelectObject(objectId, ?forceVisible, ?ignoreErrors)
(Guid) The identifier of the object to select
?forceVisible : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false whether to make objects that a hidden or layers that are off visible and unlocked
?ignoreErrors : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false whether to ignore errors when object can be set visible
Selects a single object. Throws an exception if object can't be selected for some reason e.g. when locked , hidden, or on invisible layer .
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.SelectObjectGrip(objectId, index)
(Guid) Identifier of the object
index : int
(int) Index of the grip to select
Returns: bool
(bool) True or False indicating success or failure.
Selects a single grip owned by an object. If the object's grips are not turned on, the grips will not be selected.
Full Usage:
(Guid) Identifier of the object
Returns: int
(int) Number of grips selected.
Selects an object's grips. If the object's grips are not turned on, they will not be selected.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.SelectObjects(objectIds, ?forceVisible, ?ignoreErrors)
Guid seq
(Guid seq) Identifiers of the objects to select
?forceVisible : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false whether to make objects that a hidden or layers that are off visible and unlocked
?ignoreErrors : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false whether to ignore errors when object can be set visible
Selects one or more objects Throws an exception if object can't be selected for some reason e.g. when locked , hidden, or on invisible layer .
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.SelectedObjects(?includeLights, ?includeGrips)
(bool) Optional, default value: false
Include light objects
?includeGrips : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false
Include grip objects
Returns: Rarr<Guid>
(Guid Rarr) identifiers of selected objects.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.SendKeystrokes(keys, ?addReturn)
(string) A string of characters to send to the Commandline
?addReturn : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: true
Append a return character to the end of the string. If omitted an return character will be added (True)
Sends a string of printable characters to Rhino's Commandline.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.SetDocumentData(section, entry, value)
(string) The section name
entry : string
(string) The entry name
value : string
(string) The string value
Adds or sets a user data string to the current document.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.SetDocumentUserText(key, value, ?allowAllUnicode)
(string) Key name to set. Cannot be empty string.
value : string
(string) The string value to set. Can be empty string. To delete a key use rs.DeleteDocumentUserText
?allowAllUnicode : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false , set to true to allow all Unicode characters,
(even the ones that look like ASCII characters but are not ASCII) in the value
Sets a user text stored in the document.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.SetUserText(objectIds, key, value, ?attachToGeometry, ?allowAllUnicode)
Guid seq
(Guid seq) The object identifiers
key : string
(string) The key name to set. Cannot be an empty string.
value : string
(string) The string value to set. Can be an empty string. Use rs.DeleteUserText to delete keys
?attachToGeometry : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false Location on the object to store the user text
?allowAllUnicode : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false , set to true to allow Unicode characters,
(even the ones that look like ASCII characters but are not ASCII) in the value
Sets or removes user text stored on multiple objects. Key and value must noy contain ambiguous Unicode characters.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.SetUserText(objectId, key, value, ?attachToGeometry, ?allowAllUnicode)
(Guid) The object's identifier
key : string
(string) The key name to set. Cannot be an empty string.
value : string
(string) The string value to set. Can be an empty string. Use rs.DeleteUserText to delete keys
?attachToGeometry : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false Location on the object to store the user text
?allowAllUnicode : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false , set to true to allow all Unicode characters,
(even the ones that look like ASCII characters but are not ASCII) in the value
Sets a user text stored on an object. Key and value must noy contain ambiguous Unicode characters.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.ShearObject(objectId, origin, referencePoint, angleDegrees, ?copy)
(Guid) The identifier of an object
origin : Point3d
(Point3d) Origin point of the shear transformation
referencePoint : Point3d
(Point3d) Reference point of the shear transformation
angleDegrees : float
(float) The shear angle in degrees
?copy : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false
Copy the objects
Returns: Guid
(Guid) Identifier of the sheared object.
Perform a shear transformation on a single object.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.ShearObjects(objectIds, origin, referencePoint, angleDegrees, ?copy)
Guid seq
(Guid seq) The identifiers objects to shear
origin : Point3d
(Point3d) Origin point of the shear transformation
referencePoint : Point3d
(Point3d) Reference point of the shear transformation
angleDegrees : float
(float) The shear angle in degrees
?copy : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false
Copy the objects
Returns: Rarr<Guid>
(Guid Rarr) identifiers of the sheared objects.
Shears one or more objects.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.ShootRay(surfaceIds, startPoint, direction, ?reflections)
Guid seq
(Guid seq) One of more Surface identifiers
startPoint : Point3d
(Point3d) Starting point of the ray
direction : Vector3d
(Vector3d) Vector identifying the direction of the ray
?reflections : int
(int) Optional, default value: 10
The maximum number of times the ray will be reflected
Returns: Point3d array
(Point3d array) Array of reflection points.
Shoots a ray at a collection of Surfaces or Polysurfaces.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.ShortPath(surfaceId, startPoint, endPoint)
(Guid) Identifier of a Surface
startPoint : Point3d
(Point3d) Start point the short Curve
endPoint : Point3d
(Point3d) End point of the short Curve
Returns: Guid
(Guid) identifier of the new Surface.
Creates the shortest possible Curve(geodesic) between two points on a Surface. For more details, see the ShortPath command in Rhino help.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.ShowGrid(view, show)
(string) Title of the view. Use "" empty string for the current active view
show : bool
(bool) The grid state to set
Shows or hides a view's construction Plane grid.
Full Usage:
(string) Title of the view. Use "" empty string for the current active view
Returns: bool
(bool) The grid display state.
Get status of a view's construction Plane grid.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.ShowGridAxes(view, show)
(string) Title of the view. Use "" empty string for the current active view
show : bool
(bool) The state to set
Shows or hides a view's construction Plane grid axes.
Full Usage:
(string) Title of the view. Use "" empty string for the current active view
Returns: bool
(bool) The grid axes display state.
Get status of a view's construction Plane grid axes.
Full Usage:
(string) The name of an existing group
Returns: int
(int) The number of objects that were shown.
Shows a group of previously hidden objects. Hidden objects are not visible, cannot be snapped to, and cannot be selected.
Full Usage:
(string) full or short layer name
Expand all parent layers in UI if this layer is hidden by a collapsed parent layer.
Full Usage:
(Guid) Representing id of object to show
Shows a previously hidden object. Hidden objects are not visible, cannot be snapped to and cannot be selected.
Full Usage:
Guid seq
(Guid seq) Ids of objects to show.
Shows one or more objects. Hidden objects are not visible, cannot be snapped to and cannot be selected.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.ShowToolbar(name, toolbarGroup)
(string) Name of a currently open tool-bar file
toolbarGroup : string
(string) Name of a tool-bar group to show
Returns: bool
(bool) True or False indicating success or failure.
Shows a previously hidden tool-bar group in an open tool-bar collection.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.ShowViewTitle(view, show)
(string) Title of the view. If omitted, the current active view is used
show : bool
(bool) The state to set
Shows or hides the title window of a view.
Full Usage:
(string) Title of the view. Use "" empty string for the current active view
Returns: bool
(bool) The state to View Title visibility.
Get status of the title window of a view.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.ShowWorldAxes(view, show)
(string) Title of the view. Use "" empty string for the current active view
show : bool
(bool) The state to set
Shows or hides a view's world axis icon.
Full Usage:
(string) Title of the view. Use "" empty string for the current active view
Returns: bool
(bool) The world axes display state.
Get status of a view's world axis icon.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.ShrinkTrimmedSurface(objectId, ?createCopy)
(Guid) The Surface's identifier
?createCopy : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false
If True, the original Surface is not deleted
Returns: Guid
(Guid) If createCopy is true the new Guid, else the input Guid.
Shrinks the underlying untrimmed Surfaces near to the trimming boundaries. See the ShrinkTrimmedSrf command in the Rhino help.
Flattens an array of 3-D points into a one-dimensional list of real numbers. For example, if you had an array containing three 3-D points, this method would return a one-dimensional array containing nine real numbers.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.SimplifyCurve(curveId, ?flags)
(Guid) The object's identifier
?flags : int
(int) Optional, default value: 0
The simplification methods to use. By default, all methods are used (flags = 0)
Value Description
0 Use all methods.
1 Do not split NURBS Curves at fully multiple knots.
2 Do not replace segments with IsCurveLinear = True with line Curves.
4 Do not replace segments with IsArc = True with arc Curves.
8 Do not replace rational NURBS Curves with constant denominator with an equivalent non-rational NURBS Curve.
16 Do not adjust Curves at G1-joins.
32 Do not merge adjacent co-linear lines or co-circular arcs or combine consecutive line segments into a polyline
Returns: bool
(bool) True or False.
Replace a Curve with a geometrically equivalent polycurve. The PolyCurve will have the following properties: - All the PolyCurve segments are lines, polylines, arcs, or NURBS Curves. - The NURBS Curves segments do not have fully multiple interior knots. - Rational NURBS Curves do not have constant weights. - Any segment for which IsCurveLinear or IsArc is True: a line, Polyline segment, or an arc. - Adjacent co-linear or co-circular segments are combined. - Segments that meet with G1-continuity have there ends tuned up so that they meet with G1-continuity to within machine precision. - If the PolyCurve is a polyline, a Polyline will be created.
Full Usage:
(int) Thousands of a second
Suspends execution of a running script for the specified interval. Then refreshes Rhino UI.
Full Usage:
(bool) The new enabled status.
Enables or disables Rhino's grid snap modeling aid.
Full Usage:
Returns: bool
(bool) The current grid snap status.
Get status of Rhino's grid snap modeling aid.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.SortPointList(points, ?tolerance)
Point3d seq
(Point3d seq) The points to sort
?tolerance : float
(float) Optional, default value: RhinoMath.ZeroTolerance
Minimum distance between points. Points that fall within this tolerance
will be discarded.
Returns: Point3d array
(Point3d array) Array of sorted 3D points.
Sorts list of points so they will be connected in a "reasonable" Polyline order.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.SortPoints(points, ?ascending, ?order)
Point3d seq
(Point3d seq) Points to sort
?ascending : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: true
Ascending if omitted (True) or True, descending if False
?order : int
(int) Optional, default value: 0
The component sort order
Value Component Sort Order
0 (default) X, Y, Z
1 X, Z, Y
2 Y, X, Z
3 Y, Z, X
4 Z, X, Y
5 Z, Y, X
Returns: Point3d seq
(Point3d seq) sorted 3-D points.
Sorts the components of an array of 3D points.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.SplitBrep(brepId, cutterId, ?deleteInput)
(Guid) Identifier of the brep to split
cutterId : Guid
(Guid) Identifier of the brep to split with
?deleteInput : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false
Delete input breps
Returns: Rarr<Guid>
(Guid Rarr) identifiers of split pieces.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.SplitCurve(curveId, parameter, ?deleteInput)
(Guid) The Curve to split
parameter : float seq
(float seq) One or more parameters to split the Curve at
?deleteInput : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: true
Delete the input Curve
Returns: Rarr<Guid>
(Guid Rarr) list of new Curves.
Splits, or divides, a Curve at a specified parameter. The parameter must be in the interior of the Curve's domain.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.SpotLightHardness(objectIds, hardness)
Guid seq
(Guid seq) The light objects's identifiers
hardness : float
(float) The light's new hardness
Changes the hardness of multiple spot light. Spotlight hardness controls the fully illuminated region.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.SpotLightHardness(objectId, hardness)
(Guid) The light object's identifier
hardness : float
(float) The light's new hardness
Changes the hardness of a spot light. Spotlight hardness controls the fully illuminated region.
Full Usage:
(Guid) The light object's identifier
Returns: float
(float) The current hardness.
Returns the hardness of a spot light. Spotlight hardness controls the fully illuminated region.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.SpotLightRadius(objectIds, radius)
Guid seq
(Guid seq) The light objects's identifiers
radius : float
(float) The light's new radius
Changes the radius of multiple spot light.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.SpotLightRadius(objectId, radius)
(Guid) The light object's identifier
radius : float
(float) The light's new radius
Changes the radius of a spot light.
Full Usage:
(Guid) The light object's identifier
Returns: float
(float) The current radius.
Returns the radius of a spot light.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.SpotLightShadowIntensity(objectIds, intensity)
Guid seq
(Guid seq) The light objects's identifiers
intensity : float
(float) The light's new intensity
Changes the shadow intensity of multiple spot light.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.SpotLightShadowIntensity(objectId, intensity)
(Guid) The light object's identifier
intensity : float
(float) The light's new intensity
Changes the shadow intensity of a spot light.
Full Usage:
(Guid) The light object's identifier
Returns: float
(float) The current intensity.
Returns the shadow intensity of a spot light.
Full Usage:
(float) The distance to set the status bar
Sets Rhino's status bar distance pane.
Full Usage:
(string) The message to display
Sets Rhino's status bar message pane.
Full Usage:
(Point3d) The 3d coordinates of the status bar
Sets Rhino's status bar point coordinate pane.
Full Usage:
Hide the progress meter. |
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.StatusBarProgressMeterShow(label, lower, upper, ?embedLabel, ?showPercent)
(string) Short description of the progesss
lower : int
(int) Lower limit of the progress meter's range
upper : int
(int) Upper limit of the progress meter's range
?embedLabel : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: true
If true, the label will show inside the meter.
If false, the label will show to the left of the meter
?showPercent : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: true
Show the percent complete if True
Returns: bool
(bool) True or False indicating success or failure.
Start the Rhino status bar progress meter.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.StatusBarProgressMeterUpdate(position, ?absolute)
(int) The new position in the progress meter
?absolute : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: true
The position is set absolute (True) or relative (False) to its current position. If omitted the absolute (True) is used
Set the current position of the progress meter.
A Dictionary to store state between scripting session. Use RhinoScriptSyntax.Sticky.Clear() to reset it. Similar to scriptingcontext.sticky dictionary in Rhino Python.
Full Usage:
(string) A string that contains a delimited point like "1, 2, 3"
Returns: Point3d
(Point3d) Point structure from the input string.
convert a formatted string value into a 3D point value.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.StringBox(?message, ?defaultValValue, ?title)
(string) Optional, A prompt message
?defaultValValue : string
(string) Optional, A default string value
?title : string
(string) Optional, A dialog box title
Returns: string
(string) the newly entered string value.
A RhinoUserInteractionException is raised if input is cancelled via Esc Key.
Display a dialog box prompting the user to enter a string value.
Full Usage:
(Guid) The Surface's identifier
Returns: float
(float) of area.
Calculate the area of a Surface or Polysurface object. The results are based on the current drawing units.
Full Usage:
(Geometry.Brep) The Polysurface geometry
Returns: float
(float) of area.
Calculate the area of a Brep / Polysurface Geometry. The results are based on the current drawing units.
Full Usage:
(Geometry.Surface) The Surface geometry
Returns: float
(float) of area.
Calculate the area of a Surface Geometry. The results are based on the current drawing units.
Full Usage:
(Guid) The Surface's identifier
Returns: Rarr<float * float * float>
((float*float*float) Rarr ) of moments and error bounds in tuples(X, Y, Z) - see help topic
Index Description
[0] First Moments.
[1] The absolute (+/-) error bound for the First Moments.
[2] Second Moments.
[3] The absolute (+/-) error bound for the Second Moments.
[4] Product Moments.
[5] The absolute (+/-) error bound for the Product Moments.
[6] Area Moments of Inertia about the World Coordinate Axes.
[7] The absolute (+/-) error bound for the Area Moments of Inertia about World Coordinate Axes.
[8] Area Radii of Gyration about the World Coordinate Axes.
[9] (Not implemented yet) The absolute (+/-) error bound for the Area Radii of Gyration about World Coordinate Axes.
[10] Area Moments of Inertia about the Centroid Coordinate Axes.
[11] The absolute (+/-) error bound for the Area Moments of Inertia about the Centroid Coordinate Axes.
[12] Area Radii of Gyration about the Centroid Coordinate Axes.
[13] (Not implemented yet) The absolute (+/-) error bound for the Area Radii of Gyration about the Centroid Coordinate Axes.
Calculates area moments of inertia of a Surface or Polysurface object. See the Rhino help for "Mass Properties calculation details".
Full Usage:
(Guid) The Surface's identifier
Returns: Plane * float * float
(Plane * float * float) containing the definition of the cone
[0] the Plane of the cone. The apex of the cone is at the
Plane's origin and the axis of the cone is the Plane's z-axis
[1] the height of the cone
[2] the radius of the cone.
Returns the definition of a Surface cone.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.SurfaceCurvature(surfaceId, parameter)
(Guid) The Surface's identifier
parameter : float * float
(float * float) U, v parameter
Returns: Point3d * Vector3d * float * Vector3d * float * Vector3d * float * float
(Point3d * Vector3d * float * Vector3d * float * Vector3d * float * float) of curvature information
[0] point at specified U, V parameter
[1] normal direction
[2] maximum principal curvature
[3] maximum principal curvature direction
[4] minimum principal curvature
[5] minimum principal curvature direction
[6] gaussian curvature
[7] mean curvature.
Returns the curvature of a Surface at a U, V parameter. See Rhino help for details of Surface curvature.
Full Usage:
(Guid) The Surface's identifier
Returns: int * int
(int*int) The degree in U and V direction.
Returns the U and V degrees of a Surface.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.SurfaceDomain(surfaceId, direction)
(Guid) The Surface's identifier
direction : int
(int) Domain direction 0 = U, or 1 = V
Returns: float * float
(float * float) containing the domain interval in the specified direction.
Returns the domain of a Surface object in the specified direction.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.SurfaceEditPointParameters(surfaceId, ?returnAll)
(Guid) The Surface's identifier
?returnAll : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: true
If True, all Surface edit points are returned. If False,
the function will return Surface edit points based on whether or not the
Surface is closed or periodic
Returns: Rarr<float * float>
((float*float) Rarr) a list of U and V parameters.
Returns the parameters at edit, or Greville points of a Surface object. For each Surface control point, there is a corresponding edit point.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.SurfaceEditPoints(surfaceId, ?returnAll)
(Guid) The Surface's identifier
?returnAll : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: true
If True, all Surface edit points are returned. If False,
the function will return Surface edit points based on whether or not the
Surface is closed or periodic
Returns: Rarr<Point3d>
(Point3d Rarr) a list of 3D points.
Returns the edit, or Greville points of a Surface object. For each Surface control point, there is a corresponding edit point.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.SurfaceEvaluate(surfaceId, parameter, derivative)
(Guid) The Surface's identifier
parameter : float * float
(float * float) U, v parameter to evaluate
derivative : int
(int) Number of derivatives to evaluate
Returns: Point3d * Rarr<Vector3d>
(Point3d * Vector3d Rarr) list length (derivative + 1)*(derivative + 2)/2
Elements of tuple:
[fst] The 3-D point.
[snd] List of Vectors:
[0] The first derivative.
[1] The first derivative.
[2] The second derivative.
[3] The second derivative.
[4] The second derivative.
[5] etc...
A general purpose Surface evaluator.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.SurfaceIsocurveDensity(surfaceIds, density)
Guid seq
(Guid seq) The Surface's identifiers
density : int
(int) The isocurve wireframe density. The possible values are
-1: Hides the Surface isocurves
0: Display boundary and knot wires
1: Display boundary and knot wires and one interior wire if there are no interior knots
bigger than 1: Display boundary and knot wires and (N + 1) interior wires
Sets the isocurve density of multiple Surface or Polysurface objects. An isoparametric Curve is a Curve of constant U or V value on a Surface. Rhino uses isocurves and Surface edge Curves to visualize the shape of a NURBS Surface.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.SurfaceIsocurveDensity(surfaceId, density)
(Guid) The Surface's identifier
density : int
(int) The isocurve wireframe density. The possible values are
-1: Hides the Surface isocurves
0: Display boundary and knot wires
1: Display boundary and knot wires and one interior wire if there are no interior knots
bigger than 1: Display boundary and knot wires and (N + 1) interior wires
Sets the isocurve density of a Surface or Polysurface object. An isoparametric Curve is a Curve of constant U or V value on a Surface. Rhino uses isocurves and Surface edge Curves to visualize the shape of a NURBS Surface.
Full Usage:
(Guid) The Surface's identifier
Returns: int
(int) The current isocurve density
-1: Hides the Surface isocurves
0: Display boundary and knot wires
1: Display boundary and knot wires and one interior wire if there are no interior knots
bigger than 1: Display boundary and knot wires and (N + 1) interior wires.
Returns the isocurve density of a Surface or Polysurface object. An isoparametric Curve is a Curve of constant U or V value on a Surface. Rhino uses isocurves and Surface edge Curves to visualize the shape of a NURBS Surface.
Full Usage:
(Guid) The Surface object's identifier
Returns: int * int
(int * int) a list containing (U count, V count).
Returns the control point count of a Surface SurfaceId = the Surface's identifier.
Full Usage:
(Guid) The Surface's identifier
Returns: NurbsSurfaceKnotList * NurbsSurfaceKnotList
(NurbsSurfaceKnotList * NurbsSurfaceKnotList) knot values of the Surface.
The list will contain the following information:
Element Description
[0] Knot vectors in U direction
[1] Knot vectors in V direction.
Returns the knots, or knot vector, of a Surface object.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.SurfaceNormalizedParameter(surfaceId, parameter)
(Guid) The Surface's identifier
parameter : float * float
(float * float) The Surface parameter to convert
Returns: float * float
(float * float) normalized Surface parameter.
Converts Surface parameter to a normalized Surface parameter; one that ranges between 0.0 and 1.0 in both the U and V directions.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.SurfaceParameter(surfaceId, parameter)
(Guid) The Surface's identifier
parameter : float * float
(float * float) The normalized parameter to convert
Returns: float * float
(float * float) u and v Surface parameters.
Converts normalized Surface parameter to a Surface domain specific (regular) parameter. or a parameter within the Surface's domain.
Full Usage:
(Guid) The Surface object's identifier
Returns: int * int
(int * int) THe number of control points in UV direction. (U count, V count).
Returns the control point count of a Surface SurfaceId = the Surface's identifier.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.SurfacePoints(surfaceId, ?returnAll)
(Guid) The Surface's identifier
?returnAll : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: true
If True all Surface edit points are returned. If False,
the function will return Surface edit points based on whether or not
the Surface is closed or periodic
Returns: Rarr<Point3d>
(Point3d Rarr) The control points.
Returns the control points, or control vertices, of a Surface object.
Full Usage:
(Guid) The Surface's identifier
Returns: Plane * float * float
(Plane * float * float) containing the definition of the torus
[0] the base Plane of the torus
[1] the major radius of the torus
[2] the minor radius of the torus.
Full Usage:
(Guid) The Surface's identifier
Returns: float
(float) The volume.
Calculates volume of a closed Surface or Polysurface.
Full Usage:
(Guid) The Surface's identifier
Returns: Rarr<float * float * float>
((float*float*float) Rarr) A List of moments and error bounds in tuple(X, Y, Z) - see help topic
Index Description
[ 0] First Moments.
[ 1] The absolute (+/-) error bound for the First Moments.
[ 2] Second Moments.
[ 3] The absolute (+/-) error bound for the Second Moments.
[ 4] Product Moments.
[ 5] The absolute (+/-) error bound for the Product Moments.
[ 6] Area Moments of Inertia about the World Coordinate Axes.
[ 7] The absolute (+/-) error bound for the Area Moments of Inertia about World Coordinate Axes.
[ 8] Area Radii of Gyration about the World Coordinate Axes.
[ 9] (0,0,0) NOT WORKING , but should be: The absolute (+/-) error bound for the Area Radii of Gyration about World Coordinate Axes.
[10] Area Moments of Inertia about the Centroid Coordinate Axes.
[11] The absolute (+/-) error bound for the Area Moments of Inertia about the Centroid Coordinate Axes.
[12] Area Radii of Gyration about the Centroid Coordinate Axes.
[13] (0,0,0) NOT WORKING , but should be: The absolute (+/-) error bound for the Area Radii of Gyration about the Centroid Coordinate Axes.
Calculates volume moments of inertia of a Surface or Polysurface object. For more information, see Rhino help for "Mass Properties calculation details".
Full Usage:
(string) The name of the new default template file.
Sets Rhino's default template file. This is the file used when Rhino starts.
Full Usage:
Returns: string
(string) The current default template file.
Returns Rhino's default template file. This is the file used when Rhino starts.
Full Usage:
(string) The location of Rhino's template files. Note, the location must exist
Sets the location of Rhino's template folder.
Full Usage:
Returns: string
(string) The current template file folder.
Returns the location of Rhino's template folder.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.TextDotFont(objectIds, fontFace)
Guid seq
(Guid seq) Identifiers of multiple text dot objects
fontFace : string
(string) New font face name
Modifies the font of multiple text dots.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.TextDotFont(objectId, fontFace)
(Guid) Identifier of a text dot object
fontFace : string
(string) New font face name
Modifies the font of a text dot.
Full Usage:
(Guid) Identifier of a text dot object
Returns: string
(string) The current text dot font.
Returns the font of a text dot.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.TextDotHeight(objectIds, height)
Guid seq
(Guid seq) Identifiers of multiple text dot objects
height : int
(int) New font height
Modifies the font height of multiple text dots.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.TextDotHeight(objectId, height)
(Guid) Identifier of a text dot object
height : int
(int) New font height
Modifies the font height of a text dot.
Full Usage:
(Guid) Identifier of a text dot object
Returns: int
(int) The current text dot height.
Returns the font height of a text dot.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.TextDotText(objectIds, text)
Guid seq
(Guid seq) The identifiers of multiple text dot objects
text : string
(string) A new string for the dot
Modifies the text on multiple text dot objects.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.TextDotText(objectId, text)
(Guid) The identifier of a text dot object
text : string
(string) A new string for the dot
Modifies the text on a text dot object.
Full Usage:
(Guid) The identifier of a text dot object
Returns: string
(string) The current text dot text.
Returns the text on a text dot object.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.TextObjectFont(objectIds, font)
Guid seq
(Guid seq) The identifiers of multiple text objects
font : string
(string) The new Font Name
Modifies the font used by multiple text objects. Keeps the current state of bold and italic when possible.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.TextObjectFont(objectId, font)
(Guid) The identifier of a text object
font : string
(string) The new Font Name
Modifies the font used by a text object. Keeps the current state of bold and italic when possible.
Full Usage:
(Guid) The identifier of a text object
Returns: string
(string) The current font face name.
Returns the font used by a text object.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.TextObjectHeight(objectIds, height)
Guid seq
(Guid seq) The identifiers of multiple text objects
height : float
(float) The new text height
Modifies the height of multiple text objects.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.TextObjectHeight(objectId, height)
(Guid) The identifier of a text object
height : float
(float) The new text height
Modifies the height of a text object.
Full Usage:
(Guid) The identifier of a text object
Returns: float
(float) The current text height.
Returns the height of a text object.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.TextObjectRichText(objectIds, rtfString, ?style)
Guid seq
(Guid seq) The identifiers of multiple text objects
rtfString : string
(string) A new text RichText formatting string
?style : string
(string) Optional, default value: "" Name of dimension style
Modifies the RichText formatting string of multiple text objects.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.TextObjectRichText(objectId, rtfString, ?style)
(Guid) The identifier of a text object
rtfString : string
(string) A new text RichText formatting string
?style : string
(string) Optional, default value: "" Name of dimension style
Modifies the RichText formatting string of a text object.
Full Usage:
(Guid) The identifier of a text object
Returns: string
(string) The current RichText formatting string.
Returns the RichText formatting string of a text object.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.TextObjectStyle(objectIds, style)
Guid seq
(Guid seq) The identifiers of multiple text objects
style : int
(int) The font style. Can be any of the following flags
0 = Normal
1 = Bold
2 = Italic
3 = Bold and Italic
Modifies the font style of multiple text objects. Keeps the font face
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.TextObjectStyle(objectId, style)
(Guid) The identifier of a text object
style : int
(int) The font style. Can be any of the following flags
0 = Normal
1 = Bold
2 = Italic
3 = Bold and Italic
Modifies the font style of a text object.
Full Usage:
(Guid) The identifier of a text object
Returns: int
(int) The current font style
0 = Normal
1 = Bold
2 = Italic
3 = Bold and Italic.
Returns the font style of a text object.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.TextObjectText(objectIds, text)
Guid seq
(Guid seq) The identifiers of multiple text objects
text : string
(string) A new text string
Modifies the plain text string of multiple text objects.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.TextObjectText(objectId, text)
(Guid) The identifier of a text object
text : string
(string) A new text string
Modifies the plain text string of a text object.
Full Usage:
(Guid) The identifier of a text object
Returns: string
(string) The current string value.
Returns the plain text string of a text object.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.TextOut(message, ?title)
(string) The message
?title : string
(string) Optional, The message title
Display a text dialog box similar to the one used by the _What command.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.TiltView(direction, angle, ?view)
(int) The direction to rotate the view where
0 = right
1 = left
angle : float
(float) The angle in degrees to rotate
?view : string
(string) Optional, Title of the view. If omitted, the current active view is used
Tilts a view by rotating the camera up vector. See the TiltView command in the Rhino help file for more details.
Full Usage:
Returns: int
(int) The number of currently open tool-bar collections.
Returns number of currently open tool-bar collections.
Full Usage:
Returns: Rarr<string>
(string Rarr) The names of all currently open tool-bar collections.
Returns names of all currently open tool-bar collections.
Full Usage:
(string) Name of currently open tool-bar collection
Returns: string
(string) The full path.
Returns full path to a currently open tool-bar collection file.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.ToolbarCount(name, ?groups)
(string) Name of currently open tool-bar collection
?groups : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false
If true, return the number of tool-bar groups in the file
Returns: int
(int) number of tool-bars.
Returns the number of tool-bars or groups in a currently open tool-bar file.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.ToolbarNames(name, ?groups)
(string) Name of currently open tool-bar collection
?groups : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false
If true, return the names of tool-bar groups in the file
Returns: Rarr<string>
(string Rarr) names of all tool-bars (or tool-bar groups).
Returns the names of all tool-bars (or tool-bar groups) found in a currently open tool-bar file.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.TransformObject(objectId, matrix, ?copy)
(Guid) The identifier of the object
matrix : Transform
(Transform) The transformation matrix (4x4 array of numbers)
?copy : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false
Copy the object
Returns: Guid
(Guid) The identifier of the transformed object.
Moves, scales, or rotates an object given a 4x4 transformation matrix. The matrix acts on the left. To transform Geometry objects instead of DocObjects or Guids use their .Transform(xForm) member.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.TransformObjects(objectIds, matrix, ?copy)
Guid seq
(Guid seq) List of object identifiers
matrix : Transform
(Transform) The transformation matrix (4x4 array of numbers)
?copy : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false
Copy the objects
Returns: Rarr<Guid>
(Guid Rarr) ids identifying the newly transformed objects.
Moves, scales, or rotates a list of objects given a 4x4 transformation matrix. The matrix acts on the left. To transform Geometry objects instead of DocObjects or Guids use their .Transform(xForm) member. |
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.TrimBrep(objectId, cutter, ?tolerance)
(Guid) Surface or Polysurface identifier
cutter : Plane
(Plane) Plane performing the trim
?tolerance : float
(float) Optional, default value: State.Doc.ModelAbsoluteTolerance
Returns: Rarr<Guid>
(Guid Rarr) identifiers of retained components.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.TrimBrep(objectId, cutter, ?tolerance)
(Guid) Surface or Polysurface identifier
cutter : Guid
(Guid) Surface or Polysurface performing the trim
?tolerance : float
(float) Optional, default value: State.Doc.ModelAbsoluteTolerance
Returns: Rarr<Guid>
(Guid Rarr) identifiers of retained components.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.TrimCurve(curveId, interval, ?deleteInput)
(Guid) The Curve to trim
interval : float * float
(float * float) Two numbers identifying the interval to keep. Portions of
the Curve before domain[0] and after domain[1] will be removed. If the
input Curve is open, the interval must be increasing. If the input
Curve is closed and the interval is decreasing, then the portion of
the Curve across the start and end of the Curve is returned
?deleteInput : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: true
Delete the input Curve. If omitted the input Curve is deleted
Returns: Guid
(Guid) identifier of the new Curve.
Trims a Curve by removing portions of the Curve outside a specified interval.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.TrimSurfaceU(surfaceId, interval, ?deleteInput)
(Guid) Surface identifier
interval : float * float
(float*float) Sub section of the Surface to keep.
?deleteInput : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false
Should the input Surface be deleted
Returns: Guid
(Guid) new Surface identifier.
Remove portions of the Surface outside of the specified interval in U direction.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.TrimSurfaceUV(surfaceId, intervalU, intervalV, ?deleteInput)
(Guid) Surface identifier
intervalU : float * float
(float*float) Sub section of the Surface to keep in U direction
intervalV : float * float
(float*float) Sub section of the Surface to keep in V direction
?deleteInput : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false
Should the input Surface be deleted
Returns: Guid
(Guid) new Surface identifier.
Remove portions of the Surface outside of the specified interval ain U and V direction.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.TrimSurfaceV(surfaceId, interval, ?deleteInput)
(Guid) Surface identifier
interval : float * float
(float*float) Sub section of the Surface to keep.
?deleteInput : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false
Should the input Surface be deleted
Returns: Guid
(Guid) new Surface identifier.
Remove portions of the Surface outside of the specified interval in V direction.
Full Usage:
Guid, RhinoObject or Curve
Returns: Arc option
a Geometry.Arc Option.
Attempt to get Rhino Arc Geometry using the current Documents Absolute Tolerance. does not return circles as arcs.
Full Usage:
Guid, RhinoObject or Curve
Returns: Circle option
a Geometry.Circle Option.
Attempt to get Rhino Circle Geometry using the current Documents Absolute Tolerance.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.TryCoerceCurve(objectId, ?segmentIndex)
objectId (Guid or string) to be RhinoScriptSyntax.Coerced into a Curve
?segmentIndex : int
(int) Optional, index of segment to retrieve. To ignore segmentIndex give -1 as argument
Returns: Curve option
a Rhino.Geometry.Curve Option.
Attempt to get Curve geometry from the document with a given objectId.
Full Usage:
Guid, RhinoObject or Curve
Returns: Ellipse option
a Geometry.Ellipse Option.
Attempt to get Rhino Ellipse Geometry using the current Documents Absolute Tolerance.
Full Usage:
geometry Identifier (Guid)
Returns: GeometryBase option
a Rhino.Geometry.GeometryBase Option
Attempt to get GeometryBase class from given Guid. Fails on empty Guid.
Full Usage:
object , Guid or string
Returns: Guid option
a Guid Option.
Attempt to get a Guids from input.
Full Usage:
Line, two points or Guid
Returns: Line option
Geometry.Line. Raises a RhinoScriptingException if coerce failed.
Attempt to get Rhino Line Geometry using the current Documents Absolute Tolerance.
Full Usage:
Guid, RhinoObject or Curve
Returns: Polyline option
a Geometry.Polyline Option.
Attempt to get Rhino Polyline Geometry.
Full Usage:
object Identifier (Guid or string)
Returns: RhinoObject option
a RhinoObject Option
Attempt to get RhinoObject from the document with a given objectId.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.TryGetUserText(objectId, key, ?attachedToGeometry)
(Guid) The object's identifies
key : string
(string) The key name
?attachedToGeometry : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false
Location on the object to retrieve the user text
Returns: Option<string>
(string Option) if key is specified, Some(value) else None .
Returns user text stored on an object, returns Option.None if non existing.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.UnCollapseLayer(layerName, ?childrenToo)
(string) full or short layer name
?childrenToo : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false
'true' to expand any child layers too.
'false' to not change the child layers collapse state.(default)
Expand a layer in UI if it has children. This is the opposite of rs.CollapseLayer(..)
Full Usage:
(Guid) Identifier of a Mesh object
Returns: int
(int) The number of faces that were modified.
Fixes inconsistencies in the directions of faces of a Mesh.
Full Usage:
(float) The absolute tolerance to set
Sets the document's absolute tolerance. Absolute tolerance is measured in drawing units. See Rhino's document properties command (Units and Page Units Window) for details.
Full Usage:
Returns: float
(float) The current absolute tolerance.
Returns the document's absolute tolerance. Absolute tolerance is measured in drawing units. See Rhino's document properties command (Units and Page Units Window) for details.
Full Usage:
(float) The angle tolerance to set
Set the document's angle tolerance. Angle tolerance is measured in degrees. See Rhino's DocumentProperties command (Units and Page Units Window) for details.
Full Usage:
Returns: float
(float) The current angle tolerance.
Return the document's angle tolerance. Angle tolerance is measured in degrees. See Rhino's DocumentProperties command (Units and Page Units Window) for details.
Full Usage:
(int) The distance display precision. If the current distance display mode is Decimal, then precision is the number of decimal places.
If the current distance display mode is Fractional (including Feet and Inches), then the denominator = (1/2)^precision.
Use UnitDistanceDisplayMode to get the current distance display mode
Set the document's distance display precision.
Full Usage:
Returns: int
(int) The current distance display precision.
Return the document's distance display precision.
Full Usage:
(float) The relative tolerance in percent
Set the document's relative tolerance. Relative tolerance is measured in percent. See Rhino's DocumentProperties command (Units and Page Units Window) for details.
Full Usage:
Returns: float
(float) The current tolerance in percent.
Return the document's relative tolerance. Relative tolerance is measured in percent. See Rhino's DocumentProperties command (Units and Page Units Window) for details.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.UnitScale(toSystem, fromSystem)
(int) The unit system to convert to. The unit systems are are:
0 - No unit system
1 - Microns (1.0e-6 meters)
2 - Millimeters (1.0e-3 meters)
3 - Centimeters (1.0e-2 meters)
4 - Meters
5 - Kilometers (1.0e + 3 meters)
6 - Microinches (2.54e-8 meters, 1.0e-6 inches)
7 - Mils (2.54e-5 meters, 0.001 inches)
8 - Inches (0.0254 meters)
9 - Feet (0.3048 meters, 12 inches)
10 - Miles (1609.344 meters, 5280 feet)
11 - *Reserved for custom Unit System*
12 - Angstroms (1.0e-10 meters)
13 - Nanometers (1.0e-9 meters)
14 - Decimeters (1.0e-1 meters)
15 - Dekameters (1.0e + 1 meters)
16 - Hectometers (1.0e + 2 meters)
17 - Megameters (1.0e + 6 meters)
18 - Gigameters (1.0e + 9 meters)
19 - Yards (0.9144 meters, 36 inches)
20 - Printer point (1/72 inches, computer points)
21 - Printer pica (1/6 inches, (computer picas)
22 - Nautical mile (1852 meters)
23 - Astronomical (1.4959787e + 11)
24 - Lightyears (9.46073e + 15 meters)
25 - Parsecs (3.08567758e + 16)
fromSystem : int
(int) The unit system to convert from (see above)
Returns: float
(float) scale factor for changing between unit systems.
Return the scale factor for changing between unit systems.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.UnitSystem(unitSystem, ?scale)
(int) The unit system to set the document to. The unit systems are:
0 - No unit system
1 - Microns (1.0e-6 meters)
2 - Millimeters (1.0e-3 meters)
3 - Centimeters (1.0e-2 meters)
4 - Meters
5 - Kilometers (1.0e + 3 meters)
6 - MicroInches (2.54e-8 meters, 1.0e-6 inches)
7 - Mils (2.54e-5 meters, 0.001 inches)
8 - Inches (0.0254 meters)
9 - Feet (0.3048 meters, 12 inches)
10 - Miles (1609.344 meters, 5280 feet)
11 - *Reserved for custom Unit System*
12 - Angstroms (1.0e-10 meters)
13 - Nanometers (1.0e-9 meters)
14 - Decimeters (1.0e-1 meters)
15 - Dekameters (1.0e + 1 meters)
16 - Hectometers (1.0e + 2 meters)
17 - Megameters (1.0e + 6 meters)
18 - Gigameters (1.0e + 9 meters)
19 - Yards (0.9144 meters, 36 inches)
20 - Printer point (1/72 inches, computer points)
21 - Printer pica (1/6 inches, (computer picas)
22 - Nautical mile (1852 meters)
23 - Astronomical (1.4959787e + 11)
24 - Lightyears (9.46073e + 15 meters)
25 - Parsecs (3.08567758e + 16)
?scale : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false
Scale existing geometry based on the new unit system.
If not specified, any existing geometry is not scaled (False)
Set the document's unit system. See Rhino's DocumentProperties command (Units and Page Units Window) for details.
Full Usage:
Returns: int
(int) The current unit system
0 - No unit system
1 - Microns (1.0e-6 meters)
2 - Millimeters (1.0e-3 meters)
3 - Centimeters (1.0e-2 meters)
4 - Meters
5 - Kilometers (1.0e + 3 meters)
6 - MicroInches (2.54e-8 meters, 1.0e-6 inches)
7 - Mils (2.54e-5 meters, 0.001 inches)
8 - Inches (0.0254 meters)
9 - Feet (0.3048 meters, 12 inches)
10 - Miles (1609.344 meters, 5280 feet)
11 - *Reserved for custom Unit System*
12 - Angstroms (1.0e-10 meters)
13 - Nanometers (1.0e-9 meters)
14 - Decimeters (1.0e-1 meters)
15 - Dekameters (1.0e + 1 meters)
16 - Hectometers (1.0e + 2 meters)
17 - Megameters (1.0e + 6 meters)
18 - Gigameters (1.0e + 9 meters)
19 - Yards (0.9144 meters, 36 inches)
20 - Printer point (1/72 inches, computer points)
21 - Printer pica (1/6 inches, (computer picas)
22 - Nautical mile (1852 meters)
23 - Astronomical (1.4959787e + 11)
24 - Lightyears (9.46073e + 15 meters)
25 - Parsecs (3.08567758e + 16).
Return the document's unit system. See Rhino's DocumentProperties command (Units and Page Units Window) for details.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.UnitSystemName(?capitalize, ?singular, ?abbreviate, ?modelUnits)
(bool) Optional, default value: false
Capitalize the first character of the units system name (e.g. return "Millimeter" instead of "millimeter"). The default is not to capitalize the first character (false)
?singular : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: true
Return the singular form of the units system name (e.g. "millimeter" instead of "millimeters"). The default is to return the singular form of the name (true)
?abbreviate : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false
Abbreviate the name of the units system (e.g. return "mm" instead of "millimeter"). The default is not to abbreviate the name (false)
?modelUnits : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: true
Return the document's model units (True) or the document's page units (False). The default is True
Returns: string
(string) The name of the current units system.
Returns the name of the current unit system.
Full Usage:
(string) The name of an existing group
Returns: int
(int) The number of objects that were unlocked.
Unlocks a group of previously locked objects. Locks objects are visible, can be snapped to, but cannot be selected.
Full Usage:
(Guid) The identifier of an object
Unlocks an object. Locked objects are visible, and can be snapped to, but they cannot be selected.
Full Usage:
Guid seq
(Guid seq) The identifiers of objects
Unlocks one or more objects. Locked objects are visible, and can be snapped to, but they cannot be selected.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.UnrollSurface(surfaceId, ?explode, ?followingGeometry, ?absoluteTolerance, ?relativeTolerance)
(Guid) The Surface's identifier
?explode : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false
If True, the resulting Surfaces are not joined
?followingGeometry : Guid
(Guid seq) Optional, List of Curves, dots, and points which
should be unrolled with the Surface
?absoluteTolerance : float
(float) Optional, default value: State.Doc.ModelAbsoluteTolerance
Absolute tolerance
?relativeTolerance : float
(float) Optional, default value: State.Doc.ModelRelativeTolerance
Relative tolerance
Returns: Rarr<Guid> * Rarr<Guid>
(Guid Rarr * Guid Rarr) Two lists: List of unrolled Surface ids and list of following objects.
Flattens a develop-able Surface or Polysurface.
Full Usage:
Returns: int
(int) The number of objects that were unselected.
Unselects all objects in the document.
Full Usage:
(Guid) Id of object to unselect.
Unselects a single selected object.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.UnselectObjectGrip(objectId, index)
(Guid) Identifier of the object
index : int
(int) Index of the grip to unselect
Returns: bool
(bool) True or False indicating success or failure.
Unselects a single grip owned by an object. If the object's grips are not turned on, the grips will not be unselected.
Full Usage:
(Guid) Identifier of the object
Returns: int
(int) Number of grips unselected.
Unselects an object's grips. Note, the grips will not be turned off.
Full Usage:
Guid seq
(Guid seq) Identifiers of the objects to unselect.
Unselects multiple selected objects.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.VectorCompare(vector1, vector2)
(Vector3d) Vector1 of the two vectors to compare
vector2 : Vector3d
(Vector3d) Vector2 of the two vectors to compare
Returns: int
(int) result of comparing the vectors.
-1 if vector1 is less than vector2
0 if vector1 is equal to vector2
1 if vector1 is greater than vector2.
Compares two 3D vectors.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.VectorCrossProduct(vector1, vector2)
(Vector3d) Vector1 of the vectors to perform cross product on
vector2 : Vector3d
(Vector3d) Vector2 of the vectors to perform cross product on
Returns: Vector3d
(Vector3d) The resulting cross product direction.
Full Usage:
(Vector3d) The 3-D vector
Returns: float
(float) The length of the vector.
Returns the length of a 3D vector.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.ViewCPlane(view, plane)
(string) Title of the view. Use "" empty string for the current active view
plane : Plane
(Plane) The new construction Plane if setting
Set a view's construction Plane.
Full Usage:
(string) Title of the view. Use "" empty string for the current active view
Returns: Plane
(Plane) The current construction Plane.
Return a view's construction Plane.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.ViewCamera(view, cameraLocation)
(string) Title of the view. Use "" empty string for the current active view
cameraLocation : Point3d
(Point3d) A 3D point identifying the new camera location
Sets the camera location of the specified view.
Full Usage:
(string) Title of the view. Use "" empty string for the current active view
Returns: Point3d
(Point3d) The current camera location.
Returns the camera location of the specified view.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.ViewCameraLens(view, length)
(string) Title of the view. Use "" empty string for the current active view
length : float
(float) The new 35mm camera lens length
Sets the 35mm camera lens length of the specified perspective projection view.
Full Usage:
Returns: float
(float) The current lens length.
Returns the 35mm camera lens length of the specified perspective (string) Title of the view. Use "" empty string for the current active view projection view.
Full Usage:
(string) Optional, Title of the view. If omitted, the current active view is used
Returns: Plane
(Plane) The view's camera Plane.
Returns the orientation of a view's camera.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.ViewCameraTarget(view, camera, target)
(string) Title of the view. Use "" empty string for the current active view
camera : Point3d
(Point3d) 3d point identifying the new camera location
target : Point3d
(Point3d) 3d point identifying the new target location
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.ViewCameraUp(view, upVector)
(string) Title of the view. Use "" empty string for the current active view
upVector : Vector3d
(Vector3d) 3D vector identifying the new camera up direction
Sets the camera up direction of a specified.
Full Usage:
(string) Title of the view. Use "" empty string for the current active view
Returns: Vector3d
(Vector3d) The current camera up direction.
Returns the camera up direction of a specified.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.ViewDisplayMode(view, mode)
(string) Title of the view. Use "" empty string for the current active view
mode : string
(string) Name of a display mode
Set a view display mode.
Full Usage:
(string) Title of the view. Use "" empty string for the current active view
Returns: string
(string) The current mode.
Return a view display mode.
Full Usage:
(string) Name of the display mode
Returns: Guid
(Guid) The id of the display mode.
Return id of a display mode given it's name.
Full Usage:
(Guid) The identifier of the display mode obtained from the ViewDisplayModes method
Returns: string
(string) The name of the display mode.
Return name of a display mode given it's id.
Full Usage:
Returns: Rarr<string>
(string Rarr) strings identifying the display mode names.
Return list of display modes.
Full Usage:
(int) Optional, default value: 0 . The standard model views.
The type of view to return
0 = standard model views
1 = page layout views
2 = both standard and page layout views
Returns: Rarr<string>
(string Rarr) List of the view names.
Return the names/titles, of all views in the document.
Full Usage:
(string) Title of the view. Use "" empty string for the current active view
Returns: Point3d * Point3d * Point3d * Point3d
(Point3d * Point3d * Point3d * Point3d) Four Point3d that define the corners of the rectangle (counter-clockwise order).
Return 3d corners of a view's near clipping Plane rectangle. Useful in determining the "real world" size of a parallel-projected view.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.ViewProjection(view, mode)
(string) Title of the view. Use "" empty string for the current active view
mode : int
(int) The projection mode
1 = parallel
2 = perspective
3 = two point perspective
Set a view's projection mode.
Full Usage:
(string) Title of the view. Use "" empty string for the current active view
Returns: int
(int) The current projection mode for the specified view
1 = parallel
2 = perspective
3 = two point perspective.
Return a view's projection mode.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.ViewRadius(view, radius, mode)
(string) Title of the view. Use "" empty string for the current active view
radius : float
(float) The view radius
mode : bool
(bool) Perform a "dolly" magnification by moving the camera
towards/away from the target so that the amount of the screen
subtended by an object changes. true = perform a "zoom"
magnification by adjusting the "lens" angle
Sets the radius of a parallel-projected view. Useful when you need an absolute zoom factor for a parallel-projected view.
Full Usage:
(string) Title of the view. Use "" empty string for the current active view
Returns: float
(float) The current view radius for the specified view.
Returns the radius of a parallel-projected view. Useful when you need an absolute zoom factor for a parallel-projected view.
Full Usage:
(string) Title of the view. Use "" empty string for the current active view
Returns: int * int
(int * int ) of two numbers identifying width and height.
Returns the width and height in pixels of the specified view.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.ViewSpeedTest(?view, ?frames, ?freeze, ?direction, ?angleDegrees)
(string) Optional, The title of the view. If omitted, the current active view is used
?frames : int
(int) Optional, default value: 100
The number of frames, or times to regenerate the view. If omitted, the view will be regenerated 100 times
?freeze : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: true
If True (Default), then Rhino's display list will not be updated with every frame redraw. If False, then Rhino's display list will be updated with every frame redraw
?direction : int
(int) Optional, default value: 0
The direction to rotate the view. The default direction is Right (0). Modes:
0 = Right
1 = Left
2 = Down
3 = Up
?angleDegrees : float
(float) Optional, default value: 5
The angle to rotate. If omitted, the rotation angle of 5.0 degrees will be used
Returns: float
(float) The number of seconds it took to regenerate the view frames number of times.
Test's Rhino's display performance.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.ViewTarget(view, target)
(string) Title of the view. Use "" empty string for the current active view
target : Point3d
(Point3d) 3d point identifying the new target location
Sets the target location of the specified view.
Full Usage:
(string) Title of the view. Use "" empty string for the current active view
Returns: Point3d
(Point3d) The current target location.
Returns the target location of the specified view.
Full Usage:
(Guid) The identifier of the view
Returns: string
(string) name or title of the view.
Returns the name, or title, of a given view's identifier.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.VisibleObjectsInView(?view, ?select, ?includeLights, ?includeGrips)
(string) Optional, The view to use. If omitted, the current active view is used
?select : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false
Select the objects
?includeLights : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false
Include light objects
?includeGrips : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false
Include grip objects
Returns: Rarr<Guid>
(Guid Rarr) identifiers of the visible objects.
Return identifiers of all objects that are visible in a specified view. This function is the same as rs.VisibleObjects in Rhino Python. use rs.ShownObjects to get all objects that are not hidden or on turned-off layers. .
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.Wallpaper(view, filename)
(string) Title of the view. Use "" empty string for the current active view
filename : string
(string) Name of the bitmap file to set as wallpaper
Sets the wallpaper bitmap of the specified view. To remove a wallpaper bitmap, pass an empty string "".
Full Usage:
Returns: string
(string option) The current wallpaper bitmap filename. Or an empty string if none found.
Returns the wallpaper bitmap of the specified view. To remove a (string) Title of the view. Use "" empty string for the current active view wallpaper bitmap, pass an empty string "".
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.WallpaperGrayScale(view, grayscale)
(string) Title of the view. Use "" empty string for the current active view
grayscale : bool
(bool) Display the wallpaper in gray(True) or color (False)
Sets the gray-scale display option of the wallpaper bitmap in a specified view.
Full Usage:
(string) Title of the view. Use "" empty string for the current active view
Returns: bool
(bool) The current gray-scale display option.
Returns the gray-scale display option of the wallpaper bitmap in a specified view.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.WallpaperHidden(view, hidden)
(string) Title of the view. Use "" empty string for the current active view
hidden : bool
(bool) Show or hide the wallpaper
Sets the visibility of the wallpaper bitmap in a specified view.
Full Usage:
(string) Title of the view. Use "" empty string for the current active view
Returns: bool
(bool) The current hidden state.
Returns the visibility of the wallpaper bitmap in a specified view.
Full Usage:
Returns: IntPtr
(IntPtr) The Window's handle of Rhino's main window. IntPtr is a platform-specific type that is used to represent a pointer or a handle.
Returns the windows handle of Rhino's main window.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.WindowPick(corner1, corner2, ?view, ?select, ?inWindow)
(Point3d) Corner1 of selection window
corner2 : Point3d
(Point3d) Corner2 of selection window
?view : string
(string) Optional, View to perform the selection in
?select : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false
Select picked objects
?inWindow : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: true
If False, then a crossing window selection is performed
Returns: Rarr<Guid>
(Guid Rarr) identifiers of selected objects.
Picks objects using either a window or crossing selection.
Full Usage:
(string) The new working folder for the current Rhino session
Sets Rhino's working folder (directory). The working folder is the default folder for all file operations.
Full Usage:
Returns: string
(string) The current working folder.
Returns Rhino's working folder (directory). The working folder is the default folder for all file operations.
Returns Rhino's world XY Plane.
Returns Rhino's world YZ Plane.
Returns Rhino's world ZX Plane.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.XformChangeBasis2(x0, y0, z0, x1, y1, z1)
(Vector3d) X of initial basis
y0 : Vector3d
(Vector3d) Y of initial basis
z0 : Vector3d
(Vector3d) Z of initial basis
x1 : Vector3d
(Vector3d) X of final basis
y1 : Vector3d
(Vector3d) Y of final basis
z1 : Vector3d
(Vector3d) Z of final basis
Returns: Transform
(Transform) The 4x4 transformation matrix.
Returns a change of basis transformation matrix of None on error.
Full Usage:
(Transform) Rhino.Geometry.Transform. A 4x4 transformation matrix
Returns: float
(float) The determinant.
Returns the determinant of a transformation matrix. If the determinant of a transformation matrix is 0, the matrix is said to be singular. Singular matrices do not have inverses.
Full Usage:
(float) The diagonal value
Returns: Transform
(Transform) The 4x4 transformation matrix.
Returns a diagonal transformation matrix. Diagonal matrices are 3x3 with the bottom row [0, 0, 0, 1].
Full Usage:
Returns: Transform
(Transform) The 4x4 transformation matrix.
returns the identity transformation matrix.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.XformMirror(mirrorPlanePoint, mirrorPlaneNormal)
(Point3d) Point on the mirror Plane
mirrorPlaneNormal : Vector3d
(Vector3d) A 3D vector that is normal to the mirror Plane
Returns: Transform
(Transform) mirror Transform matrix.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.XformMultiply(xForm1, xForm2)
(Transform) Rhino.Geometry.Transform. The first 4x4 transformation matrix to multiply
xForm2 : Transform
(Transform) Rhino.Geometry.Transform. The second 4x4 transformation matrix to multiply
Returns: Transform
(Transform) result transformation.
Multiplies two transformation matrices, where result = xForm1 * xForm2.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.XformRotation2(angleDegrees, rotationAxis, centerPoint)
(float) Rotation angle in degrees
rotationAxis : Vector3d
(Vector3d) Rotation axis
centerPoint : Point3d
(Point3d) Rotation center
Returns: Transform
(Transform) The 4x4 transformation matrix.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.XformRotation3(startDirection, endDirection, centerPoint)
(Vector3d) Start direction
endDirection : Vector3d
(Vector3d) End direction
centerPoint : Point3d
(Point3d) The rotation center
Returns: Transform
(Transform) The 4x4 transformation matrix.
Calculate the minimal transformation that rotates startDirection to endDirection while fixing centerPoint.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.XformRotation4(x0, y0, z0, x1, y1, z1)
(Vector3d) X of Vector defining the initial orthonormal frame
y0 : Vector3d
(Vector3d) Y of Vector defining the initial orthonormal frame
z0 : Vector3d
(Vector3d) Z of Vector defining the initial orthonormal frame
x1 : Vector3d
(Vector3d) X of Vector defining the final orthonormal frame
y1 : Vector3d
(Vector3d) Y of Vector defining the final orthonormal frame
z1 : Vector3d
(Vector3d) Z of Vector defining the final orthonormal frame
Returns: Transform
(Transform) The 4x4 transformation matrix.
Returns a rotation transformation.
Full Usage:
(float) Scale in X , Y and Z direction
Returns: Transform
(Transform) The 4x4 transformation matrix.
Creates a scale transformation based on World Origin point.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.XformScale(scaleX, scaleY, scaleZ, point)
(float) Scale in X direction
scaleY : float
(float) Scale in Y direction
scaleZ : float
(float) Scale in Z direction
point : Point3d
(Point3d) Center of scale
Returns: Transform
(Transform) The 4x4 transformation matrix.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.XformScreenToWorld(point, ?view, ?screenCoordinates)
(Point3d) 2D point
?view : string
(string) Optional, Title of a view. If omitted, the active view is used
?screenCoordinates : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false
If False, point is in client-area coordinates. If True,
point is in screen-area coordinates
Returns: Point3d
(Point3d) The transformedPoint.
Transforms a point from either client-area coordinates of the specified view or screen coordinates to world coordinates. The resulting coordinates are represented as a 3-D point.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.XformShear(plane, x, y, z)
(Plane) Plane.Origin is the fixed point
x : Vector3d
(Vector3d) X axis scale vector
y : Vector3d
(Vector3d) Y axis scale vector
z : Vector3d
(Vector3d) Z axis scale vector
Returns: Transform
(Transform) The 4x4 transformation matrix.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.XformWorldToScreen(point, ?view, ?screenCoordinates)
(Point3d) 3D point in world coordinates
?view : string
(string) Optional, Title of a view. If omitted, the active view is used
?screenCoordinates : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false
If False, the function returns the results as
client-area coordinates. If True, the result is in screen-area coordinates
Returns: Point2d
(Point2d) 2D point.
Transforms a point from world coordinates to either client-area coordinates of the specified view or screen coordinates. The resulting coordinates are represented as a 2D point.
Full Usage:
Returns: Transform
(Transform) a zero transformation matrix.
Returns a zero transformation matrix.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.ZoomBoundingBox(boundingBox, ?view, ?all)
(Geometry.BoundingBox) a BoundingBox class instance
?view : string
(string) Optional, Title of the view. If omitted, current active view is used
?all : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false
Zoom extents in all views
Zooms to the extents of a specified bounding box in the specified view.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.ZoomExtents(?view, ?all)
(string) Optional, Title of the view. If omitted, current active view is used
?all : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false
Zoom extents in all views
Zooms to extents of visible objects in the specified view.
Full Usage:
RhinoScriptSyntax.ZoomSelected(?view, ?all)
(string) Optional, Title of the view. If omitted, active view is used
?all : bool
(bool) Optional, default value: false
Zoom extents in all views
Zoom to extents of selected objects in a view.