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RhinoSync Type

All methods in Rhino.Scripting.dll are thread safe and can be called from any thread. However concurrent writing to Rhino Object Tables might corrupt its state. This class provides a way to run all UI methods on the UI thread. It tries to use the Fesh Editor UI thread if it is running. If you are not running from the Fesh Editor, it will use RhinoApp.MainWindow.Invoke.

Static members

Static member Description


Full Usage: RhinoSync.DoSync(func)

    func : unit -> 'T

Returns: 'T

Evaluates a function on UI Thread.

func : unit -> 'T
Returns: 'T


Full Usage: RhinoSync.DoSyncRedraw(func)

    func : unit -> 'T

Returns: 'T

Evaluates a function on UI Thread. Also ensures that redraw is enabled and disabled afterwards again if it was disabled initially.

func : unit -> 'T
Returns: 'T


Full Usage: RhinoSync.DoSyncRedrawHideEditor(func)

    func : unit -> 'T

Returns: 'T

Evaluates a function on UI Thread. Also ensures that redraw is enabled and disabled afterwards again if it was disabled initially. Hides Fesh editor window if it exists. Shows it afterwards again

func : unit -> 'T
Returns: 'T


Full Usage: RhinoSync.FeshRhinoAssembly

Returns: Assembly

The Assembly currently running Fesh Editor Window. Or 'null' if not running in Fesh Editor.

Returns: Assembly


Full Usage: RhinoSync.HideEditor()

Hide the WPF Window of currently running Fesh Editor. Or do nothing if not running in Fesh Editor.


Full Usage: RhinoSync.LogErrors

Set to false to disable the logging off errors to RhinoApp.WriteLine and the error stream (eprintfn).


Full Usage: RhinoSync.ShowEditor()

Show the WPF Window of currently running Fesh Editor. Or do nothing if not running in Fesh Editor.


Full Usage: RhinoSync.SyncContext

The SynchronizationContext of the currently Running Rhino Instance, This SynchronizationContext is loaded via reflection from the Fesh.Rhino plugin

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