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Command Module

A module to Create System.Windows.Input.ICommand instances


Type Description


A command that optionally hooks into CommandManager.RequerySuggested to automatically trigger CanExecuteChanged whenever the CommandManager detects conditions that might change the output of canExecute. It's necessary to use this feature for command bindings where the CommandParameter is bound to another UI control (e.g. a ListView.SelectedItem).

Functions and values

Function or value Description

mkCmd canExcecute actionToExecute

Full Usage: mkCmd canExcecute actionToExecute

    canExcecute : obj -> bool
    actionToExecute : obj -> unit

Returns: ICommand

creates a ICommand. provide function for canExcecute and actionToExecute hooks into CommandManager.RequerySuggested to automatically trigger CanExecuteChanged whenever the CommandManager detects conditions that might change the output of canExecute.

canExcecute : obj -> bool
actionToExecute : obj -> unit
Returns: ICommand

mkCmdSimple action

Full Usage: mkCmdSimple action

    action : obj -> unit

Returns: ICommand

creates a ICommand, CanExecute is always true

action : obj -> unit
Returns: ICommand

Type something to start searching.