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Fittings Namespace

Type/Module Description


A module to Create System.Windows.Input.ICommand instances


A Discriminated Union for the result of CreateFileIfMissing


A module to provide DependencyProperties and their bindings Includes extension methods for Button, Grid, TextBox


To set up global AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException.Handler. A class to provide an Error Handler that can catch corrupted state or access violation errors from FSI threads too.


A class to save window size, layout and position, or any arbitrary string-string key-value pairs. This class is useful when app.config does not work in a hosted context. Keys may not contain the separator character, Values and keys may not contain a new line character. Comments are not allowed. Whitespace around keys and values will be trimmed off. Any errors are reported to the provided logging functions.


A class to provide an Error Handler that can catch corrupted state or access violation errors from FSI threads too.


Reads and Writes with Lock, Optionally only once after a delay in which it might be called several times using Text.Encoding.UTF8 Writes Exceptions to errorLogger because it is tricky to catch exceptions form an async thread


Threading Utils to setup and access the SynchronizationContext and evaluate any function on UI thread (Sync.doSync(f))


Provides a type called TextBlockSelectable. A Textblock with selectable text.


A module to provide a ViewModelBase class


A module to creates a WPF window on a new STA thread. Returns the window and the associated SynchronizationContext call BeginInvokeShutdown on thread when window is closed

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