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Parallel Module

Parallel operations on ResizeArray using Threading.Tasks.Parallel.For The API is aligned with from FSharp.Core.Array.Parallel module

Functions and values

Function or value Description

choose chooser resizeArray

Full Usage: choose chooser resizeArray

    chooser : 'T -> 'U option - The function to generate options from the elements.
    resizeArray : ResizeArray<'T> - The input ResizeArray.

Returns: ResizeArray<'U> The ResizeArray of results.

Apply the given function to each element of the ResizeArray. Return the ResizeArray comprised of the results "x" for each element where the function returns Some(x). Performs the operation in parallel using Parallel.For. The order in which the given function is applied to elements of the input ResizeArray is not specified.

chooser : 'T -> 'U option

The function to generate options from the elements.

resizeArray : ResizeArray<'T>

The input ResizeArray.

Returns: ResizeArray<'U>

The ResizeArray of results.

collect mapping resizeArray

Full Usage: collect mapping resizeArray

    mapping : 'T -> ResizeArray<'U> -
    resizeArray : ResizeArray<'T> - The input ResizeArray.

Returns: ResizeArray<'U> 'U[]

For each element of the ResizeArray, apply the given function. Concatenate all the results and return the combined ResizeArray. Performs the operation in parallel using Parallel.For. The order in which the given function is applied to elements of the input ResizeArray is not specified.

mapping : 'T -> ResizeArray<'U>

resizeArray : ResizeArray<'T>

The input ResizeArray.

Returns: ResizeArray<'U>


init count initializer

Full Usage: init count initializer

    count : int -
    initializer : int -> 'T -

Returns: ResizeArray<'T> The ResizeArray of results.

Create a ResizeArray given the dimension and a generator function to compute the elements. Performs the operation in parallel using Parallel.For. The order in which the given function is applied to indices is not specified.

count : int

initializer : int -> 'T

Returns: ResizeArray<'T>

The ResizeArray of results.

iter action resizeArray

Full Usage: iter action resizeArray

    action : 'T -> unit -
    resizeArray : ResizeArray<'T> - The input ResizeArray.

Apply the given function to each element of the ResizeArray. Performs the operation in parallel using Parallel.For. The order in which the given function is applied to elements of the input ResizeArray is not specified.

action : 'T -> unit

resizeArray : ResizeArray<'T>

The input ResizeArray.

iteri action resizeArray

Full Usage: iteri action resizeArray

    action : int -> 'T -> unit -
    resizeArray : ResizeArray<'T> - The input ResizeArray.

Apply the given function to each element of the ResizeArray. The integer passed to the function indicates the index of element. Performs the operation in parallel using Parallel.For. The order in which the given function is applied to elements of the input ResizeArray is not specified.

action : int -> 'T -> unit

resizeArray : ResizeArray<'T>

The input ResizeArray.

map mapping resizeArray

Full Usage: map mapping resizeArray

    mapping : 'T -> 'U -
    resizeArray : ResizeArray<'T> - The input ResizeArray.

Returns: ResizeArray<'U> The ResizeArray of results.

Build a new ResizeArray whose elements are the results of applying the given function to each of the elements of the ResizeArray. Performs the operation in parallel using Parallel.For. The order in which the given function is applied to elements of the input ResizeArray is not specified.

mapping : 'T -> 'U

resizeArray : ResizeArray<'T>

The input ResizeArray.

Returns: ResizeArray<'U>

The ResizeArray of results.

mapi mapping resizeArray

Full Usage: mapi mapping resizeArray

    mapping : int -> 'T -> 'U -
    resizeArray : ResizeArray<'T> - The input ResizeArray.

Returns: ResizeArray<'U> The ResizeArray of results.

Build a new ResizeArray whose elements are the results of applying the given function to each of the elements of the ResizeArray. The integer index passed to the function indicates the index of element being transformed. Performs the operation in parallel using Parallel.For. The order in which the given function is applied to elements of the input ResizeArray is not specified.

mapping : int -> 'T -> 'U

resizeArray : ResizeArray<'T>

The input ResizeArray.

Returns: ResizeArray<'U>

The ResizeArray of results.

partition predicate resizeArray

Full Usage: partition predicate resizeArray

    predicate : 'T -> bool - The function to test the input elements.
    resizeArray : ResizeArray<'T> - The input ResizeArray.

Returns: ResizeArray<'T> * ResizeArray<'T> The two ResizeArrays of results.

Split the collection into two collections, containing the elements for which the given predicate returns true and false respectively Performs the operation in parallel using Parallel.For. The order in which the given function is applied to indices is not specified.

predicate : 'T -> bool

The function to test the input elements.

resizeArray : ResizeArray<'T>

The input ResizeArray.

Returns: ResizeArray<'T> * ResizeArray<'T>

The two ResizeArrays of results.

Type something to start searching.