ResizeArray Module
The main module for functions on ResizeArray. A ResizeArray is a System.Collections.Generic.List<'T>. This module has all functions from the FSharp.Core.Array module implemented for ResizeArray. And more.
Nested modules
Modules | Description |
Functions and values
Function or value | Description | ||
Full Usage:
add item resizeArray
resizeArray : ResizeArray<'T>
Modifiers: inline Type parameters: 'T |
Full Usage:
allPairs resizeArray1 resizeArray2
The first input ResizeArray.
resizeArray2 : ResizeArray<'U>
The second input ResizeArray.
Returns: ResizeArray<'T * 'U>
The resulting ResizeArray of pairs of length: resizeArray1.Count * resizeArray2.Count.
Full Usage:
append resizeArray1 resizeArray2
The input ResizeArray that will be at the beginning.
resizeArray2 : ResizeArray<'T>
The input ResizeArray that will be at the end.
Returns: List<'T>
The resulting ResizeArray of length: resizeArray1.Count + resizeArray2.Count..
Modifiers: inline Type parameters: 'T |
Builds a new ResizeArray that contains the elements of the first ResizeArray followed by the elements of the second ResizeArray. When used with the pipeline operator |> the first and only argument to this function with be at the start of the resulting list. This can be counter intuitive. Use the function ResizeArray.prepend instead to append the first argument at the end of the second argument.
Full Usage:
applyIfInputAndResult inputPredicate resultPredicate transform resizeArray
ResizeArray<'T> -> bool
resultPredicate : ResizeArray<'T> -> bool
transform : ResizeArray<'T> -> ResizeArray<'T>
resizeArray : ResizeArray<'T>
Returns: ResizeArray<'T>
Modifiers: inline Type parameters: 'T |
Full Usage:
applyIfResult resultPredicate transform resizeArray
ResizeArray<'T> -> bool
transform : ResizeArray<'T> -> ResizeArray<'T>
resizeArray : ResizeArray<'T>
Returns: ResizeArray<'T>
Modifiers: inline Type parameters: 'T |
Full Usage:
asArray resizeArray
Returns: 'T[]
Modifiers: inline Type parameters: 'T |
Full Usage:
average resizeArray
The input ResizeArray.
Returns: ^T
The average of the elements in the ResizeArray.
Modifiers: inline Type parameters: ^T |
Full Usage:
averageBy projection resizeArray
'T -> ^Key
The function to transform the ResizeArray elements before averaging.
resizeArray : ResizeArray<'T>
The input ResizeArray.
Returns: ^Key
The computed average.
Modifiers: inline Type parameters: 'T, ^Key |
Full Usage:
blit source sourceIndex target targetStartIndex count
The source ResizeArray.
sourceIndex : int
The starting index of the source ResizeArray.
target : ResizeArray<'T>
The target ResizeArray.
targetStartIndex : int
The starting index of the target ResizeArray.
count : int
The number of elements to copy.
Modifiers: inline Type parameters: 'T |
Full Usage:
blitExtend source sourceIndex target targetStartIndex count
The source ResizeArray.
sourceIndex : int
The starting index of the source ResizeArray.
target : ResizeArray<'T>
The target ResizeArray.
targetStartIndex : int
The starting index of the target ResizeArray.
count : int
The number of elements to copy.
Modifiers: inline Type parameters: 'T |
Full Usage:
choose chooser resizeArray
'T -> 'U option
The function to generate options from the elements.
resizeArray : ResizeArray<'T>
The input ResizeArray.
Returns: ResizeArray<'U>
The ResizeArray of results.
Modifiers: inline Type parameters: 'T, 'U |
Full Usage:
chunkBySize chunkSize resizeArray
The maximum size of each chunk.
resizeArray : ResizeArray<'T>
The input ResizeArray.
Returns: ResizeArray<ResizeArray<'T>>
The ResizeArray divided into chunks.
Full Usage:
clone resizeArray
The input ResizeArray.
Returns: List<'T>
A copy of the input ResizeArray.
Modifiers: inline Type parameters: 'T |
Full Usage:
collect mapping resizeArray
'T -> ResizeArray<'U>
The function to create sub-ResizeArrays from the input ResizeArray elements.
resizeArray : ResizeArray<'T>
The input ResizeArray.
Returns: ResizeArray<'U>
The concatenation of the sub-ResizeArrays.
Full Usage:
compareWith comparer resizeArray1 resizeArray2
'T -> 'T -> int
A function that takes an element from each ResizeArray and returns an int.
If it evaluates to a non-zero value iteration is stopped and that value is returned.
resizeArray1 : ResizeArray<'T>
The first input ResizeArray.
resizeArray2 : ResizeArray<'T>
The second input ResizeArray.
Returns: int
Returns the first non-zero result from the comparison function. If the first ResizeArray has
a larger element, the return value is always positive. If the second ResizeArray has a larger
element, the return value is always negative. When the elements are equal in the two
ResizeArrays, 1 is returned if the first ResizeArray is longer, 0 is returned if they are equal in
length, and -1 is returned when the second ResizeArray is longer.
Modifiers: inline Type parameters: 'T |
Full Usage:
concat resizeArrays
The input sequence of ResizeArrays.
Returns: ResizeArray<'T>
The concatenation of the sequence of input ResizeArrays.
Full Usage:
contains value resizeArray
The value to locate in the input ResizeArray.
resizeArray : ResizeArray<'T>
The input ResizeArray.
Returns: bool
true if the input ResizeArray contains the specified element; false otherwise.
Modifiers: inline Type parameters: 'T |
Full Usage:
copy resizeArray
The input ResizeArray.
Returns: List<'T>
A copy of the input ResizeArray.
Modifiers: inline Type parameters: 'T |
Full Usage:
count resizeArray
Returns: int
Modifiers: inline Type parameters: 'T |
Full Usage:
countBy projection resizeArray
'T -> 'Key
A function transforming each item of the input ResizeArray into a key to be
compared against the others.
resizeArray : ResizeArray<'T>
The input ResizeArray.
Returns: ResizeArray<'Key * int>
The result ResizeArray.
Full Usage:
countIf predicate resizeArray
'T -> bool
resizeArray : ResizeArray<'T>
Returns: int
Modifiers: inline Type parameters: 'T |
Full Usage:
create count value
The length of the ResizeArray to create.
value : 'T
The value for the elements.
Returns: ResizeArray<'T>
The created ResizeArray.
Full Usage:
distinct resizeArray
The input ResizeArray.
Returns: ResizeArray<'T>
The result ResizeArray.
Full Usage:
distinctBy projection resizeArray
'T -> 'Key
A function transforming the ResizeArray items into comparable keys.
resizeArray : ResizeArray<'T>
The input ResizeArray.
Returns: ResizeArray<'T>
The result ResizeArray.
Full Usage:
duplicatesBy f resizeArray
'T -> 'U
resizeArray : ResizeArray<'T>
Returns: List<'T>
Full Usage:
Returns: ResizeArray<'T>
The empty ResizeArray.
Modifiers: inline Type parameters: 'T |
Full Usage:
equals resizeArray1 resizeArray2
resizeArray2 : ResizeArray<'T>
Returns: bool
Modifiers: inline Type parameters: 'T |
Shallow Structural equality comparison in .NET. Compares each element in both lists for equality. However nested ResizeArrays inside a ResizeArray are only compared for referential equality. (Like the default behavior of Collections.Generic.List) Raises ArgumentNullException if either list is null. When used in Fable (JavaScript) the ResizeArrays are always compared for full structural equality see Use ResizeArray.equals2 or ResizeArray.equal3 for comparing nested ResizeArrays too.
Full Usage:
equals2 resizeArrays1 resizeArrays2
resizeArrays2 : ResizeArray<ResizeArray<'T>>
Returns: bool
Structural equality comparison of ResizeArrays nested in ResizeArrays in .NET. Compares each element in each nested list for equality. So that two levels deep nested 'T are still compared for equality in .NET. Raises ArgumentNullException if either list is null. When used in Fable (JavaScript) the ResizeArrays are always compared for full structural equality see
Full Usage:
equals3 resizeArrays1 resizeArrays2
resizeArrays2 : ResizeArray<ResizeArray<ResizeArray<'T>>>
Returns: bool
Structural equality comparison of ResizeArrays nested in ResizeArrays nested in ResizeArrays in .NET. Compares each element in each twice nested list for equality. So that three levels deep nested 'T are still compared for equality. Raises ArgumentNullException if either list is null. When used in Fable (JavaScript) the ResizeArrays are always compared for full structural equality see
Full Usage:
exactlyOne resizeArray
The input ResizeArray.
Returns: 'T
The only element of the ResizeArray.
Full Usage:
except itemsToExclude resizeArray
'T seq
A sequence whose elements that also occur in the input ResizeArray will cause those elements to be
removed from the result.
resizeArray : ResizeArray<'T>
A ResizeArray whose elements that are not also in itemsToExclude will be returned.
Returns: ResizeArray<'T>
A ResizeArray that contains the distinct elements of ResizeArray that do not appear in itemsToExclude .
Full Usage:
exists predicate resizeArray
'T -> bool
The function to test the input elements.
resizeArray : ResizeArray<'T>
The input ResizeArray.
Returns: bool
true if any result from predicate is true .
Full Usage:
exists2 predicate resizeArray1 resizeArray2
'T -> 'U -> bool
The function to test the input elements.
resizeArray1 : ResizeArray<'T>
The first input ResizeArray.
resizeArray2 : ResizeArray<'U>
The second input ResizeArray.
Returns: bool
true if any result from predicate is true .
Tests if any pair of corresponding elements of the ResizeArrays satisfies the given predicate.
The predicate is applied to matching elements in the two collections up to the lesser of the
two lengths of the collections. If any application returns true then the overall result is
true and no further elements are tested. Otherwise, if one collections is longer
than the other then the
Full Usage:
failIfEmpty errorMessage arr
arr : ResizeArray<'T>
Returns: ResizeArray<'T>
Modifiers: inline Type parameters: 'T |
Full Usage:
failIfLessThan count errorMessage arr
errorMessage : string
arr : ResizeArray<'T>
Returns: ResizeArray<'T>
Full Usage:
fill target startIndex count value
The target ResizeArray.
startIndex : int
The index of the first element to set.
count : int
The number of elements to set.
value : 'T
The value to set.
Full Usage:
filter predicate resizeArray
'T -> bool
The function to test the input elements.
resizeArray : ResizeArray<'T>
The input ResizeArray.
Returns: List<'T>
A ResizeArray containing the elements for which the given predicate returns true.
Modifiers: inline Type parameters: 'T |
Full Usage:
filteri predicate resizeArray
int -> bool
The function to test the current index.
resizeArray : ResizeArray<'T>
The input ResizeArray.
Returns: ResizeArray<'T>
A ResizeArray containing the elements for which the given predicate returns true.
Modifiers: inline Type parameters: 'T |
Full Usage:
find predicate resizeArray
'T -> bool
The function to test the input elements.
resizeArray : ResizeArray<'T>
The input ResizeArray.
Returns: 'T
The first element for which predicate returns true.
Returns the first element for which the given function returns
Full Usage:
findBack predicate resizeArray
'T -> bool
The function to test the input elements.
resizeArray : ResizeArray<'T>
The input ResizeArray.
Returns: 'T
The last element for which predicate returns true.
Returns the last element for which the given function returns
Full Usage:
findIndex predicate resizeArray
'T -> bool
The function to test the input elements.
resizeArray : ResizeArray<'T>
The input ResizeArray.
Returns: int
The index of the first element in the ResizeArray that satisfies the given predicate.
Returns the index of the first element in the ResizeArray that satisfies the given predicate. Raises KeyNotFoundException if none of the elements satisfy the predicate.
Full Usage:
findIndexBack predicate resizeArray
'T -> bool
The function to test the input elements.
resizeArray : ResizeArray<'T>
The input ResizeArray.
Returns: int
The index of the last element in the ResizeArray that satisfies the given predicate.
Returns the index of the last element in the ResizeArray that satisfies the given predicate. Raise KeyNotFoundException if none of the elements satisfy the predicate.
Full Usage:
first arr
Returns: 'T
Modifiers: inline Type parameters: 'T |
Full Usage:
firstAndOnly arr
Returns: 'T
Modifiers: inline Type parameters: 'T |
Full Usage:
fold folder state resizeArray
'State -> 'T -> 'State
The function to update the state given the input elements.
state : 'State
The initial state.
resizeArray : ResizeArray<'T>
The input ResizeArray.
Returns: 'State
The final state.
Full Usage:
fold2 folder state resizeArray1 resizeArray2
'State -> 'T1 -> 'T2 -> 'State
The function to update the state given the input elements.
state : 'State
The initial state.
resizeArray1 : ResizeArray<'T1>
The first input ResizeArray.
resizeArray2 : ResizeArray<'T2>
The second input ResizeArray.
Returns: 'State
The final state.
Full Usage:
foldBack folder resizeArray state
'T -> 'State -> 'State
The function to update the state given the input elements.
resizeArray : ResizeArray<'T>
The input ResizeArray.
state : 'State
The initial state.
Returns: 'State
The state object after the folding function is applied to each element of the ResizeArray.
Full Usage:
foldBack2 folder resizeArray1 resizeArray2 state
'T1 -> 'T2 -> 'State -> 'State
The function to update the state given the input elements.
resizeArray1 : ResizeArray<'T1>
The first input ResizeArray.
resizeArray2 : ResizeArray<'T2>
The second input ResizeArray.
state : 'State
The initial state.
Returns: 'State
The final state.
Full Usage:
forall predicate resizeArray
'T -> bool
The function to test the input elements.
resizeArray : ResizeArray<'T>
The input ResizeArray.
Returns: bool
true if all of the ResizeArray elements satisfy the predicate.
Full Usage:
forall2 predicate resizeArray1 resizeArray2
'T -> 'U -> bool
The function to test the input elements.
resizeArray1 : ResizeArray<'T>
The first input ResizeArray.
resizeArray2 : ResizeArray<'U>
The second input ResizeArray.
Returns: bool
true if all of the ResizeArray elements satisfy the predicate.
Tests if all corresponding elements of the ResizeArray satisfy the given predicate pairwise.
The predicate is applied to matching elements in the two collections up to the lesser of the
two lengths of the collections. If any application returns false then the overall result is
false and no further elements are tested. Otherwise, if one collection is longer
than the other then the
Full Usage:
get arr index
The input Array.
index : int
The input index.
Returns: 'T
The value of the Array at the given index.
Modifiers: inline Type parameters: 'T |
Full Usage:
getLooped index arr
arr : ResizeArray<'T>
Returns: 'T
Modifiers: inline Type parameters: 'T |
Full Usage:
getNeg index arr
arr : ResizeArray<'T>
Returns: 'T
Modifiers: inline Type parameters: 'T |
Full Usage:
groupBy projection resizeArray
'T -> 'Key
A function that transforms an element of the ResizeArray into a comparable key. Null or Option.None is allowed as key.
resizeArray : ResizeArray<'T>
The input ResizeArray.
Returns: ResizeArray<'Key * ResizeArray<'T>>
The result ResizeArray.
Full Usage:
groupByDict projection resizeArray
'T -> 'Key
A function that transforms an element of the ResizeArray into a comparable key. As opposed to ResizeArray.groupBy the key may not be null or Option.None
resizeArray : ResizeArray<'T>
The input ResizeArray.
Returns: Dictionary<'Key, ResizeArray<'T>>
The result ResizeArray.
Full Usage:
hasItems count resizeArray
resizeArray : ResizeArray<'T>
Returns: bool
Modifiers: inline Type parameters: 'T |
Full Usage:
hasMaximumItems count resizeArray
resizeArray : ResizeArray<'T>
Returns: bool
Modifiers: inline Type parameters: 'T |
Full Usage:
hasMinimumItems count resizeArray
resizeArray : ResizeArray<'T>
Returns: bool
Modifiers: inline Type parameters: 'T |
Full Usage:
hasOne resizeArray
Returns: bool
Modifiers: inline Type parameters: 'T |
Full Usage:
head resizeArray
The input ResizeArray.
Returns: 'T
The first element of the ResizeArray.
Modifiers: inline Type parameters: 'T |
Full Usage:
iPrevThisNext resizeArray
Returns: (int * 'T * 'T * 'T) seq
Full Usage:
iThisNext resizeArray
Returns: (int * 'T * 'T) seq
Full Usage:
indexed resizeArray
The input ResizeArray.
Returns: ResizeArray<int * 'T>
The ResizeArray of indexed elements.
Full Usage:
init count initializer
The number of elements to initialize.
initializer : int -> 'T
The function to generate the initial values for each index.
Returns: ResizeArray<'T>
The created ResizeArray.
Modifiers: inline Type parameters: 'T |
Full Usage:
insertAt index value resizeArray
The index where the item should be inserted.
value : 'T
The value to insert.
resizeArray : ResizeArray<'T>
The input ResizeArray.
Returns: ResizeArray<'T>
The result ResizeArray.
Full Usage:
insertManyAt index values resizeArray
The index where the items should be inserted.
values : ICollection<'T>
The values to insert.
resizeArray : ResizeArray<'T>
The input ResizeArray.
Returns: ResizeArray<'T>
The result ResizeArray.
Full Usage:
isEmpty resizeArray
The input ResizeArray.
Returns: bool
true if the ResizeArray is empty.
Modifiers: inline Type parameters: 'T |
Full Usage:
isNotEmpty resizeArray
Returns: bool
Modifiers: inline Type parameters: 'T |
Full Usage:
isSingleton resizeArray
Returns: bool
Modifiers: inline Type parameters: 'T |
Full Usage:
item index resizeArray
The input index.
resizeArray : ResizeArray<'T>
The input ResizeArray.
Returns: 'T
The value of the ResizeArray at the given index.
Modifiers: inline Type parameters: 'T |
Full Usage:
iter action resizeArray
'T -> unit
The function to apply.
resizeArray : ResizeArray<'T>
The input ResizeArray.
Modifiers: inline Type parameters: 'T |
Full Usage:
iter2 action resizeArray1 resizeArray2
'T -> 'U -> unit
The function to apply.
resizeArray1 : ResizeArray<'T>
The first input ResizeArray.
resizeArray2 : ResizeArray<'U>
The second input ResizeArray.
Modifiers: inline Type parameters: 'T, 'U |
Full Usage:
iteri action resizeArray
int -> 'T -> unit
The function to apply to each index and element.
resizeArray : ResizeArray<'T>
The input ResizeArray.
Modifiers: inline Type parameters: 'T |
Full Usage:
iteri2 action resizeArray1 resizeArray2
int -> 'T -> 'U -> unit
The function to apply to each index and pair of elements.
resizeArray1 : ResizeArray<'T>
The first input ResizeArray.
resizeArray2 : ResizeArray<'U>
The second input ResizeArray.
Modifiers: inline Type parameters: 'T, 'U |
Full Usage:
last resizeArray
The input ResizeArray.
Returns: 'T
The last element of the ResizeArray.
Modifiers: inline Type parameters: 'T |
Full Usage:
length resizeArray
The input ResizeArray.
Returns: int
The length or count of the ResizeArray.
Modifiers: inline Type parameters: 'T |
Full Usage:
map mapping resizeArray
'T -> 'U
The function to transform elements of the ResizeArray.
resizeArray : ResizeArray<'T>
The input ResizeArray.
Returns: ResizeArray<'U>
The ResizeArray of transformed elements.
Modifiers: inline Type parameters: 'T, 'U |
Full Usage:
map2 mapping resizeArray1 resizeArray2
'T1 -> 'T2 -> 'U
The function to transform the pairs of the input elements.
resizeArray1 : ResizeArray<'T1>
The first input ResizeArray.
resizeArray2 : ResizeArray<'T2>
The second input ResizeArray.
Returns: ResizeArray<'U>
The ResizeArray of transformed elements.
Full Usage:
map3 mapping resizeArray1 resizeArray2 resizeArray3
'T1 -> 'T2 -> 'T3 -> 'U
The function to transform the pairs of the input elements.
resizeArray1 : ResizeArray<'T1>
The first input ResizeArray.
resizeArray2 : ResizeArray<'T2>
The second input ResizeArray.
resizeArray3 : ResizeArray<'T3>
The third input ResizeArray.
Returns: ResizeArray<'U>
The ResizeArray of transformed elements.
Full Usage:
mapFold mapping state resizeArray
'State -> 'T -> 'Result * 'State
The function to transform elements from the input ResizeArray and accumulate the final value.
state : 'State
The initial state.
resizeArray : ResizeArray<'T>
The input ResizeArray.
Returns: ResizeArray<'Result> * 'State
The ResizeArray of transformed elements, and the final accumulated value.
Full Usage:
mapFoldBack mapping resizeArray state
'T -> 'State -> 'Result * 'State
The function to transform elements from the input ResizeArray and accumulate the final value.
resizeArray : ResizeArray<'T>
The input ResizeArray.
state : 'State
The initial state.
Returns: ResizeArray<'Result> * 'State
The ResizeArray of transformed elements, and the final accumulated value.
Full Usage:
mapFromArray mapping arr
'T -> 'U
The function to transform elements of the ResizeArray.
arr : 'T array
The input Array.
Returns: ResizeArray<'U>
The ResizeArray of transformed elements.
Modifiers: inline Type parameters: 'T, 'U |
Full Usage:
mapFromIList mapping list
'T -> 'U
The function to transform elements of the ResizeArray.
list : IList<'T>
The input collection with IList interface.
Returns: ResizeArray<'U>
The ResizeArray of transformed elements.
Modifiers: inline Type parameters: 'T, 'U |
Full Usage:
mapFromSeq mapping sequence
'T -> 'U
The function to transform elements of the ResizeArray.
sequence : 'T seq
The input IEnumerable.
Returns: ResizeArray<'U>
The ResizeArray of transformed elements.
Modifiers: inline Type parameters: 'T, 'U |
Full Usage:
mapToArray mapping resizeArray
'T -> 'U
The function to transform elements of the ResizeArray.
resizeArray : ResizeArray<'T>
The input ResizeArray.
Returns: 'U[]
The Array of transformed elements.
Modifiers: inline Type parameters: 'T, 'U |
Full Usage:
mapi mapping resizeArray
int -> 'T -> 'U
The function to transform elements and their indices.
resizeArray : ResizeArray<'T>
The input ResizeArray.
Returns: ResizeArray<'U>
The ResizeArray of transformed elements.
Full Usage:
mapi2 mapping resizeArray1 resizeArray2
int -> 'T1 -> 'T2 -> 'U
The function to transform pairs of input elements and their indices.
resizeArray1 : ResizeArray<'T1>
The first input ResizeArray.
resizeArray2 : ResizeArray<'T2>
The second input ResizeArray.
Returns: ResizeArray<'U>
The ResizeArray of transformed elements.
Full Usage:
max resizeArray
The input ResizeArray.
Returns: 'T
The maximum element.
Modifiers: inline Type parameters: 'T |
Full Usage:
max2 resizeArray
Returns: 'a * 'a
Modifiers: inline Type parameters: 'a |
Full Usage:
max2By f resizeArray
'a -> 'b
resizeArray : ResizeArray<'a>
Returns: 'a * 'a
Modifiers: inline Type parameters: 'a, 'b |
Full Usage:
max2IndicesBy f resizeArray
'a -> 'b
resizeArray : ResizeArray<'a>
Returns: int * int
Modifiers: inline Type parameters: 'a, 'b |
Full Usage:
max3 resizeArray
Returns: 'a * 'a * 'a
Modifiers: inline Type parameters: 'a |
Full Usage:
max3By f resizeArray
'a -> 'b
resizeArray : ResizeArray<'a>
Returns: 'a * 'a * 'a
Modifiers: inline Type parameters: 'a, 'b |
Full Usage:
max3IndicesBy f resizeArray
'a -> 'b
resizeArray : ResizeArray<'a>
Returns: int * int * int
Modifiers: inline Type parameters: 'a, 'b |
Returns the indices of the three biggest elements of the ResizeArray. The first element is the index of the biggest, the second is the index of the second biggest and the third is the index of the third biggest. Elements are compared by applying the predicate function first. If they are equal after function is applied then the order is kept
Full Usage:
maxBy projection resizeArray
'T -> 'Key
The function to transform the elements into a type supporting comparison.
resizeArray : ResizeArray<'T>
The input ResizeArray.
Returns: 'T
The maximum element.
Modifiers: inline Type parameters: 'T, 'Key |
Full Usage:
maxIndexBy projection resizeArray
'T -> 'Key
The function to transform the elements into a type supporting comparison.
resizeArray : ResizeArray<'T>
The input ResizeArray.
Returns: int
The index of the maximum element.
Modifiers: inline Type parameters: 'T, 'Key |
Full Usage:
min resizeArray
The input ResizeArray.
Returns: 'T
The minimum element.
Modifiers: inline Type parameters: 'T |
Full Usage:
min2 resizeArray
Returns: 'a * 'a
Modifiers: inline Type parameters: 'a |
Full Usage:
min2By f resizeArray
'a -> 'b
resizeArray : ResizeArray<'a>
Returns: 'a * 'a
Modifiers: inline Type parameters: 'a, 'b |
Full Usage:
min2IndicesBy f resizeArray
'a -> 'b
resizeArray : ResizeArray<'a>
Returns: int * int
Modifiers: inline Type parameters: 'a, 'b |
Full Usage:
min3 resizeArray
Returns: 'a * 'a * 'a
Modifiers: inline Type parameters: 'a |
Full Usage:
min3By f resizeArray
'a -> 'b
resizeArray : ResizeArray<'a>
Returns: 'a * 'a * 'a
Modifiers: inline Type parameters: 'a, 'b |
Full Usage:
min3IndicesBy f resizeArray
'a -> 'b
resizeArray : ResizeArray<'a>
Returns: int * int * int
Modifiers: inline Type parameters: 'a, 'b |
Returns the indices of the three smallest elements of the ResizeArray. The first element is the index of the smallest, the second is the index of the second smallest and the third is the index of the third smallest. Elements are compared by applying the predicate function first. If they are equal after function is applied then the order is kept
Full Usage:
minBy projection resizeArray
'T -> 'Key
The function to transform the elements into a type supporting comparison.
resizeArray : ResizeArray<'T>
The input ResizeArray.
Returns: 'T
The minimum element.
Modifiers: inline Type parameters: 'T, 'Key |
Full Usage:
minIndexBy projection resizeArray
'T -> 'Key
The function to transform the elements into a type supporting comparison.
resizeArray : ResizeArray<'T>
The input ResizeArray.
Returns: int
The index of the smallest element.
Modifiers: inline Type parameters: 'T, 'Key |
Full Usage:
notExists predicate resizeArray
'T -> bool
The function to test the input elements.
resizeArray : ResizeArray<'T>
The input ResizeArray.
Returns: bool
false if any result from predicate is true .
Full Usage:
ofArray arr
Returns: ResizeArray<'T>
Modifiers: inline Type parameters: 'T |
Full Usage:
ofIList arr
Returns: ResizeArray<'T>
Modifiers: inline Type parameters: 'T |
Full Usage:
ofList list
'T list
The input list.
Returns: ResizeArray<'T>
The ResizeArray of elements from the list.
Full Usage:
ofSeq source
'T seq
The input sequence.
Returns: ResizeArray<'T>
The ResizeArray of elements from the sequence.
Full Usage:
pairwise resizeArray
The input ResizeArray.
Returns: ResizeArray<'T * 'T>
The result ResizeArray.
Full Usage:
partition predicate resizeArray
'T -> bool
The function to test the input elements.
resizeArray : ResizeArray<'T>
The input ResizeArray.
Returns: ResizeArray<'T> * ResizeArray<'T>
A pair of ResizeArrays. The first containing the elements the predicate evaluated to true ,
and the second containing those evaluated to false .
Full Usage:
partition3 predicate1 predicate2 resizeArray
'T -> bool
The first function to test the input elements.
predicate2 : 'T -> bool
The second function to test the input elements.
resizeArray : ResizeArray<'T>
The input ResizeArray.
Returns: ResizeArray<'T> * ResizeArray<'T> * ResizeArray<'T>
Three ResizeArrays.
Full Usage:
partition3By partitioner resizeArray
'T -> Choice<'U1, 'U2, 'U3>
The function to test the input elements.
resizeArray : ResizeArray<'T>
The input ResizeArray.
Returns: ResizeArray<'U1> * ResizeArray<'U2> * ResizeArray<'U3>
Three ResizeArrays.
Full Usage:
partition4 predicate1 predicate2 predicate3 resizeArray
'T -> bool
The first function to test the input elements.
predicate2 : 'T -> bool
The second function to test the input elements.
predicate3 : 'T -> bool
The third function to test the input elements.
resizeArray : ResizeArray<'T>
The input ResizeArray.
Returns: ResizeArray<'T> * ResizeArray<'T> * ResizeArray<'T> * ResizeArray<'T>
Four ResizeArrays.
Splits the collection into four collections,
first containing the elements for which the given predicate1 returns
Full Usage:
partition4By partitioner resizeArray
'T -> Choice<'U1, 'U2, 'U3, 'U4>
The function to test the input elements.
resizeArray : ResizeArray<'T>
The input ResizeArray.
Returns: ResizeArray<'U1> * ResizeArray<'U2> * ResizeArray<'U3> * ResizeArray<'U4>
Four ResizeArrays.
Full Usage:
partition5 predicate1 predicate2 predicate3 predicate4 resizeArray
'T -> bool
The first function to test the input elements.
predicate2 : 'T -> bool
The second function to test the input elements.
predicate3 : 'T -> bool
The third function to test the input elements.
predicate4 : 'T -> bool
The fourth function to test the input elements.
resizeArray : ResizeArray<'T>
The input ResizeArray.
Returns: ResizeArray<'T> * ResizeArray<'T> * ResizeArray<'T> * ResizeArray<'T> * ResizeArray<'T>
Five ResizeArrays.
Splits the collection into five collections,
first containing the elements for which the given predicate1 returns
Full Usage:
partition5By partitioner resizeArray
'T -> Choice<'U1, 'U2, 'U3, 'U4, 'U5>
The function to test the input elements.
resizeArray : ResizeArray<'T>
The input ResizeArray.
Returns: ResizeArray<'U1> * ResizeArray<'U2> * ResizeArray<'U3> * ResizeArray<'U4> * ResizeArray<'U5>
Five ResizeArrays.
Splits the collection into five collections, containing the elements for which the
given function returns
Full Usage:
partitionBy partitioner resizeArray
'T -> Choice<'U1, 'U2>
resizeArray : ResizeArray<'T>
Returns: ResizeArray<'U1> * ResizeArray<'U2>
Modifiers: inline Type parameters: 'T, 'U1, 'U2 |
Full Usage:
permute indexMap resizeArray
int -> int
The function that maps input indices to output indices.
resizeArray : ResizeArray<'T>
The input ResizeArray.
Returns: ResizeArray<'T>
The output ResizeArray.
Full Usage:
pick chooser resizeArray
'T -> 'U option
The function to generate options from the elements.
resizeArray : ResizeArray<'T>
The input ResizeArray.
Returns: 'U
The first result.
Applies the given function to successive elements, returning the first
result where function returns
Full Usage:
pickBack chooser resizeArray
'T -> 'U option
The function to generate options from the elements.
resizeArray : ResizeArray<'T>
The input ResizeArray.
Returns: 'U
The first result. From the end of the ResizeArray.
Starting from last element going backwards. Applies the given function to successive elements, returning the first
result where function returns
Full Usage:
prepend resizeArray2 resizeArray1
The input ResizeArray that will be at the end.
resizeArray1 : ResizeArray<'T>
The input ResizeArray that will be at the beginning.
Returns: List<'T>
The resulting ResizeArray of length: resizeArray2.Count + resizeArray1.Count..
Modifiers: inline Type parameters: 'T |
Builds a new ResizeArray that contains the elements of the second ResizeArray followed by the elements of the first ResizeArray. When used with the pipeline operator |> the first and only argument to this function with be at the end of the resulting list. Compared to ResizeArray.append this function has the order of its arguments flipped
Full Usage:
prevThis resizeArray
Returns: ('T * 'T) seq
Full Usage:
prevThisNext resizeArray
Returns: ('T * 'T * 'T) seq
Full Usage:
reduce reduction resizeArray
'T -> 'T -> 'T
The function to reduce a pair of elements to a single element.
resizeArray : ResizeArray<'T>
The input ResizeArray.
Returns: 'T
The final result of the reductions.
Full Usage:
reduceBack reduction resizeArray
'T -> 'T -> 'T
A function that takes in the next-to-last element of the list and the
current accumulated result to produce the next accumulated result.
resizeArray : ResizeArray<'T>
The input ResizeArray.
Returns: 'T
The final result of the reductions.
Full Usage:
removeAt index resizeArray
The index of the item to be removed.
resizeArray : ResizeArray<'T>
The input ResizeArray.
Returns: ResizeArray<'T>
The result ResizeArray.
Full Usage:
removeManyAt index count resizeArray
The index of the first item to be removed.
count : int
The number of items to remove.
resizeArray : ResizeArray<'T>
The input ResizeArray.
Returns: ResizeArray<'T>
The result ResizeArray.
Full Usage:
replicate count initial
The number of elements to replicate.
initial : 'T
The value to replicate
Returns: ResizeArray<'T>
The generated ResizeArray.
Full Usage:
rev resizeArray
The input ResizeArray.
Returns: ResizeArray<'T>
The reversed ResizeArray.
Full Usage:
revInPlace resizeArray
The input ResizeArray.
Full Usage:
rotate amount resizeArray
How many elements to shift forward. Or backward if number is negative
resizeArray : ResizeArray<'T>
The input ResizeArray.
Returns: ResizeArray<'T>
The new result ResizeArray.
Modifiers: inline Type parameters: 'T |
Full Usage:
rotateDownTill condition resizeArray
'T -> bool
The condition to meet.
resizeArray : ResizeArray<'T>
The input ResizeArray.
Returns: ResizeArray<'T>
The new result ResizeArray.
Modifiers: inline Type parameters: 'T |
Considers List circular and move elements down till condition is met for the first item. The algorithm takes elements from the start and put them at the end till the first element in the list meets the condition. If the first element in the input meets the condition no changes are made. But still a shallow copy is returned.
Full Usage:
rotateDownTillLast condition resizeArray
'T -> bool
The condition to meet.
resizeArray : ResizeArray<'T>
The input ResizeArray.
Returns: ResizeArray<'T>
The new result ResizeArray.
Modifiers: inline Type parameters: 'T |
Considers List circular and move elements down till condition is met for the last item. The algorithm takes elements from the start and put them at the end till the last element in the list meets the condition. If the last element in the input meets the condition no changes are made. But still a shallow copy is returned.
Full Usage:
rotateUpTill condition resizeArray
'T -> bool
The condition to meet.
resizeArray : ResizeArray<'T>
The input ResizeArray.
Returns: ResizeArray<'T>
The new result ResizeArray.
Modifiers: inline Type parameters: 'T |
Considers List circular and move elements up till condition is met for the first item. The algorithm takes elements from the end and put them at the start till the first element in the list meets the condition. If the first element in the input meets the condition no changes are made. But still a shallow copy is returned.
Full Usage:
rotateUpTillLast condition resizeArray
'T -> bool
The condition to meet.
resizeArray : ResizeArray<'T>
The input ResizeArray.
Returns: ResizeArray<'T>
The new result ResizeArray.
Modifiers: inline Type parameters: 'T |
Considers List circular and move elements up till condition is met for the last item. The algorithm takes elements from the end and put them at the start till the last element in the list meets the condition. If the last element in the input meets the condition no changes are made. But still a shallow copy is returned.
Full Usage:
scan folder stateInit resizeArray
'State -> 'T -> 'State
The function to update the state given the input elements.
stateInit : 'State
The initial state.
resizeArray : ResizeArray<'T>
The input ResizeArray.
Returns: ResizeArray<'State>
The ResizeArray of state values. This ResizeArray has the initial state and the state for all elements in the input ResizeArray,
so one more item than the input.
Full Usage:
scanBack folder resizeArray stateInit
'T -> 'State -> 'State
The function to update the state given the input elements.
resizeArray : ResizeArray<'T>
The input ResizeArray.
stateInit : 'State
The initial state.
Returns: ResizeArray<'State>
The ResizeArray of state values. Count = input count + 1
Full Usage:
second arr
Returns: 'T
Modifiers: inline Type parameters: 'T |
Full Usage:
secondLast arr
Returns: 'T
Modifiers: inline Type parameters: 'T |
Full Usage:
set arr index value
The input Array.
index : int
The input index.
value : 'T
The input value.
Modifiers: inline Type parameters: 'T |
Full Usage:
setLooped index value arr
value : 'T
arr : ResizeArray<'T>
Modifiers: inline Type parameters: 'T |
Full Usage:
setNeg index value arr
value : 'T
arr : ResizeArray<'T>
Modifiers: inline Type parameters: 'T |
Full Usage:
singleton value
The input item.
Returns: ResizeArray<'a>
The result ResizeArray of one item.
Modifiers: inline Type parameters: 'a |
Full Usage:
skip count resizeArray
The number of elements to skip.
resizeArray : ResizeArray<'T>
The input ResizeArray.
Returns: ResizeArray<'T>
A copy of the input ResizeArray, after removing the first N elements.
Full Usage:
skipWhile predicate resizeArray
'T -> bool
A function that evaluates an element of the ResizeArray to a boolean value.
resizeArray : ResizeArray<'T>
The input ResizeArray.
Returns: ResizeArray<'T>
The created sub ResizeArray.
Full Usage:
slice startIdx endIdx arr
endIdx : int
arr : ResizeArray<'T>
Returns: ResizeArray<'T>
Slice the Array given start and end index. Allows for negative indices too. ( -1 is last item, like Python) The resulting Array includes the end index. Raises an IndexOutOfRangeException if indices are out of range. If you don't want an exception to be raised for index overflow or overlap use Array.trim. (A negative index can also be done with '^' prefix. E.g. ^0 for the last item, when F# Language preview features are enabled.)
Full Usage:
sort resizeArray
The input ResizeArray.
Returns: ResizeArray<'T>
A new sorted ResizeArray.
Sorts the elements of a ResizeArray, returning a new ResizeArray. Elements are compared using This means "Z" is before "a". This is different from Collections.Generic.Sort() where "a" is before "Z" using IComparable interface. This is NOT a stable sort, i.e. the original order of equal elements is not necessarily preserved. For a stable sort, consider using Seq.Sort
Full Usage:
sortBy projection resizeArray
'T -> 'Key
The function to transform ResizeArray elements into the type that is compared.
resizeArray : ResizeArray<'T>
The input ResizeArray.
Returns: ResizeArray<'T>
The sorted ResizeArray.
Sorts the elements of a ResizeArray, using the given projection for the keys and returning a new ResizeArray. Elements are compared using This means "Z" is before "a". This is different from Collections.Generic.Sort() where "a" is before "Z" using IComparable interface. This is NOT a stable sort, i.e. the original order of equal elements is not necessarily preserved. For a stable sort, consider using Seq.sort.
Full Usage:
sortByDescending projection resizeArray
'T -> 'Key
The function to transform ResizeArray elements into the type that is compared.
resizeArray : ResizeArray<'T>
The input ResizeArray.
Returns: ResizeArray<'T>
The sorted ResizeArray.
Modifiers: inline Type parameters: 'T, 'Key |
Sorts the elements of a ResizeArray, in descending order, using the given projection for the keys and returning a new ResizeArray. Elements are compared using This means in ascending sorting "Z" is before "a". This is different from Collections.Generic.Sort() where "a" is before "Z" using IComparable interface. This is NOT a stable sort, i.e. the original order of equal elements is not necessarily preserved. For a stable sort, consider using Seq.sort.
Full Usage:
sortDescending resizeArray
The input ResizeArray.
Returns: ResizeArray<'T>
The sorted ResizeArray.
Sorts the elements of a ResizeArray, in descending order, returning a new ResizeArray. Elements are compared using This means in ascending sorting "Z" is before "a". This is different from Collections.Generic.Sort() where "a" is before "Z" using IComparable interface. This is NOT a stable sort, i.e. the original order of equal elements is not necessarily preserved. For a stable sort, consider using Seq.sort.
Full Usage:
sortInPlace resizeArray
The input ResizeArray.
Sorts the elements of a ResizeArray by mutating the ResizeArray in-place, using the given comparison function. Elements are compared using This means in ascending sorting "Z" is before "a". This is different from Collections.Generic.Sort() where "a" is before "Z" using IComparable interface. This is NOT a stable sort, i.e. the original order of equal elements is not necessarily preserved. For a stable sort, consider using Seq.sort.
Full Usage:
sortInPlaceBy projection resizeArray
'T -> 'Key
The function to transform ResizeArray elements into the type that is compared.
resizeArray : ResizeArray<'T>
The input ResizeArray.
Sorts the elements of a ResizeArray by mutating the ResizeArray in-place, using the given projection for the keys. Elements are compared using This means in ascending sorting "Z" is before "a". This is different from Collections.Generic.Sort() where "a" is before "Z" using IComparable interface. This is NOT a stable sort, i.e. the original order of equal elements is not necessarily preserved. For a stable sort, consider using Seq.sort.
Full Usage:
sortInPlaceWith comparer resizeArray
'T -> 'T -> int
The function to compare pairs of ResizeArray elements.
resizeArray : ResizeArray<'T>
The input ResizeArray.
Full Usage:
sortWith comparer resizeArray
'T -> 'T -> int
The function to compare pairs of ResizeArray elements.
resizeArray : ResizeArray<'T>
The input ResizeArray.
Returns: ResizeArray<'T>
The sorted ResizeArray.
Full Usage:
splitInto chunkCount resizeArray
The maximum number of chunks.
resizeArray : ResizeArray<'T>
The input ResizeArray.
Returns: ResizeArray<ResizeArray<'T>>
The ResizeArray split into chunks.
Full Usage:
sub startIndex count resizeArray
The index of the first element of the sub ResizeArray.
count : int
The length of the sub ResizeArray.
resizeArray : ResizeArray<'T>
The input ResizeArray.
Returns: List<'T>
The created sub ResizeArray.
Full Usage:
sum resizeArray
The input ResizeArray.
Returns: ^T
The resulting sum.
Modifiers: inline Type parameters: ^T |
Full Usage:
sumBy projection resizeArray
'T -> ^Key
The function to transform the ResizeArray elements into the type to be summed.
resizeArray : ResizeArray<'T>
The input ResizeArray.
Returns: ^Key
The resulting sum.
Modifiers: inline Type parameters: 'T, ^Key |
Full Usage:
swap i j resizeArray
j : int
resizeArray : ResizeArray<'T>
Modifiers: inline Type parameters: 'T |
Full Usage:
tail resizeArray
The input ResizeArray.
Returns: List<'T>
A new ResizeArray containing the elements of the original except the first element.
Full Usage:
take count resizeArray
The number of items to take.
resizeArray : ResizeArray<'T>
The input ResizeArray.
Returns: ResizeArray<'T>
The result ResizeArray.
Full Usage:
takeWhile predicate resizeArray
'T -> bool
A function that evaluates to false when no more items should be returned.
resizeArray : ResizeArray<'T>
The input ResizeArray.
Returns: ResizeArray<'T>
The result ResizeArray.
Full Usage:
third arr
Returns: 'T
Modifiers: inline Type parameters: 'T |
Full Usage:
thirdLast arr
Returns: 'T
Modifiers: inline Type parameters: 'T |
Full Usage:
thisNext resizeArray
Returns: ('T * 'T) seq
Full Usage:
toArray resizeArray
Returns: 'T[]
Modifiers: inline Type parameters: 'T |
Full Usage:
toList resizeArray
The input ResizeArray.
Returns: 'T list
The list of ResizeArray elements.
Full Usage:
toSeq resizeArray
The input ResizeArray.
Returns: 'T seq
The sequence of ResizeArray elements.
Full Usage:
transpose resizeArrays
The input sequence of ResizeArrays.
Returns: ResizeArray<ResizeArray<'T>>
The transposed ResizeArray.
Full Usage:
trim fromStartCount fromEndCount arr
fromEndCount : int
arr : ResizeArray<'T>
Returns: ResizeArray<'T>
Full Usage:
truncate count resizeArray
The maximum number of items to return.
resizeArray : ResizeArray<'T>
The input ResizeArray.
Returns: ResizeArray<'T>
The result ResizeArray.
Full Usage:
tryExactlyOne resizeArray
The input ResizeArray.
Returns: 'T option
The only element of the ResizeArray or None .
Full Usage:
tryFind predicate resizeArray
'T -> bool
The function to test the input elements.
resizeArray : ResizeArray<'T>
The input ResizeArray.
Returns: 'T option
The first element that satisfies the predicate, or None .
Full Usage:
tryFindBack predicate resizeArray
'T -> bool
The function to test the input elements.
resizeArray : ResizeArray<'T>
The input ResizeArray.
Returns: 'T option
The last element that satisfies the predicate, or None .
Full Usage:
tryFindIndex predicate resizeArray
'T -> bool
The function to test the input elements.
resizeArray : ResizeArray<'T>
The input ResizeArray.
Returns: int option
The index of the first element that satisfies the predicate, or None .
Full Usage:
tryFindIndexBack predicate resizeArray
'T -> bool
The function to test the input elements.
resizeArray : ResizeArray<'T>
The input ResizeArray.
Returns: int option
The index of the last element that satisfies the predicate, or None .
Full Usage:
tryHead resizeArray
The input ResizeArray.
Returns: 'T option
The first element of the ResizeArray or None .
Full Usage:
tryItem index resizeArray
The index of element to retrieve.
resizeArray : ResizeArray<'T>
The input ResizeArray.
Returns: 'T option
The nth element of the ResizeArray or None .
Full Usage:
tryLast resizeArray
The input ResizeArray.
Returns: 'T option
The last element of the ResizeArray or None .
Full Usage:
tryPick chooser resizeArray
'T -> 'a option
The function to transform the ResizeArray elements into options.
resizeArray : ResizeArray<'T>
The input ResizeArray.
Returns: 'a option
The first transformed element that is Some(x) .
Full Usage:
unfold generator state
'State -> ('T * 'State) option
A function that takes in the current state and returns an option tuple of the next
element of the ResizeArray and the next state value.
state : 'State
The initial state value.
Returns: ResizeArray<'T>
The result ResizeArray.
Full Usage:
unzip resizeArray
ResizeArray<'T * 'U>
The input ResizeArray.
Returns: ResizeArray<'T> * ResizeArray<'U>
The two ResizeArrays.
Full Usage:
unzip3 resizeArray
ResizeArray<'T * 'U * 'V>
The input ResizeArray.
Returns: ResizeArray<'T> * ResizeArray<'U> * ResizeArray<'V>
The tuple of three ResizeArrays.
Full Usage:
updateAt index value resizeArray
The index of the item to be replaced.
value : 'T
The new value.
resizeArray : ResizeArray<'T>
The input ResizeArray.
Returns: ResizeArray<'T>
The result ResizeArray.
Full Usage:
where predicate resizeArray
'T -> bool
The function to test the input elements.
resizeArray : ResizeArray<'T>
The input ResizeArray.
Returns: List<'T>
a ResizeArray containing the elements for which the given predicate returns true.
Full Usage:
windowed windowSize resizeArray
The number of elements in each window.
resizeArray : ResizeArray<'T>
The input ResizeArray.
Returns: ResizeArray<List<'T>>
The result ResizeArray.
Full Usage:
windowed2 resizeArray
Returns: ('T * 'T) seq
Full Usage:
windowed2i resizeArray
Returns: (int * 'T * 'T) seq
Full Usage:
windowed3 resizeArray
Returns: ('T * 'T * 'T) seq
Full Usage:
windowed3i resizeArray
Returns: (int * 'T * 'T * 'T) seq
Full Usage:
zip resizeArray1 resizeArray2
The first input ResizeArray.
resizeArray2 : ResizeArray<'U>
The second input ResizeArray.
Returns: ResizeArray<'T * 'U>
The ResizeArray of tupled elements.
Full Usage:
zip3 resizeArray1 resizeArray2 resizeArray3
The first input ResizeArray.
resizeArray2 : ResizeArray<'U>
The second input ResizeArray.
resizeArray3 : ResizeArray<'V>
The third input ResizeArray.
Returns: ResizeArray<'T * 'U * 'V>
The ResizeArray of tupled elements.